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研究生(外文):Hung-Ta Lu
論文名稱(外文):An Integrated Design of Financial Business Processes
指導教授(外文):Chua-Huang Huang
外文關鍵詞:transaction processweb servicebusiness process execution languagesoftware methodologyservice oriented architecture
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一個商業系統應該迅速地提供適切的服務以滿足客戶的需求,用以整合企業內部的資源來增加交易流程開發的彈性變得非常重要。服務導向架構 (SOA) 的概念提供了異質性分散式系統間溝通的方法,並為既有系統的整合指出了新的方向。商業流程執行語言 (BPEL) 可以實現以 SOA 為基礎的商業流程管理。目前一般商業機構的資訊系統在系統整合的技術上多採用企業應用整合架構。然而,企業應用整合架構在使用上仍有諸多的限制並且缺乏彈性,系統的建置成本也較昂貴。本研究之目的是運用 SOA 及 BPEL 的技術來簡化金融交易流程的設計,特別是在金融商業流程方面。我們提出一個可行的方法來描述金融交易流程的運作,並以 SOA 及 BPEL 為基礎實作一個能夠整合金融機構內部異質性平台交易流程的系統。這個系統在設計與執行交易流程方面比 EAI 架構更有效益及彈性。
A business system should provide appropriate services fast enough in order to satisfy customer''s demand rapidly. It is important to integrate the resources inside an enterprise so that the development of transaction processes can be very flexibly. Service oriented architecture (SOA) is a concept which provides a methodology to deal with communications between heterogeneous distributed systems. SOA points out a new direction of the solution in system integration of existing legacy systems. The business process execution language (BPEL) can accomplish the business processes management based on SOA. Many business institutions adopt the enterprise application integration (EAI) structure as their integration technology. However, a business system using the EAI structure may be restricted and inflexible. Furthermore, the cost of developing an EAI system is very expensive. The purpose of our research is to use the SOA technologies and BPEL to simplify the design of business transaction processes, especially, transaction processes of financial business. A software method to describe transaction processes of financial operations is proposed. Based on SOA and BPEL, we implement a system that integrates heterogeneous platforms in a financial institution. The system is more effective and flexible than the EAI structure, when it is used to design and execute transaction processes.
誌  謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Works 3
2.1 Web Services 3
2.2 BPEL 5
2.3 Related Products 7
Chapter 3 Structure of FPIP 8
3.1 Financial Transaction Processes 8
3.1.1 Typical Financial Transaction Processes 9
3.1.2 Service Oriented Financial Transaction Processes 10
3.2 The Structure and Functions of FPIP 12
3.2.1 Process Composing Module 13
3.2.2 Process Execution Module 14
3.2.3 Service Definition Module 15
3.3 Message Format 15
3.3.1 Simple Process Document 15
3.3.2 Transaction Process Document 16
Chapter 4 Implementation of FPIP 19
4.1 Selecting Financial Transaction Services 19
4.2 BPEL Document Generation 20
4.3 Experiments 21
4.3.1 Account Balance Inquiry 21
4.3.3 Opening Time Deposit Account 22
4.3.5 Opening General Fund Account 24
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 28
Bibliography 31
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