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研究生(外文):Sung-Shr Chen
論文名稱(外文):A DHT-based File sharing Strategy
外文關鍵詞:Peer-to-peerDistributed Hash Tabledirectory consistency
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在P2P檔案分享系統裡,由參與節點彼此分享著其他節點願意分享之檔案。以分散式雜湊表(Distributed Hash Table)為基礎的路由演算法能提供一個較有效率路由機制並且在最近幾年變成很重要的研究議題,不過在分散式雜湊表演算法中存在著兩個問題:(1)檔案透過雜湊函數得到唯一的識別代碼,經由識別代碼將檔案儲存在特定節點上可能會浪費儲存空間及網路頻寬(2)相同檔案有多個節點能提供服務時,DHT演算法並沒有辦法知道那個節點是離使用者端最近,因此使用者可能會從一個遠端節點下載檔案並且要忍受較長取回檔案之延遲時間,在這篇論文中,使用目錄來降低空間負擔並且應用機率性伺服器挑選策略(probabilistic server selection policy)來找出適當的節點擁有者,並且利用兩階段處理方式來達到目錄一致性。在評估分析與模擬結果中證明所提出方法有顯著的改善空間及系統取回效能(retrieval performance)。
In Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing systems, the participating peers share the files with others. Distributed Hash Table (DHT) based routing algorithms provide an efficient routing mechanism for P2P and become important issues in recent years. However, there are two problems in DHT algorithms. First, it may waste storage and bandwidth for storing shared files at the node indicated by the DHT. Second, in case of multiple file retrievals, DHT based routing algorithms can not give information which peer owners are topologically close to the query client. Thus, the client may have to download the file from a remote peer and suffer from long retrieve latency. In this thesis, the proposed approach uses directory to reduce storage space overhead and applies probabilistic server selection policy to find out preferable peer owners. Furthermore, the proposed approach also considers directory consistency by employing a two-phase protocol. The evaluation and simulation results show our strategy can significantly the improve space overhead and the system retrieval performance.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 集中式P2P系統 6
2.2 分散式且非結構性P2P系統 7
2.3 分散式且結構化P2P系統 7
2.3.1 鬆散結構化P2P架構 8
2.3.2 嚴謹結構化P2P架構 10
I. Pastry 10
II. Tapestry 14
IV. Chord 18
第三章 所提方法 27
3.1 基本想法 27
3.1.1 如何將子目錄均勻分佈到所有參與節點上 28
3.1.2 如何提供給使用者鄰近內容提供者節點資訊 30
3.1.3 如何解決目錄一致性的問題 30
3.2 問題解決 31
3.2.1 分散式目錄架構 31

3.2.2 機率性伺服器挑選策略 32
3.2.3 目錄一致性 33
第四章 比較分析 36
第五章 評估與模擬 39
5.1 評估 39
5.2 模擬 40
第六章 總結 43
參考文獻 44
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