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研究生(外文):Mei-hao Wu
論文名稱(外文):Design of a Surface-Mounted Brushless PM DC Motor
指導教授(外文):Chang-chou Hwang
外文關鍵詞:surface-mounted permanent magnet brushless dc mowinding layoutsTaguchi’s methodcogging torqueskewing the slot openingfinite
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本論文旨在提出供冷氣機風扇用之表面型永磁無刷直流馬達的設計,首先提出馬達等效磁路模型,利用Visual Basic撰寫視窗化設計軟體,設計出馬達的雛形,再利用有限元素法電磁場分析軟體Flux 2D做特性分析,對馬達結構作細部修改;而後提出一方法來找出所有繞線的組合,透過程式化軟體快速設計出馬達合適的繞組。為了使頓轉轉矩最小、平均轉矩及效率最大,本論文利用田口法對不同的轉子、定子結構參數做初步的最佳化處理。
最後,為了嘗試使馬達的頓轉轉矩降至最低,在本論文中提出兩種方法,其中一種為利用槽數與極數的最大公因數與最小公倍數來判斷頓轉轉矩大小,另一種為將槽開口做斜型處理,就本論文所模擬之結果發現, 這兩種方法都可用以降低頓轉轉矩。
The purpose of this thesis is to design a surface-mounted brushless PM DC motor for the fan of air conditioner. First, an equivalent magnetic circuit model of the motor is derived and an interactive program using Visual Basic is developed. An automatic winding layout technique is presented. Then a prototype motor is designed. The finite element analysis software, Flux 2D is employed to obtain the performance of the motor. To minimize the cogging torque, maximize average torque and efficiency, the Taguchi method is used to robust design of the parameters of the motor.
Finally, the influence of the pole and slot combinations on cogging torque of motors is investigated, and a technique for reducing cogging torque in surface-mounted permanent magnet motors by skewing the stator slot opening in the direction of rotation is also presented. The results show that
both techniques can reduce the cogging torque.
摘要................................................................................................................. i
第一章 緒論...................................................................................................1
1.1 研究動機與目的..............................................................................1
1.2 文獻研讀..........................................................................................1
1.3 研究步驟..........................................................................................2
1.4 本論文的貢獻..................................................................................3
1.5 論文內容概述..................................................................................4
第二章 永磁馬達簡介...................................................................................5
2.1 馬達之類型與應用..........................................................................5
2.2 永磁無刷直流馬達特性..................................................................7
2.3 鐵心材料介紹................................................................................10
2.4 永久磁石材料介紹........................................................................14
第三章 表面型永磁無刷直流馬達程式設計.............................................18
3.1 馬達模型推導................................................................................18
3.2 表面型永磁馬達程式設計............................................................23
3.3 馬達設計之模擬結果....................................................................26
3.4 結論................................................................................................31
第四章 永磁無刷直流馬達繞線程式設計.................................................32
4.1 繞線公式介紹................................................................................32
4.2 馬達繞線範例................................................................................34
4.3 繞線程式設計................................................................................37
4.4 程式使用說明................................................................................40
4.5 結論................................................................................................41
第五章 利用田口法做最佳化處理.............................................................42
5.1 田口法簡介....................................................................................42
5.2 直交表............................................................................................43
5.3 馬達最佳化前置處理....................................................................45
5.4 最佳化分析與結果........................................................................47
第六章 降低頓轉轉矩之方法.....................................................................61
6.1 最大公因數與最小公倍數對頓轉轉矩之影響............................61
6.2 槽開口斜型對頓轉轉矩之影響....................................................65
6.3 結論................................................................................................70
第七章 結論.................................................................................................71
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