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Author (Eng.):LAI,YEN-LING
Title (Eng.):The Determinant Factors and The Stock Price of Independent Director and Supervisor resigned
Advisor:葉銀華葉銀華 author reflink
advisor (eng):YEH,YIN-HUA
Narrow Field:商業及管理學門
Detailed Field:財務金融學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:84
keyword (chi):獨立董監事公司治理辭職公司特性
keyword (eng):Independent director or supervisorcorporate governanceresignationcorporate characteristic
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  • Cited Cited :14
  • HitsHits:1002
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The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of independent directors and supervisors’ resignation in listed and OTC companies from the dimensions of corporate performance, operation risks and corporate governance risk. This study also investigates the stock price reaction and the factors influencing the price reaction when the company announces the resignation of independent directors or superiors. The sample includes 82 resigned announcements of the independent director or supervisor form February 2002 to January 2006. The announcement date of independent directors’ or supervisors’ resignation is got from the Market Observation Post System.
The empirical results are summarized as follows:
1. Comparing with matching sample, the companies of independent director or supervisor resigned have worse corporate performance (lower ROA), greater operation risks (larger coefficient of variation of earning before interest tax, financial leverage ratio) and higher corporate governance risk (higher the related party transaction ratio, audit opinion is other than unqualified opinion, more family firms, the more shareholding owned by the large shareholder).
2. Based on the different corporate characteristics, ROA, coefficient of variation of earning before interest tax, the related party transaction ratio, audit opinion is other than unqualified opinion, the Chairman and the CEO as the same person, the shareholdings owned by the large shareholder affect the decision of independent directors’ or supervisors’ resignation.
3. The cumulative average abnormal return is no significant negative reaction when the company announces independent directors’ or supervisors’ resignation. This can’t explain that the resigned event affects the stock price negatively. The possible reason is that investors aren’t familiar with independent directors’ or supervisors’ functions and have doubts their subversion effectiveness. Therefore, the investors may not do the correct reaction immediately. In addition, we find that news are leaked out in the market in advance.
4. Auditing opinion is positively related to the cumulative average abnormal return. In companies with independent directors or supervisors resigning, when accountant audit opinion is other than unqualified opinion in the independent or supervisor resigned company, it implies that financial report transparency is not good enough or the management and accountant may window dress the financial reports. Investors are confused in this unreasonable situation. That is why the cumulative average abnormal return is lower.
目 錄
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景與動機……………………………………… 1
第二節 研究目的……………………………………………… 5
第三節 預期研究貢獻………………………………………… 6
第四節 研究架構……………………………………………… 7
第二章 相關文獻回顧與探討…………………………………10
第一節 代理理論………………………………………………10
第二節 公司治理與獨立董監事制度…………………………12
第三節 辭職類型與原因………………………………………19
第四節 辭職結果與相關實證研究探討………………………25
第三章 研究設計………………………………………………32
第一節 獨立董監事辭職行為的選擇過程……………………32
第二節 研究假說………………………………………………34
第三節 研究樣本與資料來源…………………………………40
第四節 研究變數操作性定義…………………………………42
第五節 研究方法………………………………………………47
第四章 實證結果與分析………………………………………54
第一節 辭職獨立董監事特性分析……………………………54
第二節 獨立董監事辭職公司之公司特性敘述統計分析……55
第三節 獨立董監事辭職的決定因素…………………………60
第四節 獨立董監事辭職宣告的股價反應……………………64
第五節 獨立董監事辭職宣告股價反應的影響因素…………69
第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………73
第一節 研究結論………………………………………………73
第二節 研究限制與建議………………………………………76

表1-1 財務危機公司危機發生前重要人員辭職情形統計表………… 9
表2-1 國內外探討管理階層異動原因之文獻…………………………19
表2-2 國外探討會計師更換原因之文獻………………………………21
表2-3 國內探討會計師更換原因之文獻………………………………22
表2-4 國外探討董事辭職原因之文獻…………………………………24
表2-5 國外探討公司人員異動之市場反應文獻………………………29
表2-6 國內探討公司人員異動之市場反應文獻………………………30
表3-1 各變數之定義及衡量指標………………………………………45
表4-1 辭職獨立董監事特性分析………………………………………54
表4-2 獨立董監事辭職公司與配對樣本公司特性敘述統計分析……57
表4-3 獨立董監事辭職前後公司重要人員辭職情形統計表…………58
表4-4 各變數間之相關分析……………………………………………59
表4-5 獨立董監事辭職的決定因素……………………………………62
表4-6 上市樣本宣告獨立董監事辭職事件之平均異常報酬率………65
表4-7 上市樣本宣告獨立董監事辭職事件之累積平均異常報酬率…65
表4-8 上櫃樣本宣告獨立董監事辭職事件之平均異常報酬率………67
表4-9 上櫃樣本宣告獨立董監事辭職事件之累積平均異常報酬率…67
表4-10 各變數間之相關分析……………………………………………70
表4-11 獨立董監事辭職宣告股價反應的影響因素……………………71

圖1-1 研究流程圖………………………………………………………8
圖3-1 辭職行為的選擇過程……………………………………………33
圖3-2 估計期與事件期示意圖…………………………………………50
圖4-1 上市樣本宣告獨立董監事辭職事件之累積平均異常報酬率圖66
圖4-2 上櫃樣本宣告獨立董監事辭職事件之累積平均異常報酬率圖68
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