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研究生(外文):Sheng-shyang Tsui
論文名稱(外文):Crisis Management Mechanism in Operation a Case Study of 911
指導教授(外文):Sc-chien Jeon
外文關鍵詞:Department of HomelandSecurity Management
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911 恐怖攻擊讓美國民眾愛國情緒高漲並重新認識到國家安全的重要,影響所及,危機管理的做法有相當程度的改變。美國政府為了防止類似911 事件的悲劇再度發生,迅速成立了「國土安全部」(Department of Homeland Security)來統一指揮相關機構和資源;幾乎半數的美國企業採取了更加全面的危機管理(Enterprise Risk
Management, ERM),百分之三十八的公司增加了危機長(Chief Risk Officer, CRO) 的職位,將危機管理的層級提升到企業的執行團隊內。
危機管理牽涉到估計、預測危機因子及發生機率,據以事先擬訂處理方案,期以降低危機發生之可能性及危機發生後之損害度,並能從危機中迅速恢復正常運作,是現今企業永續經營之重要管理技術。本文以社會科學之個案研究方式,探討美國危機管理機制在911 事件前後之變化,置重點於國土安全部之成立與功能,研究發現現代的危機管
The 9/11 inspired the patriotism among American citizens and made
them to recognize the importance of national security once again. As a
result, big changes had happened in the context of crisis management. In
order to prevent future incidents similar to 9/11, the U.S. government
immediately created the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to unify all related agencies and resources. Almost half of American
businesses adopted the Enterprise Risk Management, a new and broad
approach dealing with crisis. 38% of companies established a new
position, Chief Risk Officer, to lift the crisis management to the executive
level. Crisis management involves the estimation and prediction of risk
factors and probabilities for crisis planning in order to minimize the
chances and damages of a crisis and help an organization to recover from
a crisis in a short time period. It is one of essential techniques for
business continuity in the modern world. This paper used the method of
case study of the social science to explore the change of crisis
management mechanisms before and after the 9/11 in the United States,
with a focus on the establishment and function of DHS. Several essences
had been found in the contemporary crisis management. These essences
include (1) that crisis management has became much more full-spectrum;

(2) that the level of crisis management in an organization should be
elevated, and (3) that the leadership is much more important. Further, the
process of DHS’ establishment exemplified several key elements of a
successfully new mechanism. These elements consist of building strategic
plans, making organizational arrangements, creating communication
謝誌 Ⅰ
論文摘要 Ⅱ
目錄 Ⅲ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 文獻探討 3
第三節 研究方法 11
第四節 研究範圍 11
第五節 研究流程 11
第二章 危機管理機制運作分析 14
第一節 危機管理機制:預防、處理、復原 14
第一節 危機管理機制之工作內容分析 16
第三節 危機管理機制之指揮系統分析 22
第三章 「911恐怖攻擊事件」美國之危機處理 26
第一節 美國危機管理機制及運作模式 26
第二節 911 恐怖攻擊事件危機管理機制之啟動 31
第四章 「911恐怖攻擊事件」後美國危機管理機制之調整 45
第一節 國土安全部之成立 45
第二節 新機制之運作 52
第五章 結論與建議 61
第一節 危機管理機制之調整 61
第二節 研究發現與建議 62
第三節 未來研究方向 65
參考文獻 69

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