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研究生(外文):Lung-Yi Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship among Industry Index Returns for Taiwan, Japan and South Korea in Conjunction with the Effects upon Individual Stock Returns
指導教授(外文):Chien-Shan Han
外文關鍵詞:Country FactorsIndustry FactorsStock Index ReturnsIndustry Index ReturnsGranger Causality TestTwo Factor Regression Mo
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Did stock market investment returns overwhelmingly influence by country factors, or industry factors? If and only if Asian investors can fully understand the implication among Taiwan, Japan and South Korea, they are able to verify the international diversification for every investment and perhaps result in an investment returns tantamount to industry targets, so as to achieve the goal of reducing investment risk. This research intends to utilize materials from three separate market indexes of the countries mentioned above. The three indexes are (1) Industry diversified indexes, (2) Industry comprehensive indexes and (3) The top 50-ranked companies’ stock prices – duration: 1994/1/6 to 2006/3/30. Within this discourse, wish to illustrate our analysis for (1) the trend between the stock index returns and industry index returns; (2) the Granger Causality between the stock index returns; (3) the effects of stock returns from country factors and industry factors.
Methods of approach including Granger Causality Test, Two Factor Regression Models, Two Stage Regression Models to analyze the relationship among industry index returns for Taiwan, Japan and South Korea in conjunction with the effects upon individual stock returns.
The empirical results have shown that the TWSE and KOSPI Index returns are deeply affected by TOPIX Index returns. By scrutinize the relationships among seven major industries and their index returns, the relationships are said to be one-way or two-way causality contains most industries, respectively. Following the Two Factors Regression Models analysis, the stock returns of top 50 market values for companies within the three nations, one is able to determine the affect by its individual index returns. If one shall inspect the impacts on individual stock returns from comprehensive index returns for the three nations, that is, the BM and TE industry companies in Taiwan, almost every companies for all industries in Japan, and BM, CG, TE industries in South Korea. Next, the Two Stage Regression model analysis suggested that the stock returns of top 50-ranked companies in terms of their stock price returns have shown regression by its individual index stock returns, their residuals can also be explained by the comprehensive index returns. Furthermore, certain developed industries, for example, standardized BM industry companies and heavy-weighted companies within TE industry in Taiwan, by contrast, virtually all companies within all industries in Japan, lastly, companies within BM, CG and TE industry in South Korea.
目 錄
第壹章 緒論 ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ………………………………………………. 1
第二節 研究目的 ……………………………………………... 3
第三節 研究架構與流程 ……………………………………………… 4
第貳章 文獻回顧 …………………………………………………………………… 6
第一節 國與國之間股價指數關聯相關文獻 …………... 6
第二節 國家因子或產業因子對股價報酬影響相關文獻 …………... 9
第參章 研究方法 …………………………………………………………….……... 11
第一節 資料來源 ………………………………………………... 11
第二節 資料處理 ………………………………………….……... 12
第三節 研究方法 ………………………………………….……... 14
一、因果關係檢定(Granger Causality Test) ………………………. 14
二、迴歸分析(Regression Analysis) ………………………. 15
第肆章 實證結果與分析 …………………………………………………………….. 18
第一節 各大指數特性及統計摘要 …………... 18
第二節 三國股價指數報酬與產業指數報酬之相關趨勢 …………... 25
第三節 三國股價指數報酬與產業指數報酬之因果關係 …………... 29
第四節 國家因子與產業因子對股價報酬之影響 …………... 35
第伍章 結論與建議 …………………………………………………………………. 49
第一節 研究結論 …………………………………………………... 49
第二節 後續研究建議 …………………………………………………... 50
《參考文獻》 ……………………………………………………………… 52
中文文獻 …………………………………………………………………… 52
英文文獻 …………………………………………………………………… 53
《附錄》 ……………………………………………………………… 55
附錄一 台灣市值前五十大公司第一階段迴歸檢定彙整表……… 55
附錄二 日本市值前五十大公司第一階段迴歸檢定彙整表……… 57
附錄三 韓國市值前五十大公司第一階段迴歸檢定彙整表……… 59

表 目 錄
表1-1 國內外主要太陽能電池製造商PER及市值/營收比較表…..……….. 3
表3-1 標的股價指數名稱及變數名稱……………………………………….. 13
表4-1 三國股價指數之基本統計特性……………………………………….. 18
表4-2 三國股價指數週報酬率之基本統計特性 ………………….………... 19
表4-3 三國股價指數週報酬率相關係數…………………………………….. 19
表4-4 七綜合產業指數之基本統計特性…………………………………….. 20
表4-5 七綜合產業指數週報酬率之基本統計特性.…………………………. 21
表4-6 1994-1997年七綜合產業指數週報酬率相關係數(不含TL)………… 21
表4-7 1998-2001年七綜合產業指數週報酬率相關係數(不含TL)…..…….. 22
表4-8 2002-2006年七綜合產業指數週報酬率相關係數……..…………….. 22
表4-9 三國指數報酬的 Granger 因果關係檢定彙整表……………………. 30
表4-10 BM產業指數報酬的 Granger 因果關係檢定彙整表……………….. 30
表4-11 CG產業指數報酬的 Granger 因果關係檢定彙整表………………... 31
表4-12 CS產業指數報酬的 Granger 因果關係檢定彙整表………………... 32
表4-13 FI產業指數報酬的 Granger 因果關係檢定彙整表…………………. 32
表4-14 IN產業指數報酬的 Granger 因果關係檢定彙整表….…………….. 33
表4-15 TE產業指數報酬的 Granger 因果關係檢定彙整表………………... 33
表4-16 TL產業指數報酬的 Granger 因果關係檢定彙整表………...……… 34
表4-17 台灣市值前五十大公司兩因子迴歸模型檢定彙整表………… 39
表4-18 台灣市值前五十大公司第二階段迴歸檢定產業指數顯著之公司…………………………………………………………………. 41
表4-19 日本市值前五十大公司兩因子迴歸模型檢定彙整表…….…….. 41
表4-20 日本市值前五十大公司第二階段迴歸檢定產業指數顯著之公司………………………………………………………………………. 43
表4-21 韓國市值前五十大公司兩因子迴歸模型檢定彙整表………….. 45
表4-22 韓國市值前五十大公司第二階段迴歸檢定產業指數顯著之公司………………………………………………………………………... 46

圖 目 錄
圖1-1 研究流程圖……………………………………………………………. 5
圖4-1 台灣加權股價指數走勢圖……………………………………………. 23
圖4-2 東京股價指數走勢圖…………………………………………….…… 23
圖4-3 韓國綜合股價指數走勢圖……………………………………………. 24
圖4-4 三國綜合股價指數走勢圖……………………………………………. 24
圖4-5 國家相關係數與產業相關係數走勢圖………………………………. 25
圖4-6 國家標準差與產業標準差走勢圖……………………………………. 26
圖4-7 產業標準差與產業相關係數走勢圖…………………………………. 27
圖4-8 國家標準差與國家相關係數走勢圖.………………………………… 27
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