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研究生(外文):Huang, Kai-Lin
論文名稱(外文):Research and Application of the Small-Scale Piezoelectric Motor
指導教授(外文):Chen, Wei-FangJou, Jwo-Ming
外文關鍵詞:piezoelectric motorpiezoelectric motor-trolleypiezoelectric statorrotorfront wheel drivingrear wheel driving
  • 被引用被引用:2
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本論文主要是在探討一種小型壓電馬達,其係由壓電定子、轉子、軸承、墊片、彈性體與螺絲等元件所組成。使用該小型壓電馬達製做成壓電軌道車,藉此來測試小型壓電馬達之性能。而該壓電軌道車係由小型壓電馬達、前輪組、後輪組、固定裝置與電路線等元件所構成。從模擬結果可以發現,壓電定子的自由端運動軌道是一個橢圓軌跡,而且它的大小和運動方向取決於施加的電壓大小與訊號的相位。其中該壓電軌道車在供應電壓、驅動頻率與相位差等驅動條件下,將輸入電壓透過壓電定子轉變成旋轉量,可以自由來回行駛軌道上。壓電軌道車的尺寸與淨重分別是100mm×35mm×17mm與30克重。在100Vp-p 驅動電壓、51kHz 驅動頻率與淨重之條件下,其最大行駛速度為261mm/sec。在此行駛速度之條件下,其最大荷重為145克重。另外,該壓電軌道車之後輪驅動平均行駛速度為前輪驅動平均行駛速度的1.09倍。
In this paper, a small-scale piezoelectric motor, which was made up by the piezoelectric stator, rotor, gear, spacer, elastomer, nut and screw was described. This small-scale piezoelectric motor was used in the piezoelectric motor-trolley to test the performance of the small-scale piezoelectric motor. The miniature piezoelectric motor-trolley was made by piezoelectric motor, front wheel group, rear wheel group, fixing device, loading platform and circuit wires. The piezoelectric motor-trolley could go freely on the track by applying voltage, driving frequency and different phases angle. Its dimensions and net weight were 100mm×35mm×17mm and 30gw. The maximum travel speed was 261mm/sec under 100Vp-p driving voltage, 51kHz driving frequency and net weight. In addition, under the condiction of having 100Vp-p driving voltage, 51kHz driving frequency and 122mm/s, the maximum loading was 145gw. The average travel speed of the rear wheel driving was higher than the front wheel driving by about 1.09 times.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 XI
符號表 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究動機與目的 1
1-2文獻探討 1
第二章 壓電馬達組成與操作原理 8
2-1設計 8
2-2製作過程與組裝 18
2-3操作原理 24
第三章模擬分析 27
3-1壓電定子模擬流程 27
3-2壓電定子建模 28
3-3模態分析 37
3-4壓電定子穩態分析 39
第四章 實驗 49
4-1架構與儀器 49
4-2實驗流程 53
第五章 結果與討論 54
5-1模擬結果 54
5-2量測結果 56
5-3實驗結果 58
第六章結論與建議 60
6-1結論 60
6-2建議 60
參考資料 62
附錄A 66
附錄B 75
附錄C 76
作者簡介 78
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[15].Ya-Fu Peng, Rong-Jong Wai and Chih-Min Lin, “Implementation of LLCC-Resonant Driving Circuit and Adaptive CMAC Neural Network Control for Linear Piezoelectric Ceramic Motor,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 35-48, 2004.
[16].Rong-Jong Wai, Chih-Min Lin and Ya-Fu Peng, “Adaptive Hybrid Control for Linear Piezoelectric Ceramic Motor Drive Using Diagonal Recurrent CMAC Network,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 1491-1506, 2004.
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