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研究生(外文):Jian-Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Numerical Study of the Warpage in IC Packaging by Taguchi Method
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Jye HwangMin-Shan Liu
外文關鍵詞:IC packageresidual stresscuring reactionthermosetting materialP-V-T-C relationwarpage
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在電子構裝的製程中,經常遇見的問題不外乎有金線偏移(wire sweep)、導線架偏移(paddle shift)和構裝體翹曲(warpage)等等,在過去的文獻研究中,對於金線偏移和導線架偏移的研究報告非常的多,但對於構裝體翹曲的研究探討則為少數。


環氧樹脂屬於熱固性材料(thermosetting material),加熱時會因為分子鍊結而產生固化反應(cure reaction),而用來描述其行為的關係式即為P-V-T-C關係式,這代表環氧樹脂行為和壓力(pressure)、體積(volume)、溫度(temperature)、熟化度(degree of cure)有關。除此之外,製程參數如模溫、保壓壓力、固化時間…等亦會對翹曲量與殘留應力大小有所影響。


In the process of IC packaging, there are some problems about wire sweep、paddle shift and warpage…,etc. In the recorders, there are many research-reports about wire sweep and paddle shift while there are few in warpage about IC package.

As the type of IC package is toward lighter, thinner and smaller, the problems about warpage and residual stress is more important. Previous research works have focused on the stresses or warpage analyses with temperature changes between constituent materials and neglect the cure shrinkage effects. However, more and more studies indicate that the estimation of residual stresses or warpage according to CTE only was not accurate enough to predict IC packaging behavior. So it would need to consider the heat effects and cure reaction in the same time for predicting the accurate warpage of IC packages by simulation in computer.

The EMC is a thermosetting material. The properties of EMC must describe by pressure、volume、temperature and degree of cure. The relation is called P-V-T-C equation. In addition, the warpage will be influenced by mold temperature、process pressure、curing time…,etc.

There are some results about predicting the warpage of IC package by simulation in computer recently, but the package outline is simple. So in this study, it were considered more complicated package outline. In the results of this study, the warpage will increase by higher mold temperature、higher process pressure and longer curing time which is the same with actual products.

Keywords:IC package、warpage、residual stress、curing reaction、thermosetting material、P-V-T-C relation.
第一章 緒論............................................................................................1
1-1 前言..........................................................................................1
1-2 IC封裝製程簡介.....................................................................2
1-3 翹曲與殘留應力現象..............................................................4
1-3-1 收縮與翹曲......................................................................5
1-3-2 殘留應力..........................................................................7
1-4 研究動機.................................................................................10
1-5 文獻回顧.................................................................................12
1-5-1 轉移成型法......................................................................12
1-5-2 固化反應分析..................................................................12
1-5-3 翹曲與殘留應力分析......................................................13
1-6 本文架構.................................................................................15

第二章 理論分析..................................................................................17
2-1 模流充填理論.........................................................................17
2-2 固化反應動力理論.................................................................20
2-3 P-V-T-C關係式的建立...........................................................22
2-4 應力應變統御方程式.............................................................25
2-4-1 固化收縮數學模型..........................................................25
2-4-2 應力應變之數學統御方程式..........................................26
第三章 數值模擬分析與田口實驗最佳化..........................................31
3-1 模流分析.................................................................................32
3-1-1 模流分析前處理..............................................................32
3-1-2 田口實驗與製程參數設定..............................................40
3-1-3 模流分析充填結果..........................................................43
3-2 應力應變分析.........................................................................46
3-2-1 建構分析網格與邊界條件、拘束條件的設定..............47
3-2-2 應力應變分析結果..........................................................48
3-3 田口預測與實際分析之比較.................................................54
第四章 LQFP-64實際成品成型驗證..................................................55
4-1 模流分析.................................................................................55
4-2 模流分析結果.........................................................................56
4-3 翹曲與殘留應力分析結果.....................................................62
第五章 結論與未來展望......................................................................68
5-1 結論.........................................................................................68
5-2 未來展望.................................................................................69
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