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研究生(外文):Hao-cheng Ko
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Higher Order Acoustic Mode Propagation on the Performance of Non-coaxial and Short Expansion Chamber
指導教授(外文):Chih-I Chu
外文關鍵詞:transmission lossacoustic mode
  • 被引用被引用:2
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The applications of mufflers have been more and more extensive in recent years. In order to improve the efficiency of noise reduction, the mufflers either need to be enlarged or connected in series. Hence, the vehicle needs a large space to encompass the muffler. The purpose of this study is to investigate the transmission loss of short expansion mufflers with offset extended tubes by using the boundary element method. The eccentric angle, the extended tube and the different cross areas are used as design parameters in the study. By using computer simulations, the transmission loss of each parameter and the phenomenon can be investigated. Results show that when the nodal line of the acoustic pressure revolves inside the chamber and reaches the outlet tube, it will lead to a higher transmission loss .On the other hand, when the inlet tube is in close proximity with the outlet tube, the chamber acts as a resonator with peak frequency can occur as low as 825 Hertz. Results also show the larger angle of the outlet tube revolves, the lower the peak frequency occurs.
第一章 緒論.............................................1
1.1 研究動機............................................1
1.2 研究方法............................................2
第二章 聲壓在偏心消音器的分佈與變化.....................4
2.1 電腦模擬聲場模態...................................5
2.2 聲壓在偏心單膨脹室消音器的變化.....................5
第三章 偏心單膨脹室消音器在不同參數下的分析.............7
3.1 偏心消音器分析步驟.................................9
3.2 偏心單膨脹室消音器(0°) 之傳輸損失分析與結果.......10
3.3 偏心單膨脹室消音器(45°) 之傳輸損失分析與結果......13
3.4 偏心單膨脹室消音器(90°) 之傳輸損失分析與結果......16
3.5 偏心單膨脹室消音器(135°)之傳輸損失分析與結果......18
3.6 偏心單膨脹室消音器(180°)之傳輸損失分析與結果......21
第四章 不同斷面下偏心單膨脹室消音器的分析..............27
4.1 斷面為正方形、長方形及橢圓的聲場模態...............29
4.2 不同斷面偏心角為0°之傳輸損失分析與結果.............30
4.3 不同斷面偏心角為180°之傳輸損失分析與結果...........32
第五章 結論與未來研究方向..............................38
5.1 結論...........................................38
5.2 未來研究方向...................................39
參考文獻 40
附錄A INAP與SYSNOISE對消音器傳輸損失的傳輸損失的分析比 對.....................................................42
附錄B 圓管聲場模態....................................44
附錄C 方管聲場模態....................................46
附錄D 不同斷面在偏心角180度含左右延伸管825Hz場點聲壓比較圖.....................................................53
致謝 ................................................55
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