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研究生(外文):Po-Hsien Hou
論文名稱(外文):3D Reconstruction of MS2 Bacteriophage by Using EMAN
指導教授(外文):Chun-Chun Wu
外文關鍵詞:3D Reconstruction
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MS2噬菌體電子顯微影像以美國NCMI(The National Center of Macromolecular Imaging)學術機構所研發之電子顯微影像重組軟體Electron Microscopy Analysis(簡稱EMAN,1.70版)進行三維結構重組。當二維影像張數約200張左右,像素值128x128,利用對比轉換函數,以影像不分類的操作條件下,重組的三維MS2噬菌體結構的外觀角度與二十面體的外觀相似,而外套膜的部份也是清晰可見。預期隨著重組軟體各條件及數學模式的修正,對二維MS2噬菌體電子顯微影像重組三維MS2噬菌體結構將有更好的解析度。
The three dimension (3D) microstructure of MS2 bacteriophage was studied from electron microscope (EM) images. The EM (ca. 200) images with 128 x 128 pixels were processed by using the software, Electron Microscopy Analysis (EMAN, 1.70 version) conducted by the National Center of Macromolecular Imaging (NCMI) in the United States, with contrast transfer function without classification. The 3D appearance of MS2 bacteriophage from EMAN processes was showed to be as a icosahedron. The coat of the phage was seen after the reconstruction. The 3D microstructure of the bacteriophage could be reconstructed well by using EMAN. However, the reliability of the software performance in various specimens needed further studies.
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………….……1
第二章 重組文獻簡述……………………………………….…………3
第三章 穿透式電子顯微鏡的特性與應用…………………...………..5
第四章 單一粒子的影像重組概念………………………………….…8
4.1 三維重組的原理…………………………………………..….8
4.2 傅利葉轉換…………………………………………..……….9
4.3 中心切面定理……...…………………………………..……13
第五章 EMAN軟體的重組步驟………………………………..……14
5.1 決定參數……………………………………………….……15
5.2 選取粒子…………………………………………………….16
5.2.1 集中粒子…………………………………………….….17
5.2.2 對比轉換函數……………………………….….………17
5.3 初始模型的產生…………………………………………….19
5.4 修正迴路…………………………………………………….20

第六章 MS2噬菌體的三維重組………….………………………….21
6.1 目的……………………………………………….…………21
6.2 方法…………………………………………………….……22
6.3 結果…………………………………………………….……28
6.4 討論…………………………………………………….……63
第七章 結論……………………………….………………………..…66
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