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研究生(外文):Qing-tian Lin
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Baseband Module for Computerized Spectrum Analyzer
指導教授(外文):Man-Long Her
外文關鍵詞:microprocessorBluetoothmixerphase locked loop
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如藍芽及802.11 等系列。以上系統都是使用ISM 頻段,使用上須遵
(IC) 及PIC18F452 微處理器結合製作而成,並將此 「基頻模組介面」當為 「電腦化頻譜分析儀」 之數據傳送介面。「基頻模組介面」是以射頻、中頻模組之控制電路設計及數據傳送介面為研究重點,其中包含半波峯值檢測電路與USB 傳送介面之設計與製作。
電路控制部分:藉由撰寫程式控制Microchip 公司生產之18F452
微處理器 (Micro Processor) 之動作,間接控制鎖相迴路 (Phase
Locked Loop, PLL) 工作、射頻、中頻模組之控制電路、A/D 取樣速度及USB 介面電路。
鎖相迴路控制電路則選用富士通 (Fujitsu) 公司生產之
MB15E03SL/07SL (03SL 用於870.3 MHz PLL 電路;07SL 用於
0.75~1.5 GHz、2119 MHz PLL 電路) 晶片為鎖相迴路之主體,晶片內含2 組除頻器及射頻單元等電路 (VCO、相位檢波器、低通濾波器、放大器),作為整個大系統之射頻系統的核心。類比對數位轉換器則選用由Analog Device 公司所生產的AD 9283 IC,本轉換器具低雜訊、8 位元並列轉換輸出之特性。訊號強度檢測電路是使用Philips公司所生產的SA626 IC,該電路的特色是不會影響到輸入訊號之振幅。
10.7 MHz 信號,將10.7 MHz 訊號經過訊號強度檢測電路,而得到電壓值大小,再將此電壓振幅再經由A/D 轉換及18F452 運算處理,最後透過USB 介面將A/D 轉換值傳至PC 電腦,電腦端使用軟體D/A
技術,將收到的A/D 數值還原成射頻信號之振幅,最後顯示在螢光
Nowadays, in the powerful and arrogant wireless communication
market, there are lots of wireless communication technologies, such as
Bluetooth, 802.11 series and so on. The above-mentioned technologies
used ISM band frequency, therefore, each user must comply the standard
with each system, which will prevent the interference of communication.
In order to know the system whether comply with the standard or not, we
can use spectrum analyzer to measure the circuit. Therefore, we would
like to design and implement a computerize spectrum analyzer by
referring the related technologies of spectrum analyzer. The advantages of
the computerize spectrum analyzer are convenient, mobility,
practicability and also can reduce the size and cost of the whole structure.
The baseband controlled module of the computerize spectrum
analyzer is mainly comprised by several integrated circuits (IC) and
microcontroller (PIC18F452). Then we can use the baseband module
interface as the data transmission interface of the computerize spectrum
analyzer. The main structure of the baseband module interface is
comprised by the controlled circuits of radio frequency (RF), intermediate
frequency (IF) and the data transmission interface. Therefore, our
research will focus on the design and implementation of the half wave
envelope detection circuit and the USB transmission interface.
As for the circuit-controlled part, we will compose the software
programming to control the 18F452 microprocessor, which is produced
by Microchip Company. Then the microprocessor will control the phase
locked loop (PLL), RF, IF, A/D sampling rate and the USB interface
We utilize the MB15E03SL/07SL as our PLL controlled circuit,
which is made by Fujitsu Company (03SL is used for 870.3 MHz PLL
circuit; 07SL is used for 0.75~1.5 GHz and 2119 MHz PLL circuit). The
main part pf the PLL circuit is the IC, which includes 2 groups of divider
and RF unit circuits (VCO, phase detector, low-pass filter and amplifier).
We utilize the AD 9283 IC as our A/D converter, which is made by
Analog Device Company. The advantages of this IC are low noise, 8-bit
parallel output and so on. We utilize the SA 626 IC as our signal strength
detection circuit, which is made by Philips Company and this circuit will
not effect the amplitude of the input signal.
As for the data transmission part, the RF signal will pass through the
mixer at the front end for down conversion. After that we can obtain the
10.7 MHz signal, then by using the envelope detection circuit, we can
obtain the amplitude value of the voltage and this amplitude will operate
with the A/D converter and 18F452. Then by using the USB interface, the
A/D converted signal will transmit to PC and the user can use the
software, which will recover the amplitude of the RF signal and finally
display at the screen of the PC.
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………... 1
1-1 研究背景與動機………..…………………………..1
1-2 研究方法…………………………………………. 2
第二章 電腦化頻譜分析儀之規格及架構…………………...4
2-1 電腦化頻譜分析儀之架構…………………………..4
2-2 電腦化頻譜分析儀之控制單元規劃………………....7
2-3 電腦化頻譜分析儀之使用者操作介面規劃………....10
第三章 溝通介面之原理及製作 …………………………….12
3-1 RS-232 串列訊號之原理…………………………...12
3-1.1 RS-232 腳位定義…………………………..… 13
3-1.2 RS-232 傳輸速度及資料格式………………….15
3-2 USB 通用串列訊號之原理…………………………17
3-2.1 USB 的需求以及解決方案…………………….17
3-2.2 USB 的架構…………………………………..20
3-2.3 USB 的實體環境與訊號傳遞環境……………..23
3-3 RS-232 訊號轉USB 訊號之原理及製作…………….27
3-3.1 RS-232 轉USB 轉換器之介紹…………………27
第四章 電路控制之原理及設計 …………………………….29
4-1 ADC 電路之原理及設計…………………………...29
4-1.1 類比對數位轉換器基礎理論簡介……………...29
4-1.2 類比對數位轉換器之簡介……………………. 34
4-2 鎖相迴路之原理及設計…………………………....39
4-2.1 鎖相迴路的原理 ……………………………...39
4-2.2 數位式相位檢測器…………………………....42
4-2.3 頻率合成器之簡介…………………………....46
4-2.4 頻率合成器之硬體規劃……………………….52
4-2.5 頻率合成器之軟體規劃……………………….53
4-2.6 頻率合成器之軟體控制流程…………………..58
4-3 微處理器之原理說明及簡介……………………….60
4-3.1 PIC 18F452 簡介……………………………...60
4-3.2 PIC 18F452 中斷模式設定與簡介 ……………..65
4-4 訊號強度檢測電路之原理及設計…………………..69
第五章 基頻模組之整合與量測結果 ………………….……71
5-1 USB 溝通介面與PC 之整合製作與量測…………....71
5-2 ADC 電路之整合製作與量測……………………....74
5-3 MCU 及週邊控制電路之整合製作與量測…………..76
5-4 訊號強度檢測電路之整合製作與量測………………..86
5-5 使用者操作介面之規劃與製作 …………………….89
5-6 基頻模組之整合測試 ……………………………....91
第六章 電腦化頻譜分析儀之整合與量測 ………………….94
6-1 模組之整合測試 …………………..……………….94
6-2 電腦化頻譜分析儀之整合測試 ……..…………….....99
第七章 結論 ………………………………………………...101
參考文獻 ………………………………..…………………...103
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