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研究生(外文):Shih-jung Hsu
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Introducing Customer Relationship Management in Information Service Company - exploring KSF in Call center
指導教授(外文):Chien-Tzu Tsai
外文關鍵詞:KSFCustomer Relationship ManagementCall center
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在知識經濟時代裡,消費者意識抬頭「顧客至上」的精神成為每家企業求生存的不二法門,而資訊科技的發達讓企業得以借重『顧客關係管理』(Customer Relationship Management ,CRM)來實踐「顧客至上」的具體行為,以致獲取顧客的滿意信賴,贏得企業利潤。
三.設置境外客服中心,例如:中國、等開發中國家,可以有效協助軟體公司降低較高的固定成本,達到兼顧「Cost Down」及「顧客滿意」的綜效。
In knowledge-based economy era, customer conscious rise. The spirit of “Customer is supreme.” has become the only way for enterprises to survive. For highly development in information technology, enterprise practice the idea of supreme customer by using CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Thus, they gain faith and satisfaction from their customers, and get profits furthermore.
CRM has been uses by big enterprises on banks, Negotiable securities, insurance, and telecommunication. However, for local information services, people gradually emphasize on CRM in lately 2-3 years. The products of information services are invisible. It usually occurs on different cognitions between before and after they use those products. Customer find those products not satisfy their expectation, so they complain and quit using. In all complaints, “the quality of customer services “is mentioned most often. Among those information services works, it happened obviously on “computer software services”, “conformity services of computer system”. That is the reason that 80% local software companies limit their scale on mid- and small- scale enterprise
In 21st century, with the rising of Asia, the marketing opportunity is booming. However, compared to ours, what threat it comes with is the higher maturity of adopting CRM in neighbor countries of Asia, as in Japan, India, and China. Therefore, local information services companies should focus up to the chance and the challenge also. Rethink the tragedies on enterprise development to hold the space in this period of marketing chance is important.
The study finds:
1.Adoption of CRM has to equal to strategy of enterprises to gain more resources and executive effects.
2.80% of similarities on information services based on technical abilities.
3.Through the formulation of new flow conformity and standardized works before adoption, call center effectively raises the satisfaction on customers and create the additional profit of oral tradition.
4.Set up call center out of border, for example, in China and other developing countries to help software companies lower fixed cost and raise customer satisfactions.
5.“Knowledge management” is the KSF for highly professional knowledge companies, as in information services companies, makes sure the adoption successfully.

The study offers several suggestions for those call center which is adopting or adopted CRM in their information services:
1.Setting call center do not only belong to large scale enterprises. Examine inner resources and do re-attribution, insist on principal of “Long-term plan,Introducing by Stage”, and CRM still can be adopted in mid- and small- scale enterprises.
2.Enlarge application function of call center, use the world wide web technology, and develop web , to cope with the trade of using habits.
3. A call center isn’t a passive center, it must develop to a center of active contact center to pursue the target of offering conformity services.
4.The enterprises have to think on the angle of comprehensive CRM, and to think how to offer one stop shopping.
5.The value of a call center with multi-functional contacting chances and experiences has to transfer a profit-based center from a cost-base center to create more possibilities for the enterprise.
第一章 緒論...............................................1
第一節 研究背景......................................1
第二節 研究動機.........................................3
第三節 研究目的..........................................4
第四節 研究範圍與限制 ...................................6
第五節 本文結構..........................................6
第二章 文獻探討...........................................7
第一節 關鍵成功要素的定義與概念..........................7
第二節 顧客關係管理的定義與基本架構..................11
第三節 資料倉儲與資料採礦的定義......................29
第四節 客戶服務中心理論及架構............................33
第五節 各企業導入客服中心的範例.......................49
第三章 研究方法...........................................56
第一節 研究方法..........................................56
第二節 研究架構..........................................59
第三節 研究對象......................................60
第四節 資料蒐集與分析................................60
第五節 訪談大綱.........................................61
第四章 個案研究...........................................65
第一節 個案公司背景......................................65
第二節 訪談分析.........................................75
第三節 個案客服中心分析.......................................................98
第四節 個案比較研究............................103
第五章 結論與建議........................................108
第一節 研究發現與結論...................................109
第二節 客服中心未來發展建議.........................116
第三節 研究貢獻...................................117
第四節 研究限制與後續研究方向建議.................117
中文參考資料.............................. ..............119

表2-1 顧客關係管理之相關參考文獻與定義...................12
表2-2 四個顧客關係管理的步驟..............................20
表2-3 成功的CRM四個元素............. .....................27
表2-4 五種不同層級的Call Center...........................39
表4-1 個案A公司基本資料..................................66
表4-2 個案B公司基本資料..................................72
表4-3 個案A公司與個案B公司導入成功關鍵因素表.............98

圖1-1 本文研究流程圖.......................................5
圖2-1 關鍵成功因素在管理項目中的階層資料圖.................9
圖2-2 串聯顧客關係管理的三大構面..........................14
圖2-3 顧客關係管理的循環過程..............................17
圖2-4 顧客關係管理的施行步驟..............................19
圖2-5 運用於CRM的資訊科技流程圖..........................24
圖2-6 顧客關係管理系統三大類..............................25
圖2-7 改變中的客服中心角色................................36
圖2-8 客服中心的營運架構..................................42
圖3-1 本文架構圖..........................................59
圖4-1 個案A公司組織圖....................................67
圖4-2 個案B公司組織圖....................................73
圖4-3 個案B公司制度化服務體系圖..........................75
圖4-4 客服中心型態........................................77
圖4-5 個案B公司e-Service架構圖...........................97
圖5-1 服務利潤鏈.........................................115
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