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研究生(外文):Shu-Yu Yeh
論文名稱(外文):The Establishment of the Soil Absorption System Modules for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
指導教授(外文):Shan-Shin Ton
外文關鍵詞:soil absorption systemwastewater treatmentmodule
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本研究係利用土壤吸收系統之原理,於實驗室架設土壤管柱,採用蠕動泵浦定時批次供水,來進行污水處理系統模組設計參數之建立。由於土壤吸收系統之處理效率與土壤過濾層之水力傳導係數及水力停留時間有正向之相關性,而上述處理條件又影響系統處理量的多寡,為使系統處理後之放流水能符合法規標準,及滿足非都市計畫區之散居住戶生活污水處理之需求,本研究於實驗室架設三組土壤管柱,以不同濃度之模擬生活污水,分兩階段進行設計參數之測定。依不同參配比例試驗管柱土壤層之最佳傳導係數範圍,以滿足污染物之去除效率,預計可完成適合非都市計畫區內,一般散居住戶1~2 CMD生活污水處理系統模組之設計參數建立。
研究結果顯示,第一階段實驗之砂土配比1:1之土壤管柱對BOD之平均去除效率介於98 %,砂土配比1:2之土壤管柱之去除效率98 %,而純土之土壤管柱去除效率則為96 %,三組配比土壤管柱BOD之放流水濃度均遠低於九十四年放流水排放標準之80 mg/L,顯示土壤處理系統對BOD之去效果良好。三配比之土壤管柱對氨氮之平均去除效率皆高達99%,顯示硝化作用佳,但因後續之脫硝作用不完全導致配比1:1及1:2土壤管柱之總氮去除效率下降,平均去除率只達54 %及52 %,但後期實驗穩定後,其平均去除率皆可提升到84 %;而配比為純土之土壤管柱,其平均去除率為 93 %,能有效的削減總氮。
依據第一階段實驗結果,在考量處理量之前提下,分別調整濾料厚度為105公分、60公分、45公分再進行第二階段實驗,三組實驗管柱對BOD之平均去除效率均仍維持90 %以上;砂土配比1:1之土壤管柱對於總氮之去除效率為79 %,砂土配比1:2之土壤管柱僅64 %,純土之土壤管可達 78 %。去除率不高係由於停留時間不足,脫硝作用不完全,導致放流水中亞硝酸鹽氮及硝酸鹽氮濃度偏高,影響放流水之總氮濃度。
綜合實驗結果,模擬生活污水低固體雜質之前提下,以為土壤厚度為100公分,系統直徑為150公分,k設定為2.53×10-3cm/sec,每天可進水二批次,其每日最大處理量可達1.54 CMD,預期土壤吸收系統對總氮及BOD之處理效率能符合九十二年放流水標準。
The study will follow the principle of soil absorption system to set up soil columns in the laboratory, and use a peristaltic pump to feed simulated municipal wastewater into the column in specified time by batches to establish the modules of the wastewater treatment system. As the efficiency of soil absorption system has positive relation with the hydraulic conductivity of soil filter layer and the hydraulic retention time. The treatment capacity is also affected by the aforementioned conditions. In order to meet the regulation requirements for discharge water and satisfy the needs of wastewater treatment capacity in rural area, this study will establish three soil columns in the laboratory with different wastewater concentrations to test the modules in two steps. To optimize hydraulic conductivity of soil columns satisfy removal efficiency using different mixture ratio of soil and sand. From the results of these studies, the modules of a 1-2 CMD soil absorption treatment system can be obtained.
Results of first step showed that, both sand/soil ratio of soil columns is 1:1 and 1:2 that could reach 98% in the removal efficiency of BOD .And the removal efficiency of BOD could reach 96 % for pure soil columns. The effluent water of three soil columns could conform to the effluent water standard of 2003. Results of this study showed that soil treatment system could effectively treat BOD. The removal efficiency of NH3-N of the three soil columns could reach 99 %. The removal efficiencies of TN of first and second columns only reach 54 % and 52 % respectively as the result of less denitrification efficiency. The removal efficiencies showed an increase of 84 % after a steady stage. And the third column can effectively treat TN, the removal efficiency reach 93 %
Second step correct the soil length according to results of first step. Results of showed that, all soil columns could reach 90 % in the removal efficiency of BOD. The removal efficiency of TN of the three soil columns reach 79 %, 64% and 78% respectively. Incomplete denitrification is due to insufficient retention time, that brings on the high side nitrate and nitrite concentration. In consequence, the removal efficiency of TN of this step is rather than first.
In summary, results of this study showed that the current organic loading did not reach the limitation of the system. At these parameters, soil length 100cm, diameter 150cm, hydraulic conductivity 2.53×10-3cm/sec, treatment quantity 1.54 CMD, feeding twice a day, the effluent water to of soil absorption treatment system could conformed to the effluent water standard of 2003.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 緣起 1
1.2 研究動機 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 土壤的定義與生成 3
2.2 土壤與污水處理方法 4
2.2.1 土地處理系統 4
2.2.2 濕地處理系統 7
2.2.3 土壤吸收系統 10
2.3 國內外相關處理案例 11
2.4 污染物在土壤介質之去除機制 17
2.4.1 氮的去除機制 17
2.4.2 有機物質及懸浮固體物之去除機制 20
2.4.3 磷之去除機制 21
2.5 土壤氧化還原電位 22
第三章 實驗設備及研究方法 24
3.1 土壤管柱建置 25
3.1.1 土壤管柱設計 25
3.1.2 土壤管柱濾料準備 25
3.1.3 管柱之進水操作條件 29
3.2 管柱濾料特性 30
3.2.1 濾料特性分析方法 30
3.2.2 濾料特性分析結果 34
3.3 水質分析 37
3.3.1 管柱之生物相馴養 37
3.3.2 實驗期程及採樣頻率 38
3.3.3 進流水配製 38
3.3.4 放流水採樣及保存 38
3.3.5水質分析項目及方法 39
3.3.6 實驗設備儀器及分析藥品 41
3.3.7 水質分析之品管品保 42
第四章 結果與討論 44
4.1 管柱試驗結果 44
4.1.1水質監測結果 44
4.1.2 管柱處理後之水質分析結果 47
4.2 管柱試驗污染物去除效率探討 58
4.2.1 生化需氧量 58
4.2.2 氨氮及凱氏氮 60
4.2.3 總氮 62
4.3 綜合討論 64
4.3.1 濾料配比之停留時間與污染物去除率之探討 64
4.3.2 管柱實驗與相關模場研究去除效率之比較 67
4.4 最佳參數之設計 72
第五章 結論與建議 74
5.1 結論 74
5.2 建議 75
參考文獻 76
附件A 濾料滲透係數測試結果 A-1
附件B 水質監測結果 B-1
附件C 水質分析結果 C-1
附件D 各分析項目使用之設備及藥品型號、廠牌 D-1
附件E 水質項目之去除效率 E-1
附件F 濾料層之氧化還原電 F-1
附件G品質管制分析結果 G-1
附件H 九十二年放流水標準 H-1
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