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論文名稱(外文):The Research of Corporate Image and Product Designon Consumer's Buying Intentions--In Case Of Electric Acoustics Shop
指導教授(外文):DR.Jung-Hui Liang
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一、 探討不同電子影音產品設計方式,對消費者購買意願之影響。
二、 探討企業形象設計,是否影響消費者之購買意願。
三、 評估電子影音產品設計效果之經濟利益。
四、 探討電子影音產品設計促銷方式、企業形象設計,對提升消費者購買意願之最佳組合。


The Research of Corporate Image and Product Design on Consumers’ Buying Intentions-----In Case of electric acoustics shop

Fo Guang College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Student: Lin Yih Ching Advisor:Dr. Jung-Hui Liang

Since progress information science and technology lately, economy can uphold, consumer purchases wishes increasing, competition of domestic market is bitterly, dealer use each kind of design enhances for product sale. Because "design" usually affect to consumer regarding, the important attribute of product’s quality judgment, causes with to design coordination promotion, becomes design be most common also the effect reveals strategy; In addition, Corporate activity will attract to consumer , have the subjective vivid impression, causes Corporate image recognition (CIS) to design, affects consumer's purchase behavior, A fine Corporate image design, may obtain consumer trust, takes advantage of this when reduces the consumer purchase, in psychology determinism, then does not increase consumer to purchase of wishes.

The purpose to encourage sales have many ways to discuss, however there is no scholar study on the subject of design effect to promotion way; like wise the thesis analysis product design, Corporate image design, encouragement way three mutually affect, purchases influence to consumer. Hope achieves the following research goal:
First, to understanding different products design ways that influence to consumer wishes.
Second, to understanding Corporate’s image design will affects to consumer purchase wishes?
Third, The design effect to financial appraisal.
Fourth, In order to understand design promotion way and enterprise image design, to find out the best combination promote the consumer to purchase wishes.
The research using experimental approach, control product design and promotion way, Corporate image design, and ended up with a research design of 2×2×2 categories, 8 in total; The sample takes from Taiwan north the area, the audio store customer provides asks the volume. Using quantification analysis, picks the t examination way, carries on the material analysis, so as to explores the different design ways, purchases the wish regarding consumer to have reveals the difference; But an Corporate image design good Corporate image, produces to encourage consumer their purchases wishes. As well, the paper bases on findings propose to discussion and present Corporate operation suggestion.

Key Word: Product design, enterprise image recognition, purchase wish, information science and technology
目 錄
目 錄
目 錄
第一章 緒論..............................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機.....................................1
第二節 研究問題與研究目的..................................4
第二章 文獻回顧...........................................9
第一節 企業形象...........................................9
第二節 企業形象識別系統...................................16
第三節 電子影音產品促銷設計…………………………………….......18
第四節 產品保證與商品形象.................................24

第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………….......27
第一節 研究架構 .........................................27
第二節 變數之操作性定義...................................28
第三節 研究假說..........................................30
第四節 研究設計..........................................33
第五節 問卷設計..........................................35
第六節 研究樣本與資料集...................................39
第七節 統計分析方法......................................40

第四章 實證研結果與分析………………………………………… ….....40
第一節 回收樣本統計資料....................................41
第二節 電子影音電家企業形象對購買意願之影響分析…………........44
第三節 電子影音產品設計創新程度對購買意願之影響分析............49
第四節 企業形象、設計創新程度與設計促銷對購買意願之影響分析.....52

第五章 結論與建議 .......................................54
第一節 研究假說的成立情形...................................54
第二節 政策涵義............................................57
第三節 實際運用之建言......................................59


圖2-1 企業形象形成之簡單模型...............................15
圖2-2 Olson之品質模式.....................................16
圖2-3 價格與價值知覺模型...................................22
圖3-1 研究架構圖..........................................27

表2-1 第一類促銷定義表.....................................19
表2-2 第二類促銷定義表.....................................20
表3-1 實驗組別表..........................................33
表3-2 企業形象之前測.......................................34
表3-3 企業形象問卷設計.....................................36
表3-4 企業形象所對應之問項..................................37
表3-5 設計後滿意度對購買意願之問項...........................38
表4-1 樣本性別分佈.........................................42
表4-2 樣本年齡層分佈.......................................42
表4-3 樣本教育程度分佈.....................................43
表4-4 樣本收入分布........................................44
表4-5 企業形象對購買意願之分布..............................45
表4-6 企業形象對購買意願影響之卡方檢定.......................44
表4-7 設計促銷對購買意願之影響之分布狀況.....................45
表4-8 設計促銷對購買意願之影響之單因子變異數分析..............45
表4-9 企業形象與設計促銷對購買意願之分布..............--.....47
表4-10 企業形象與設計促銷對購買意願之雙因子變異數分析.........48
表4-11 設計創新程度與企業形象,對購買意願之統計分布...........49
表4-12 設計創新程度對購買意願之分布.........................50
表4-13 設計創新程度對購買意願影響之卡方檢定..................50
表4-14 設計創新程度對購買意願之影響之分布狀況................51
表4-15 設計創新程度對購買意願之影響之單因子變異數分析.........51
表4-16 設計創新程度與企業形象,對購買意願之統計分布...........52
表4-17 企業形象與設計創新程度對購買意願之雙因子變異數.........53
表5-1 研究假說設成立…………………………………………….......54



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