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研究生(外文):Huang-Jyu Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Authentication Protocols for Mobile VoIP Environments
指導教授(外文):Jyh-Ming Huang
外文關鍵詞:SIPVoIPMobile IPwireless securityauthentication
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隨著無線通訊與網際網路技術的成熟,以及行動運算(Mobile Computing)應用需求的日趨迫切,透過無線傳輸結合網際網路進行資料存取的各種應用已屢見不鮮。配合行動通訊協定(Mobile IP)所提供的行動機能,再加上網際網路電話(Voice over IP, VoIP)的語音通訊能力,行動式網路電話(Mobile VoIP)即是明顯的實例之一。
然而,在無線網路的應用環境之中,由於所傳送的資料極為公開,且任何人都很容易透過無線網路接收並攻擊這些資料。行動式網路電話服務雖然提供了電話用戶可以無憂無慮地漫遊在不同的網域之間維持通訊,但對通訊過程中資料安全的防護措施並不十分嚴謹。因此,本論文即針對行動通訊協定,尤其是註冊部份提出一個有效率且安全的認證機制。設計過程中一方面透過結合對稱金鑰密碼學與公開金鑰密碼學的混合式認證方法來保障通訊雙方資料傳輸的安全性外,另一方面亦考慮到行動裝置的有限運算能力,盡量在認證過程中減輕其運算負擔。我們透過所提的註冊認證協定來完成秘密議程金鑰的傳送,再進一步將其應用於以議程啟動協定(Session Initiation Protocol,SIP)為基礎的網路電話服務上,以提供行動式網路電話通訊安全的防護措施。
為了驗證我們所提協定的實用性,我們藉由數種網路蓄意攻擊的安全性分析,諸如中間者(Man-in-the-Middle)攻擊、與重播(Replay)攻擊等,來證明所提的協定確實是安全且有效的。除此之外,我們亦與其他相類似的協定進行通訊過程中計算負荷的分析比較,並實際模擬其執行運算的時間,結果均證明我們的協定對降低施於行動節點(mobile node)上的通訊計算負擔及資源耗損有著正面的貢獻。
Technological advances in Internet and wireless communication have facilitated the rapid growth of mobile computing. Many applications have been proposed for accessing data through combining wireless transmission and Internet. Mobile Voice over IP (Mobile VoIP), which integrates the mobility features and telephony, is an obvious example.
Since wireless communications are broadcast in nature, anyone within the transmission range of a wireless device can easily intercept and attack the transmitted data. Although the Mobile VoIP allows mobile users to keep going to talk with each others while roaming across different networks, it is vulnerable to information security. In this thesis, we therefore present an efficient and secure authentication protocol for Mobile VoIP services, especially on registration process. With our approach, on the one hand, we first develop a secure authentication protocol that is based on symmetric/asymmetric cryptographies for Mobile IP registration procedure. And then, we apply the session key that was derived from registration process to a SIP-based VoIP service for achieving secure voice communications. On the other hand, the limited power consumption issue of mobile node is also taken into considerations during design phase.
For verifying our contributions, we demonstrate our proposed protocol secure by conducting security analysis on the aspects of data integrity, confidentiality, and several common network attacks, such as replay and man-in-the-middle attacks. Furthermore, we also compare the overheads imposed on the mobile node with other existing protocols. The simulation results show that our protocol is superior to other existing protocols, in terms of the communication and computation overheads.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Sketch of Our Research 3
1.3 Contributions of Our Research 4
1.4 Organization of the Thesis 4
Chapter 2 Background and Previous Work 6
2.1 Mobile IP Review 6
2.1.1 Terminology 6
2.1.2 Operations of Mobile IP 7
2.2 SIP Review 9
2.3 Security Background 11
2.3.1 Fundamental Security Issues 11
2.3.2 Security Threats 12
2.3.3 Authentication Strategies 12
2.4 Mobile IP Authentication Schemes Review 18
2.4.1 Mobile IP Registration Authentication Schemes 19
2.4.2 Certificate-based Authentication Protocol 20
2.4.3 Smart Card Based Authentication Protocol 21
2.4.4 Minimal Public Key Based Authentication Protocol 21
Chapter 3 Design of Our Protocol 24
3.1 System Model 24
3.2 Authentication Protocol for Mobile IP Registration 25
3.3 Communication of Mobile VoIP 29
3.4 Differences between our protocol and Sufatrio and Lam’s approach 31
Chapter 4 Security Analysis and Performance Comparison 33
4.1 Security Analysis 33
4.2 Performance Comparison 35
Chapter 5 Concluding Remarks 38
5.1 Summary 38
5.2 Future Work 39
References 40
Acknowledgements 46
Vita 47
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