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研究生(外文):Chun-wen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Applications of Current Transformer Jiles-Atherton Modeling for Differential Protection Studies
指導教授(外文):Yieng-Chiamg WuSy-Ruen Huang
外文關鍵詞:Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP)Jiles-Atherton(J-A) ModelDifferentially Protecting RelayCurrent Transformer (CT)Transient Analysis
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This thesis simulation procedure of use the electromagnetic transient program (EMTP) analyze differential protect in bus structure of model. The direct current (DC) offset component of current will be produced when the fault occurs in power system. This Dc offset of current is flowing into a protective current transformer (CT), it will cause the core of CT to saturate and produce a distorted secondary current because of too large Dc offset component, and core hysteresis results in a residual flux that also affects the CT transient behavior. It produces the factor which miss movements that all these may cause and protect the electric post differentially, and while protecting the electric post differentially and missing movements, will lead to the fact the steady problem of degree of the system happens, cause the serious perturbation. When more difficult to measure CT excitation current or magnetic field, when CT saturates. Utilize Jiles-Atherton (J-A) function model, it is magnetism not unshakable in one''s determination characteristic and outside circuit if coming, analyze intact simulation combining. use EMTP of the Correct simulation is analyzed Probe the main factor of mistake movements differentially protecting relay.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
縮寫及符號對照表 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 本研究的貢獻 4
1.4 章節概述 5
第二章 鐵磁性材料的J-A模型 6
2.1 鐵磁性材料 6
2.1.1 磁通密度與磁場強度 6
2.1.2 磁通密度與磁化強度的關係 8
2.1.3 磁化與磁滯曲線的關係 9
2.2 Jiles-Atherton模型 10
2.2.1 可逆磁化與不可逆磁化 11
2.2.2 Jiles-Atherton模型的磁滯方程式 13
第三章 CT與差動保護電驛的特性和分析 17
3.1 CT的構造與特性分析 17
3.1.1 比流器簡介 17
3.1.2 比流器的磁通量變化 22
3.1.3 比流器的數學模型 24
3.2 差動保護電驛的特性分析 27
3.2.1 差動保護電驛的特性原理 27
3.2.2 差動保護電驛的設定 30
第四章 EMTP 比流器J-A模型之建立 33
4.1 利用TACS程式建立Jiles-Atherton模型 33
4.1.1 Jiles-Atherton模型的建立 33
4.1.2 Jiles-Atherton模型的參數值與模擬 37
4.2 建立Jiles-Atherton模型應用於比流器上 38
4.2.1 比流器Jiles-Atherton模型建立 38
4.2.2 比流器Jiles-Atherton模型之模擬 41
4.3 三相差動保護系統模型之建立及模擬 43
4.3.1 三相差動保護系統模型的建立 43
4.3.2 三相差動保護系統模型之模擬 48
4.4 模擬結果分析 48
4.4.1 外部故障模擬分析 48
4.4.2 相角偏移模擬分析 53
4.4.3 二次側負擔大小模擬分析 56
4.4.4 電感性負擔模擬分析 59
4.5 比流器Jiles-Atherton模型與Type 96非線性磁滯
電抗元件模型之比較 62
4.5.1 Type 96非線性磁滯電抗元件模型之建立 62
4.5.2 Jiles-Atherton模型與Type 96非線性磁滯電抗
元件模型之比較 66
第五章 結論 70
參考文獻 73
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