[1] CMMISM for Systems Engineering, Software Engineering, Integrated Product and Process Development, and Supplier Sourcing (CMMI-SE/SW/IPPD/SS, V1.1) [2] Barry W. Boehm (2000), “Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II”, Prentice Hall PTR. [3] Dr. Barry Boehm, Dr. Ellis Horowitz., Jongmoon Baik., “COCOMO II Model Definition Manual” [4] Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Aldo Bongio, “Web Modeling Language (WebML): a modeling language for designing Web sites” [5] Piero Fraternali, Marco Brambilla, “Model-driven design of Web applications” [6] Aldo Bongio, Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Andrea Maurino, “Modeling data entry and operations in WebML” [7] WebML URL http://www.webml.org/webml/page1.do [8] 財團法人資訊工業策進會 能力成熟度整合模式CMMI-SE/SW/IPPD/SS, V1.1 [9] Standard CMMISM Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPISM), Version 1.1 : Method Definition Document [10] Sunita Devnani-Chulani, “Incorporating Bayesian Analysis to Improve the Accuracy of COCOMO II and Its Quality Model Extension” [11] QSM Function Point Programming Languages Table URL http://www.qsm.com/FPGearing.html#MoreInfo [12] M. Matera, A. Maurino, S. Ceri and P. Fraternali, “Model-driven design of collaborative Web applications ”