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研究生(外文):Hung Chih Yu
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of an Aerial Photograph Surface Feature Recognition System
指導教授(外文):Hsu Chien Chang
外文關鍵詞:Wavelet transformSupport vector machinesNoise reviserSurface featureTyphoon damage prediction
  • 被引用被引用:2
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Topography and surface feature recognition is an important issue of natural disaster prevention. Correct feature recognition can find and predict possible damages of typhoon earlier for the government so the right rescue strategy can be taken. This work proposes an aerial photograph surface feature recognition system. The system contains two components, namely, feature extractor and noise reviser. Feature extractor uses wavelet transformation and support vector machines to conduct image reduction and feature recognition. Noise reviser uses fuzzy neural networks to eliminate misclassified patterns. The system is applied to the domain of crop damage prediction of typhoon. The experiments showed that the system can find important surface features from aerial photograph as well as predict possible typhoon damage correctly.
第一章 簡介 5
第二章 系統架構 8
2.1 特徵擷取器 8
2.2 雜訊校正器 12
第三章 表面特徵辨識應用於颱風災害預測系統 16
3.1 颱風災害預測 16
3.2 航空影像圖片表面特徵辨識系統 19
第四章 討論和結論 24
4.1 討論 24
4.2 結論 27
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