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研究生(外文):Wan-Yu Yang
論文名稱(外文):Improved Parametric Extraction and High-frequency ModelBuild-up for HEMTs
指導教授(外文):Ching-Sung Lee
外文關鍵詞:Genetic AlgorithmBack-propagationsmall-signal model
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本論文擬首先進行元件之高頻特性量測,以 “Cold-FET”理論為基礎,藉由Microwave Office®電腦輔助設計軟體,進行初期之高頻參數萃取,再利用Matlab之強大的數值運算與程式語言功能為平台,以期藉由數値分析之系統化趨近方式,取代現行之手動微調步驟,以期萃取出能同時精準描述4組S參數實驗特性之高頻元件參數組合,進而建立高效益、高精準、且具物理意義之高頻元件模型。


In the wireless communication, radio-frequency integrated circuit (RFIC) design has already become one of the important professional techniques. Establishing a complete and accurate high-frequency model can improve the CAD application validity, benefiting the RFIC design. Therefore, precisely extracting the parameters of the high-frequency model for the RFIC design applications is the main motive for this thesis.

The first step is to measure the high-frequency S-parameters. By using the CAD tool of the Microwave Office®, we will be able to extract the initial parameter values of the equivalent circuit based on the "Cold-FET" theory. A systematic procedure of extraction is performed by utilizing the powerful numerical and matrix operations and embedded function of the MATLAB program. Four S-parameter sets can then be precisely described at the same time to establish the highly accurate and physically meaningful high-frequency model.

The numerical analysis to improve the extraction accuracy in this thesis includes two methods: (1) the back-propagation neural networks and (2) the genetic algorithms. In back-propagation neural networks, we assume the trial input information and compare with the output signal. Observing the encountered error with respect to the experimental results, the learning algorithm of the back-propagation neural network is used to complete training phase. The accuracy by using this method is not satisfied, mainly due to the limited sample data to provide more calculating iteration. Consequently, the parametric values are not physically meaningful and show sensitive dependence on the assumed initial values. On the other hand, the genetic algorithms, one of the stochastic searching techniques based on the “survival-of-the-fittest” of the Darwinism principles to emulate the natural genetic operators, has been used to improve the extraction accuracy. The results show that all of the extracted real/imaginary parts of the S11, S12, S21, and S22 have precisely and simultaneously matched with the measured characteristics.

This thesis has successfully provided a systematic method to extract the high-frequency small-signal models for the HEMT device. High extraction accuracy and efficiency have been accomplished by integrating the generic algorithm. The proposed methodology can be easily applied to extracting different high-speed devices and is promisingly useful for the RFIC design technologies.
Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
Contents v
Figure Captions vii
Table Captions ix
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Why HEMT Modeling 1
1.2 Discussion of Research Work 2
1.3 Thesis Organization 3
2. HEMT Physics and Modeling 4
2.1 Physical Structure 4
2.2 Simple Principles of the HEMT Operation 6
2.3 HEMT Small-Signal Models 6
2.3.1 Parasitic Inductances Ls, Lg, Ld 8
2.3.2 Parasitic Resistances Rs, Rg, Rd 8
2.3.3 Pad Capacitances Cpd, Cpg 9
2.3.4 Intrinsic Capacitances Cgs, Cgd, Cds 9
2.3.5 Tranconductances gm 10
2.3.6 Output Resistance Rds 11
2.3.7 Tranconductance Delay τ 11
2.3.8 Charging Resistance Ri 12
3. Extraction Methodology 13
3.1 Introduction 13
3.2 Model Formulation at Bias Conditions 13
3.3 Intrinsic Circuit Extraction 14
3.4 Extrinsic Circuit Extraction 20
3.4.1 A Simplified Model of the HEMT at Pinch-off Voltage 20
3.4.2 Pad Capacitances 21
3.4.3 Extrinsic Inductances and Resistances 22
4. Back-Propagation Neural Network 24
4.1 Neural Networks 24
4.2 Perceptrons 24
4.3 Back-Propagation Neural Network Structure 28
4.4 Back-propagation neural network learning algorithm 29
4.5 The Procedure of Back-Propagation Neural Network 30
4.6 The Flow Chart of the Procedure 32
4.7 Results 33
5. Genetic Algorithm 37
5.1 Introduction of Genetic Algorithm 37
5.2 Characters of Genetic algorithm 38
5.3 The Structure of Genetic Algorithm 39
5.4 The Flow Chart of the Procedure 46
5.5 Results 47
6. Conclusion 55
7. References 57

Figure Captions
Figure 2.1 Cross Section of an AlGaAs/GaAs HEMT
Figure 2.2 HEMT Small-signal Model Including Parasitic Elements
Figure 2.3 HEMT Small-signal Model Showing Physical Origin of Elements
Figure 3.1 15-element small-signal HEMT model
Figure 3.2 Y-Parameter Network
Figure 3.3 Circuit Used to Determine Y12
Figure 3.4 Circuit Used to Determine Y22
Figure 3.5 Circuit Used to Determine Y21
Figure 3.6 Circuit Used to Determine Y11
Figure 3.7 Method for Extracting the Device Intrinsic Y Matrix
Figure 3.8 A Simplified Model of the HEMT at Pinch-off Voltage with Vds=0
Figure 3.9 A Reduced Model at Gate Voltage Equal to the Pinch-off Voltage.
Figure 4.1 The Single-Layer Perceptron Architecture
Figure 4.2 Activation Functions
Figure 4.3 An Example of Three-layer Networks
Figure 4.4 The Flow Chart of the Procedure of back-propagation neural network
Figure 4.5 The Smith Charts from the Procedure of Back-propagation Neural Network
Figure 5.1 Many-Peaked Curve Graph
Figure 5.2 Flow Chart of Genetic Algorithm
Figure 5.3 The chromosome is composed by binary string.
Figure 5.4 Coding Space and Solution Space
Figure 5.5 The Schematic of the “Roulette Wheel” for Proportional Selection
Figure 5.6 One-point Crossover
Figure 5.7 Two-point Crossover
Figure 5.8 Uniform Crossover
Figure 5.9 One-point Mutation
Figure 5.10 Bit Mutation
Figure 5.11 Uniform Mutation
Figure 5.12 The Flow Chart of the Procedure
Figure 5.13 The Real-part of Each S-parameter.
Figure 5.14 The Imaginary-part of Each S-parameter.
Figure 5.15 The Smith Charts from the Procedure of Genetic Algorithm
Figure 5.16 S11 Extracted by Different Theory.
Figure 5.17 S12 Extracted by Different Theory.
Figure 5.18 S21 Extracted by Different Theory.
Figure 5.19 S22 Extracted by Different Theory.
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