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研究生(外文):Chun Nan Wu
論文名稱(外文):Spiral Fluidity Analysis and The Effect of Autoclave Process on MIM
指導教授(外文):Jenn Shing Wang
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羰基鐵粉生胚尺寸射出速度由13.8 cm3/sec到23 cm3/sec,流動長度增加25.26mm,熔接線長度增加2mm,23cm3/sec到32.2 cm3/sec流動長度增加5.90mm,熔接線減少0.16mm,由此可知射速跟流動性和熔接線不是呈正比,添加60wt%水噴霧粉生胚會降低射料流動性,在各種射速下添加60%水噴霧粉生胚尺寸皆小於羰基鐵粉。由螺旋生胚微結構顯示,第一段因保壓關係,填入較多的射料,生胚表面平坦,脫脂後孔隙較小,燒結後密度到達6.51g/cm3,而到第二段後,保壓效果降低,脫脂後孔隙多,燒結密度較第一段低,密度為6.22 g/cm3,到了第三段保壓已無效果且有流痕缺陷產生,燒結密度為6.12 g/cm3,第四段已無保壓效果,流痕缺陷也較第三段明顯,燒結密度為6.11 g/cm3,第五第六段已到了熔接線部分,裂縫及孔洞較大,而導致燒結密度較差,燒結密度只有5.68和4.53 g/cm3,由以上所述,模具尺寸較適合在熔接線產生之前,避免過長,以保證保壓效果,才可得到完整且均勻的生胚。

Metal Injection Molding (MIM) is a continuous process. The feedstock is injected into the cavity of the mold, then to be a green sample after opening the mold. The injection parameter control is important in this process. Debinding is the key step by taking the binders out the green samples. The values of expansion and pore distribution influence the property of sintered samples.
This study is divided into two parts. The first one is to research the effects of injection speed and adding 60wt% atomized iron powder on the feedstock fluidity in the spiral mold. For the best injection parameters, the molded samples were then cut into six segments to study the microstructure, debinding defect and pore distribution.
The second part is to pack the solvent debinded sample more closely by autoclave process with high temperature and high isotropic pressure. The effects of particle size, temperature, solid content and sample size on the properties of the autoclaved samples were studied.
For carbonyl iron powder sample, the length of flow and weld line increases 25.26mm and 2mm, separately, as injection speed increasing from 13.8cm3/sec to 23cm3/sec. The length of flow increases 5.90mm and the weld line length decreases 0.16mm as injection speed increasing from 23cm3/sec to 32.2cm3/sec. The relations between injection speed, weld line and flow length are not always positive. The feedstock fluidity is decreased by adding 60wt% atomized iron powder.
On the observation the microstructure of the spiral green specimens, the surface of the first section is smoother than that of the second, because of inserting more feedstock by holding pressure in molding process. By the same reason the density of the former is 6.51g/cm3 after sintering and is larger than 6.22g/cm3 of the later. At the third and fourth section, holes and flow mark defects are more obviously than the first and second section, because holding pressure is too low to make the compact more densely. The density of the third one is 6.12g/cm3 after sintering and is larger than 6.11g/cm3 of the fourth one. As the flow injecting to the fifth and sixth section, the weld line makes the pore size relatively big. It is the reason that the sintered densities of two finally sections to be 5.68g/cm3 and 4.53g/cm3, separately.
The weight losses of solvent debinding process are 82% and 79% for the samples with 50vol% solid content and 70vol% solid content carbonyl iron powder. The shrinkage of solvent debinding process are 0.67%, 0.2%, and 1.2% for the samples with 50vol% solid content carbonyl iron powder, 70vol% solid content carbonyl iron powder, and 50vol% atomized powder. The solvent debinding time of the former is faster 12 hour than that of the later. There are some relations between particle size, maximum weight loss, solid content and shrinkage after debinding and autoclave process.
The values of deformation and shrinkage are nearly the same for the ψ32mm and ψ16mm samples with carbonyl iron powder as increasing autoclave temperature from 150℃ to 180℃. The sintering density of the sample with 70vol% carbonyl iron powder is increasing 4%~5%, which is larger than 1% of the specimens with 50vol% and 60vol% carbonyl iron powder contented.

Key word:MIM,Spiral,Autoclave

目 錄
第一章 緒論…………………………………………..……………………….…1
1-1 金屬粉末射出成形簡介…………………………………………..……….....1
1-4 MIM的優缺點…………………………………………………………………7
第二章 理論文獻……………………………………………..……..…....……..9

2-3-1 縮孔………………………………...……...………….…....…………...13
2-3-2 流痕…………………………….…….....…….…….……..….………...13
2-3-3 熔接線……………………….……..….……...……….……..….……...13
2-5 脫脂……………………..………………………..….…..….…….…....…….14
2-6 CIP理論…………………………………………………………….………..23
第三章 實驗方法…………………………………..…………….…….………26
3-1 實驗流程…………………………………………………………….………26
3-2-1 金屬粉末……………………………………………………….………26
3-2-2 黏結劑…………………………………………………………….……31
3-4 安息角的量測………………………………………...………………….….31
3-5 混練…………………………………………………………………….……33
3-5-1 黏結劑的混練…………………………………………………….……33
3-5-2 粉末與黏結劑的混練…………………………………………….……33
3-6 成形…………………………………………………………………….……33
3-7 溶劑脫脂………………………………………………………………….…35
3-10 燒結………………………..………………………….……………………40
3-11 性質量測與觀察………………………………………...…………………40
3-11-4 微結構的觀察…………………………...........………………………41
3-11-5 孔隙大小的量測…………………………………..….………………41
3-11-6 燒結密度量測………...………………………………………………44
第四章 結果與討論…………………………………………...………………45
4-2 安息角…………………………………………………….…………………45
4-3-2 添加60wt%粗粉對射料流動性的影響………………….…………….47
4-3-3 螺旋模生胚脫脂前後微結構分析…………………………………….50
4-3-4 添加60wt%粗鐵粉螺旋模生胚脫脂前後微結構分析………………..50
4-3-5 添加60wt%粗鐵粉生胚脫脂後孔隙分析……………………………..50
4-3-6 螺旋模試片之燒結密度分析………………………………………….57
4-6 射料熱重分析..........................................65
4-7-1 密度分析……………………………………………………………….66
4-8 高壓釜作用對燒結後試片硬度影響……………………………………..….66
第五章 結論……………………………………….…………………………….81
第六章 參考文獻………………………………………………………………82

Table 1-1 Compare MIM with other processes.…………………..…………….….…3
Table 1-2 The effect of powder characteristic on MIM process……………….…..…6
Table 3-1 Properties of water atomized iron powder………………………..………28
Table 3-2 Characteristics of binder used in this study……………………….………32
Table 3-3 Standards of Injection Machine….………..………………………………37
Table 3-4 Properties of n-hexane…..……………………………………….……..…37
Table 3-5 Temperature and pressure are expressed correspondingly……….….....…39
Table 4-1 Flowability of carbonyl iron powder feedstocks………..……………...…48
Table 4-2 Flowability of mixed carbonyl and atomized iron powder feedstocks……48
Table 4-3 The densities of six sections of spiral sintered specimens……………......59
Table 4-4 The effect solid content and particle size on length change after solvent debinding……………………………………………….…………………63

Fig 1-1 A schematic diagram of the processing steps and equipments involved in
powder injection molding……...……………………………………………..4
Fig 2-1 Schematic expression for different flow behavior of fluid………………….11
Fig 2-2 Effect of solid content by feedstock viscosity and the best solid content
choose for range…………………………………………...…....…….…….12
Fig 2-3 A schematic classification of the six key debinding processes based on either
thermal or solvent approaches…………………..……………...…….……..15
Fig 2-4 Experimental setup of the extraction debinding by condensedsolvent…...…17
Fig 2-5 Stage of solvent debinding (a) Stage of intermediate (b) Stage of final….…19
Fig 2-6 A collection of possible defects in a PIM compact that might be noted after
Fig 2-7 The schematics of binder distributions at the (a) initial (b) intermediate and
(c) final stages of straight thermal debinding………………..………………25
Fig 3-1 Flow chart of experimental process…………….…..……………………….27
Fig 3-2 Morphology of (a) water atomized iron(b) carbonyl iron powder(c) carbonyl
nickel powder(d) copper powder………….…………………...…….……..29
Fig 3-3 The particle size distribution of carbonyl iron powders……...............……..30
Fig.3-4 Repose angle of powder. ………………………………………...………….34
Fig 3-5 Flow chart of binder blending.………………………………………………36
Fig 3-6 Flow chart of powder and binder blending………………………...………..36
Fig 3-7 Spiral mold of dimensions….……………………………………….………38
Fig 3-8 Phase diagram of water………………………………………………...……39
Fig 3-9 The chat of calculate flow length………...…………………………….........42
Fig 3-10 A schematic for cutted 6 sample…………..……………………….………42
Fig 3-11 Sample chamber for automated capillary flow poromete……......……...…43
Fig 4-1 Effect of carbonyl iron powder content on the tap density..…………...…....46
Fig 4-2 Effect of carbonyl iron powder content on the repose angle………..……....46
Fig 4-3 The weld line for spiral sample……………………………………………..49
Fig 4-4 Surface microstructure of spiral mould specimens with carbonyl iron powder (a)first part(b)second part(c)third part (d)fourth (e) fifth part (f)sixth part....51
Fig 4-5 Surface microstructure of spiral mould specimens with debinding carbonyl iron powder (a)first part(b)second part(c)third part(d)fourth (e) fifth part (f)sixth part………………………………………………………….….…..52
Fig 4-6 Surface microstructure of spiral mould specimens with carbonyl iron and atomized iron powder (a)first part(b)second part(c)third part(d)fourth part(e) Fifth part (f)sixth part…………………………………………...…...……..53
Fig 4-7 Surface microstructure of spiral mould specimens with debinding carbonyl and atomized iron powder(a)first part(b)second part(c)third part(d)fourth part(e)fifth part(f)sixth part…………….………………..……………....…54
Fig 4-8 The pore size distribution of the solvent debinded green part at first part.….55
Fig 4-9 The pore size distribution of the solvent debinded green part at second part.55
Fig 4-10 The pore size distribution of the solvent debinded green part at third part..56
Fig 4-11 The pore size distribution of the solvent debinded green part at fourth part
Fig 4-12 The effect of solid content on the green samples with carbonyl iron iron powder in the solven debinding process……………………...…………….60
Fig 4-13 The effect of solid content on the green samples mixed with carbonyl and atomized iron powder in the solven debinding process…………...............60
Fig 4-14 The effect of the solven debinding time on the weight loss for the 50vol%
green samples with carbonyl iron powder.…………………..……………..61
Fig 4-15 Sectional microstructure of the debinding green samples with (a) carbonyl
iron powder(b) carbonyl and atomize iron powder, and (c) atomized iron powder………………………………………………………………….…62
Fig 4-16 The poresize distribution of the samples with 50vol% carbonyl iron powders
Fig 4-17 The poresize distribution of the samples with 50vol% carbonyl and atomized iron powders. ……………………………………………………………..67
Fig 4-18 The poresize distribution of the samples with 50vol% atomized iron powder
iron powders……………………………………..………………………..68
Fig 4-19 The poresize distribution of the samples with 60vol% carbonyl iron powders
Fig 4-20 The poresize distribution of the samples with 60vol% carbonyl and atomized iron powders...………………………...…………………………………...69
Fig 4-21 The poresize distribution of the samples with 70vol% carbonyl iron powders
Fig 4-22 The poresize distribution of the samples with 70vol% carbonyl and atomized
iron powders………………..………………………….….………………..70
Fig 4-23 The shrinkage of Φ32mm and Φ16mm samples with 50vol% carbonyl iron powder after debinding and autoclave processes…………………….70
Fig 4-24 The shrinkage of Φ32mm and Φ16mm samples with 60vol% carbonyl iron powder after debinding and autoclave processes…………………………..71
Fig 4-25 The shrinkage of Φ32mm and Φ16mm samples with 70vol% carbonyl iron powder after debinding and autoclave processes ………………………...71
Fig 4-26 The shrinkage of Φ32mm and Φ16mm samples with 50vol% carbonyl and
atomized powder iron after debinding and autoclave processes………….72
Fig 4-27 The shrinkage of Φ32mm and Φ16mm samples with 60vol% carbonyl and
atomized iron powder after debinding and autoclave processes …………..72
Fig 4-28 The shrinkage of Φ32mm and Φ16mm samples with 70vol% carbonyl and
atomized iron powder after debinding and autoclave processes………….73
Fig 4-29 The shrinkage of Φ32mm and Φ16mm samples with 50vol% atomized iron
powder after debinding and autoclave processes…………………………..73
Fig 4-30 The effect of autoclave on the difference between expansion and shrinkage
for the 50vol% samples…………………………………………………...74
Fig 4-31 The effect of autoclave on the difference between expansion and shrinkage
for the 60vol% samples…………………………………………………….74
Fig 4-32 The effect of autoclave on the difference between expansion and shrinkage
for the 70vol% samples…………………………………………………….75
Fig.4-33 TGA of 50vol% feedstock…………………………………...…………….75
Fig.4-34 TGA of 60vol% feedstock…………………………………...…………….76
Fig.4-35 TGA of 70vol% feedstock…………………………………...…………….76
Fig 4-36 The microstructure of the debinding samples with(a)carbonyl iron powder
(b)carbonyl and atomized iron powder (c) atomized powder iron……..…77
Fig 4-37 Microstructure of the autoclaved samples with carbonyl iron powder.....…77
Fig 4-38 The effect of autoclaved on densification for 50vol% samples...……….....78
Fig 4-39 The effect of autoclaved on densification for 60vol% samples....................78
Fig 4-40 The effect of autoclaved on densification for 70vol% samples..……....…..79
Fig.4-41 Effect of autoclave on hardness for 50vol% samples……………...………79
Fig.4-42 Microstructure of the sintered with carbonyl iron powder……………...…80
Fig.4-43 Microstructure of sintered after the autoclaved samples with carbonyl iron powder…………………………………………………………………….80
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