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研究生(外文):Pei-Fen Wu
論文名稱(外文):The feasibility of biodiesel production from native algae in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Tai-Lee Hu
外文關鍵詞:biomass energyoil-rich microalgaebiodiesel
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評估結果顯示,微藻在產率達100噸/公頃/年、油脂含量40 %以上的條件下,生質柴油生產成本較具市場競爭力。微藻含油量40 %時,生產每公斤生質柴油單位總成本為27.61元;而微藻含油量增加至50 %時,每公斤生質柴油單位總成本可降低至23.29元,與目前高級柴油24.5元/公升之售價相當。萃取油脂所剩餘之藻細胞為有價之副產品,可降低生質柴油產製成本;即直接做為動物飼料添加物,或經快速裂解產製出可替代鍋爐用油之生質燃油。
台灣水域中普遍存在之綠藻Botryococcus braunii及矽藻Nitzschia palea,其油脂量在40 %以上,極具潛力成為生產生質柴油之料源。
Fossil fuels are limited around the world and using fossil fuels results in the emitting of greenhouse gases which cause the global warming and climate change. Therefore, more and more countries endeavor to develop renewable energies as an alternative energy to prevent the aggravation of global warming.
Biomass energy which stores in biomass is one of the major renewable energies in the world. In all kinds of biomasses, alga is one of the most potential species due to its higher growth rate. Alga can be systematically cultivated and harvested. After drying, lipid contained in algae can be extracted to produce bio-diesel. The residua can also be used as additives in animal feed or used as feedstock in fast-pyrolysis process to produce bio-oil. Therefore, algae seem to be a very attractive source of bio-energy and is evaluated it’s feasibility to produce biodiesel in this paper.
The evaluation shows that the biodiesel production cost of using algae with 40 % lipid content and 100 ton/ha/y production rate as feedstock is 27.61 NT/kg. This is much lower than those of other energy crop suitable cultivated in Taiwan. While the lipid content of algae increases from 40 % to 50 %, the biodiesel production cost even lowers to 23.29 NT/kg which is equal to the present diesel retail price (24.5 NT/L) in Taiwan. This shows excellent competitiveness of using oil-rich alga to produce biodiesel. Moreover, as the alga residua could be sold as additives in animal feeds or used to produce bio-oil, the economic benefits could be even higher.
In Taiwan, many native oil-rich algae species like Botryococcus braunii and Nitzschia palea contain more than 40 % of lipid. These algae are highly potential feedstock to produce biodiesel. However, we strongly recommend further studies and demonstrations should be carried out prior to large scale commercialization.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻介紹 3
叁、油脂藻類 6
一、油脂藻類之定義 6
二、本土性油脂藻類之分佈 10
三、藻類油脂檢測 13
肆、影響藻類生長及油脂含量之因子 15
一、油脂藻類生長之環境因子 15
(一)光照強度 15
(二)碳源 16
(三)溫度 18
二、提高藻類油脂含量之因子 22
(一)培養基成分 25
1.氮源 25
2.矽源 28
(二)營養方式 29
伍、藻類產製生質柴油之方法 31
一、放大培養介紹 31
二、生質柴油之產製 34
(一)轉酯化 36
三、生質燃油之產製 37
(一)快速裂解 37
(二)液化 38
陸、藻類對環境之效益 40
一、CO2減量 40
二、生質柴油對環境之效益 41
柒、評估結果 43
一、產製生質柴油料源比較 43
二、經濟效益及可行性評估 47
捌、結論與建議 60
玖、參考文獻 62
附錄一 培養基介紹 73
附錄二 經濟效益分析資料 83
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