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研究生(外文):Jing-chiuan Kuo
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Cogging Torque Reduction of Brushless Permanent Magnet Motors
指導教授(外文):Chang-Chou Hwang
外文關鍵詞:Permanent magnet brushless dc motorCogging torqueFinite-element analysis.
  • 被引用被引用:33
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Cogging torque results from the interaction between the permanent magnets mounted on the rotor and the stator anisotropic, due to the slotting , It is undesirable and may cause speed ripple and vibration.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the methods for reducing the cogging torque in permanent magnet brushless motors, presented in the literatures. Examples such as, varying the magnet arc, varying the magnetization of magnets, notches in the stator teeth, varying the radial shoe depth, pole and slot combination.
Results and comparison are conducted using the finite element analysis software Flux2D.
摘 要………………………………………………………………….........i
誌 謝…………………………………………………………………........iii
目 錄………………………………………………………………......…..iv
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