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研究生(外文):Chia-Wen Chang
指導教授(外文):Ming-Yen Lin
外文關鍵詞:time constraintsequential patternssequence miningmemory indexclosed sequential pattern
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探勘序列樣式是資料探勘領域中的一個重要研究議題。序列樣式探勘可以從一個序列資料庫中找出所有頻繁的子序列樣式。在探勘的過程中,除了使用者指定的最小頻繁門檻值外,若能提供其他條件則可找出更準確的結果。大部分的條件限制能夠從一般方法找出來的序列樣式加以過濾而取出滿足條件的樣式。由於與時間相關的條件限制影響了序列樣式支持度的計算;亦即一個序列樣式必須在資料序列中滿足時間的條件,其支持度的計數才會增加。所以指定時間限制的樣式探勘必須設計有考慮時間的新演算法。本論文提出一個在記憶體中建立時間索引的演算法,稱METISP,來找出有時間限制的序列樣式。演算法考慮的時間條件可以指定最小、最大或相等的時間間隔、可滑動的時間區間與總持續的時間範圍之時間限制。METISP 將資料庫載入記憶體並建立時間的索引以進行有效率的樣式探勘。利用索引集合與樣式增長 (pattern-growth) 的策略,METISP 不需要產生任何的候選樣式或是子資料庫即可找出符合要求的樣式。這些時間的索引減少搜尋的範圍並加速了項目支持度的計算。此外,本論文也提出一個找尋具時間限制封閉樣式之新演算法,稱CTSP。CTSP藉由一個整合時間限制的雙向封閉檢查的方法來探勘指定最大、最小間隔及可滑動的時間區間的封閉序列樣式。探勘出來的封閉的樣式在呈現給使用者更精簡的結果下仍保有完整的資訊。為評估效能,METISP與CTSP在許多不同的資料庫與時間限制下與知名的GSP與DELISP演算法做比較。眾多實驗的結果顯示了即使當使用者指定了較低的門檻值或是探勘大型的的資料庫,METISP與CTSP都能有較好的執行效率。
Sequential pattern mining is one of the important issues in the research of data mining. The mining is to find out all the frequent sub-sequences in a sequence database. In order to have more accurate results, constraints in addition to the support threshold need to be specified in the mining. Most time-independent constraints can be handled, without modifying the fundamental mining algorithm, by retrieving qualified patterns from the discovered ones. Time-constraints, however, cannot be managed by retrieving patterns because the support computation of patterns must validate the time attributes for every data sequence in the mining process. Therefore, a memory time-indexing approach, called METISP, is proposed in this thesis to discover sequential patterns with time constraints including minimum gap, maximum gap, exact gaps, sliding window, and duration. METISP scans the database into memory and constructs time-index sets for effective processing. Utilizing the index sets and the pattern-growth strategy, METISP efficiently mines the desired patterns without generating any candidate or sub-database. The index sets narrow down the search space to the sets of designated in-memory data sequences, and speed up the counting to the indicated ranges of potential items. In addition, a novel algorithm, called CTSP, is also proposed for mining closed sequential patterns with time constraints. The closed patterns preserve the complete information with more compact representations. We have evaluated METISP algorithm and CTSP algorithm with the well-known GSP algorithm and the DELISP algorithm for various datasets and constraints. The comprehensive experiments show that METISP and CTSP both have better efficiency, even with low support thresholds and very large databases.
Table of Contents......................................iv
List of Figures........................................vi
List of Tables.........................................viii
Chapter 1 Introduction.................................1
1.1 Background.........................................1
1.2 Research Motivation................................4
1.3 Research Objectives................................6
1.4 Organization of this Thesis........................7
Chapter 2 Related Work.................................8
2.1 GSP Algorithm......................................9
2.2 SPADE and cSPADE Algorithms........................10
2.3 PrefixSpan and prefix-growth Algorithms............13
2.4 DELISP Algorithm...................................15
2.5 CloSpan Algorithm..................................16
2.6 BIDE Algorithm .....................................16
2.7 Par-CSP Algorithm..................................17
Chapter 3 METISP: MEmory Time-Indexing Sequential Pattern mining...18
3.1 Problem Statement..................................18
3.2 Terminology Used in the Proposed Algorithm.........20
3.3 METISP Algorithm: A Detailed Description...........23
3.4 An Illustrating Example of Mining Patterns Using METISP...26
3.5 Dealing with Extra-large Databases.................28
3.6 Difference between METISP Algorithm and prefix-growth Algorithm ....30
3.7 Experimental Evaluations...........................31
3.8 Performance Results................................32
3.9 Summary............................................40
Chapter 4 CTSP: Closed Time-constrained Sequential Pattern mining...41
4.1 Problem Statement..................................41
4.2 Terminology Used in CTSP...........................44
4.3 CTSP Algorithm: A Detailed Description.............47
4.4 An Illustrating Example of Mining Patterns Using CTSP.....50
4.5 Using CTSP for Mining Large Databases..............53
4.6 Experimental Evaluations...........................53
4.7 Performance Results................................54
4.8 Summary............................................59
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work..................60
5.1 Contributions......................................60
5.2 Future Work........................................61
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