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研究生(外文):Chih-Min Huang
論文名稱(外文):An Analysis of Transient of Transmission Lines Caused by a Lightning Strike
指導教授(外文):Sy-Ruen Huang
外文關鍵詞:TowerTransmission Lines
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分析裝置及未裝置避雷器之架空輸電線及鐵塔,遭受雷擊所產生的暫態現象,藉以改善其設計規範,可有效提供輸電穩定度。本論文係應用ATP Draw軟體建立及模擬分析:1.四相的JMarti線路模組(模擬含有遮蔽線的架空線)結合單相分布參數Z模組(模擬鐵塔);2.單相的JMarti(模擬遮蔽線)結合單相分布參數Z模組(模擬鐵塔)以及結合三相分布參數Z-T模組(模擬不含有遮蔽線的架空線);3.單相分布參數Z模組(模擬遮蔽線與鐵塔)結合三相分布參數Z-T模組(模擬架空線),三種345kV架空輸電線電力系統模組。另以此軟體模擬既有文獻數據並比對模擬結果,以印證上述模組的正確性。
The purpose of this study was to analyze the transient phenomena of transmission lines and towers with and without line arresters caused by lightning strokes, through which the specifications of structure design were modified in order to improve the reliability of power transmission. From this premise, by using ATP Draw model, three power configuration modes of the 345kv overhead transmission lines and towers were simulated and analyzed:
(1) The four phases JMarti transmission line module (applied to overhead transmission lines with shields) joined the single phase distributive parameters Z module (used to simulate the field conditions of towers).
(2) The single phase JMarti simulated for shield lines joined the single phase distributive parameters Z module for tower, and the three phases distributive parameters Z-T module for overhead transmission lines without shields.
(3) The single phase distributive parameters Z module simulated for shield lines and towers joined the three phase distributive parameters Z-T modules for overhead transmission lines.
In addition, the researcher sought to reply to other relevant modes set out in the literature to evaluate the present simulated conditions by way ofATP Draw. The results provided some evidence of the effectiveness of the aforementioned three modes.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xviii
縮寫及符號對照表 xix

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 章節概述 3
第二章 突波成因與突波避雷器 4
2.1 開關突波 4
2.2 雷擊 5
2.3 線路的電感與互感 9
2.4 避雷器 10
第三章 雷擊波探討與模擬工具 15
3.1 雷擊波定義 15
3.2 雷擊引起的故障 16
3.3 ATP/EMTP之簡介 18
3.4 ATP線路模組簡介 19
3.5線路模組的格式簡介 22
第四章 程式模擬 28
4.1 前言 28
4.2 建立ATP Draw模組 29
4.3 模擬實例一 34
4.4 模擬實例一結果比較 45
4.5 模擬實例二 54
4.6 模擬實例二結果比較 94
第五章 結論 98
5.1 綜合檢討 98
5.2 未來展望 98
參考文獻 100
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