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研究生(外文):Sen-Kuei Yeh
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Channel Relationship Management and Differential Marketing Strategy in Pharmaceutical Industry
指導教授(外文):Chien-Tzu Tsai
外文關鍵詞:pharmaceutical industrycustomer relationship m
  • 被引用被引用:22
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According the statistics released by the Department of Health of the Executive Yuan in 2004, the total output of the pharmaceutical industry in Taiwan was worth NT$51.4 billion, an amount accumulated by as many as 243 companies. In addition to the issue of an overcrowded market, local pharmaceutical industry is also plagued by the problems of insufficient R&D and lack of exporting capabilities. In such a competitive environment, most of the companies have to rely on pricing strategy for survival; yet, the marketing strategies employed by the companies are almost the same--with 90% similarity. As a result, the whole industry has suffered a decline in profitability and is facing a development bottleneck. Under such a condition, any company which wants to have a breakthrough in sales needs to employ differential marketing strategy so that it may keep a competitive edge,
Channel relationship management is one of the most effective ways to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Through a sound customer management system, an enterprise can maintain the loyalty of existing clients and use them as a basis to create superiority. This research focuses on the issue of customer relationship management in the pharmaceutical industry and explores how the concept of differential marketing can be employed by a company to develop relationship marketing strategy and accordingly to gain profits for the business. Because this research is exploratory in nature, it uses case study as the methodology and in-depth interview as the analytical tool. Through the interviews with high-ranking executives of T Company, I have compiled some differential marketing strategies which can be used by the pharmaceutical enterprise to improve its relations with customers. The major findings are as follows:
1. In the aspect of product strategy, the “economics of scope” manufacturing model and the emphasis on packaging convenience and safety help to improve the reliance, trust, and promise of the member pharmacies.
2. In the aspect of pricing strategy, the trust, promise, cooperation, and mutual beneficial relationship with the member pharmacies can also be enhanced by the adoption of a medium-to-high pricing strategy--along with high sales profit for member pharmacies--and a “pre-paid check” system.
3. In the aspect of marketing channel, the establishment of a chain store system--along with a strict method to maintain the order of the channel--can improve the relationship reliance, trust, promise, cooperation, and mutual beneficial relationship with the member pharmacies.
4. I the aspect of promotion strategy, the relationship reliance, trust, promise, cooperation, and mutual beneficial relationship with the member pharmacies can also be enhanced through the following methods: the establishment of the manufacturer’s own marketing team; the use of person-to-person approach for sales and services; the just-in-time promotion conducted on the relevant seasons or holidays; and the publication of monthly magazines.
第一章 諸論
第一節 研究背景……………………………………………… 1
第二節 研究動機……………………………………………… 3
弟三節 研究目的……………………………………………… 5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 製藥產業概述………………………………………… 6
第二節 顧客關係管理…………………………………………17
第三節 關係行銷………………………………………………26
第三章 研究設計
第一節 研究方法………………………………………………43
第二節 研究架構………………………………………………47
第三節 研究範疇………………………………………………48
第四節 研究流程………………………………………………49
第五節 研究限制………………………………………………50
第四章 個案簡介與分析
第一節 台灣製藥產業之通路經營與行銷策略概況…………51
第二節 個案分析………………………………………………55
第三節 個案之差異化行銷策略分析…………………………59
第四節 個案之行銷策略與關係行銷發展之關聯性分析……70
第五節 個案之關係行銷發展與企業行銷利益之關聯性分析76
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論………………………………………………77
第二節 未來研究建議…………………………………………81

圖2-1 2000~2007年全球藥品市場預測…………………………10
圖2-2 買賣雙方關係維持之互動關係………………………….27
圖2-3 關係交換成員…………………………………………….28
圖2-4 關係行銷的KMV模型………………………………………34
圖2-5 關係行銷前因後果模式………………………………….40
圖3-1 研究架構………………………………………………….47
圖3-2 研究流程圖……………………………………………….49

表2-1 製藥產業平均營運成本…………………………………. 9
表2-2 全球製藥市場統計表…………………………………….11
表2-3 2005年台灣地區藥商銷售排行前40名………………….14
表2-4 關係行銷定義彙整表…………………………………….29

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