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研究生(外文):Ho Chin-yu
論文名稱(外文):Hedge effectiveness testing for derivative financial instruments-designated IRS for hedging instruments
指導教授(外文):Min-Jeng Shiue
外文關鍵詞:Derivative Financial InstrumentsHedge AccountingHedge EffectivenessInterest Rate Swap
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衍生性金融商品之崛起與迅速發展,不僅有助於活絡金融市場,促進市場效率性與完整性,投資者更可利用衍生性金融商品操作,規避現貨市場風險或賺取超額報酬。但因衍生性金融商品具高度財務槓桿特性,操作稍有不慎亦會導致企業鉅額損失,甚至面臨嚴重財務危機。為了對衍生性金融商品明定適當規範,財務會計準則委員會於民國92年12月25日和94年6月23日分別以國際會計準則IAS No.39和IAS No.32為藍本,相繼發布財務會計準則第34號與36號公報,規範金融商品之認列衡量、表達與揭露,並自95年1月1日起正式適用。公報內容對於金融商品之評價,捨成本與市價孰低法改以公平價值觀點評價,同時規範避險會計之適用,宜於指定避險開始時,有關避險關係、企業之風險管理目標及避險策略,應有正式書面文件。該書面文件至少應載明避險工具、相關被避險項目或交易及被規避風險本質之辨認,與如何評估避險工具抵銷欲規避風險造成被避險項目之公平價值或現金流量變動之有效性。但對於避險有效性之測試,並未明定單一測試方法。
Recently, there is a rapid development both of international financial market and derivatives. Companies can use derivative instruments to hedge economic exposures or to earn the excess rewards. However, derivatives are also high leverage instruments. In order to regulate the reporting issues about derivatives, the Financial Accounting Standard Board in Taiwan issue Statements of Financial Accounting Standards No.34 and No.36 respectively. Hedge accounting users have to qualify a derivative position for hedge accounting, specifying the hedged item, identifying the hedging strategy and the derivative, and supporting documents by statistical or other means that the hedge to be highly effective in offsetting the designated risk exposure. Without these special treatments, derivative gains or losses and the gains or losses associated with the risk being hedge would classify as earnings components in different time periods. The Statement did not identify specific testing method to measure hedge effectiveness and how to attain “highly effective” hedge position.
Six common used methods for testing hedge effectiveness were applied, which include the dollar-offset method, the relative-difference method, the variability-reduction method, the variance-reduction method, the standard deviation-reduction method and the regression method. We found that the results both of the relative-difference method and the regression method are much stable relatively than other testing methods.
目 錄
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………….1
第一節 研究動機與背景…………………………………………….1
第二節 論文架構…………………………………………………….5
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………….7
第一節 34號公報制定背景與避險會計…………...……………….7
第二節 避險有效性測試相關文獻回顧…………...…....…………22
第三章 研究方法………………………………………...………………32
第一節 避險有效性之測試方法…………..………….……………32
第二節 個案描述………………………………..……..….………..41
第三節 變數定義與蒐集…..……………………..…………...……48
第四節 資料來源…………………………………………...………60
第四章 實證結果與分析…………………………………….…..………61
第一節 個案實證結果描述………………………….………..……61
第二節 各項方法預期測試結果分析……………………………...84
第五章 結論與建議……………………………….…………..……..…..92
第一節 研究結論………………………………….…….….………92
第二節 研究限制………………………………….………………..94
第三節 研究建議………………………………...……..………..…95
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