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研究生(外文):Guo-Ching Chou
論文名稱(外文):Time-Triggered and Event-Triggered Implementation of a High Speed Thermal Printing System on uClinux
指導教授(外文):Brian K. Lien
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在常用的作業系統中,大多數是為了執行不同任務而有公平的排程方法,無法使任一特殊的任務有最高優先權,讓系統能對特殊任務做最快速的處理。在此篇論文中利用uClinux為論文平台中的作業系統,利用其open source的便利性,對uClinux kernel的中斷作修改,並對指定的任務作最高優先順序處理,再搭配硬體的功能,來量測模擬得到熱感式印表機列印時會觸發的中斷,藉此軟體與硬體的配合達到快速即時列印。不單是如此,同時可用uClinux強大的擴充性,將欲列印的資料透過網路應用程式方式丟至本論文平台上,由uClinux上的Server程式接收並列印,省去舊有列印方式必須要透過PC端使用RS-232或Parallel Port或USB Device連結至印表機列印的不便性。
同時此平台可取代PC電腦來做Printer Server使用,利用網路有線或無線或紅外線傳輸資料,提升印表機之潛力。
The originally design purpose of uClinux operating system focused on the fair of scheduling of process. But uClinux can not meet the requirement of Real-Time printing.
Therefore, we will modify the uClinux kernel to make the uClinux have the capability of Real-Time processing, especially for printing process.
In this project, we will provide a mixed time- and event-triggered approach to implement a printing architecture with double buffer function. When controlling the printer to print in high speed, the triggered frequency of the whole system is high enough to reach at least 2000 Hz if the printing speed reaches 10 inches per second (IPS), meaning that lots of tasks must be finished in 0.5ms precisely and promptly. Since controlling the thermal printhead (TPH) is a periodic task, we choose the time-triggered architecture (TTA) to be the main architecture. This is because the TTA generates such a framework for the domain of large distributed embedded real-time systems in high-dependability environments. The same ideas are used to address the fundamental issues of real-time programming for printing control system. However, purely time-triggered approaches do not handle irregularly spaced new events well and require tasks to be periodic. In order to let the system operation to be more flexible, we use the event-triggered architecture, which tackle some problems of the TTA.
摘要 4
第1章 導論 7
1.1 研究背景 7
1.2 研究動機、目的及發展現況 8
1.3 全文架構 10
第2章 即時系統、熱感列印的原理 11
2.1 即時系統 11
2.2 即時系統延遲因素 13
2.3 熱感列印的原理 15
第3章 嵌入式系統 22
3.1 嵌入式系統簡介 22
3.2 嵌入式系統的特點 24
3.3開放式即時作業系統開發現況 25
3.4 uClinux簡介 29
3.5 Real-Time Linux方案的比較 33
第4章 即時方法的研究與實作 35
4.1 Time-Triggered與Event-Triggered列印架構 35
4.2 uClinux中斷處理流程 40
4.3 列印優先權控制 41
第5章 實驗結果 47
5.1 實驗平台 47
5.2 實驗架構 48
5.3 數據量測 49
第6章 結論及未來展望 57
參考文獻 59
Appendix entry-armv.S與irq.c程式碼 62
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