In this thesis、the relationship between ground-state absorption energy and electrochemical potential of diruthenium-polypyridine versus diruthenium-am(m)ine complexes was discussed. To understand the mixed-valence behavior in ground state and in excited state、HAD、the character of mixed-valence behavior of the two diruthenium complexes was measured. Both complexes show Hee』 (in the excited state 4+) has larger value than Hab (in the ground state 5+). In addition、Kc、comproportionation constant was derived from electrochemical results. The fact that the quotient of the Kc of [{Ru(NH3)4}2(bpm)]4+ divided by that of [{Ru(bpy)2}2(bpm)]4+ a value of 100 imply that the resonance effect should not be the same in both complexes.