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論文名稱(外文):Insider Trading, Monitoring, and The Value of the Firm
外文關鍵詞:Insider TradingAgency Problem
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公司的價值來自於一連串正淨現值的計畫的執行,如何為公司尋找有價值的計畫有賴於經理人的判斷與努力。在Burkart, Gromb and Panunzi (1997)的模型中經理人從計畫獲取私人利益可促使經理人尋找有利計畫的誘因,但因為公司價值與私人利益的衝突,使得持股眾多的大股東會干涉經理人的決策。大股東的監督雖能保護股東自身利益,但同時經理人努力的動機受到壓抑,反而喪失公司增加價值的機會。因此公司的最適股權結構應該要同時兼顧股東利益以及經理人誘因機能。
本文修正並延伸Burkart, Gromb and Panunzi (1997)的模型,認為經理人是公司計畫的決策者,而決策的良窳會影響到公司經營與股票價值。如果經理人能到股票市場交易公司股票的話,他們必定憑藉其擁有公司經營的優勢資訊獲得利潤。為了創造更大的交易利潤,經理人可能選擇高風險低價值的計畫,導致投資不效率。除此之外,經理人的交易利潤也是一種對由持有該公司股票的廣大外部股東的利益剝奪,這種利益剝奪最終勢必要反映到公司股價上。
The value of a firm comes from a series of projects with positive net value to be implemented, how to find valuable projects depends on the manager’s discretions and efforts. In the model developed by Burkart, Gromb and Panunzi (1997), managerial discretion comes with private benefits which induce the manager’s efforts to search for new valuable investments. However, with the fact that conflicts between firm’s value and private benefits, large shareholders are likely to interfere the manager’s decisions. Such monitoring can protect shareholders’ benefits with the costs that reduce managerial efforts to find valuable projects. Hence, the optimal ownership structure should base on the trade-off between control effect and managerial initiative.
We modify the model developed by Burkart, Gromb and Panunzi (1997) by considering the effects of insider trading on the firm’s value. Because the manager’s discretions have impacts on operate efficiency and firm’s value, he possesses superior information about the stock value of the firm. If allowing to insider trading, the manager can make abnormal stock trading profits. We find that manager inclined to undertake those projects with higher risk and lower net value, investment efficiency incurred. Furthermore, insider trading will hurt outside shareholders and finally must reduce the firm’s value.
On the other hand, insider trading has positive effects on firm’s value. Especially, allowing the manager to trade in the stock market can induce his managerial efforts. Also, it could reconcile the conflict of interests between manager and large shareholders, giving manager the strong inducement to look for the favorable plan to improve. To sum up, allowing Insider Trading will result in negative and positive effects towards firm value. We find that positive effects overweight negative effects when the manager’s private benefit is small or the manager’s share is small.
第一章 前言 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 1
第三節 研究架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第一節 代理問題 3
第二節 內線交易 6
第三節 小結 7
第三章 模型建立 8
第四章 模型推導 13
第一節 經理人的股票交易行為 13
第二節 經理人裁量風險屬性 16
第三節 大股東監督與經理人努力的決定 19
第五章 內線交易與公司價值 27
第一節 公司價值公式比較 27
第二節 以數值分析推算公司價值 29
第六章 結論與建議 36
第一節 結論 36
第二節 研究建議 37
附錄 38
參考文獻 40
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