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論文名稱(外文):Building a large-scale surveillance system with Server-Based architecture
指導教授(外文):Jonathan Chun-Hsien Lu
外文關鍵詞:surveillance system
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由於最近幾年數位科技軟、硬體的大幅進步與價格普及化,使用數位安全監控系統取代傳統錄影帶式監控系統,有愈來愈普及的趨勢。而目前一般的數位安全監控系統架構,多是以點對點傳輸的方式,將視訊從網路監視器直接傳送至使用者端(monitor to client)。在此架構下,若有許多使用者(multiple clients)欲要求監看特定網路監視器之視訊時,容易造成該監視器沉重的負載;此外在大型的監控系統中,管理為數眾多的網路監視器也是相當的複雜及困難,故在此我們提出Server-Based及仿點對點傳輸(Peer-to-Peer)的新架構。利用Server-Based的方法,把監視器視訊集中傳送至監控伺服器(monitoring server)上處理,可將監視器的負載分散至監控伺服器上,並可依照各種不同的需求,動態調整其所需的功能。而仿P2P的架構,則是利用client端的剩餘上傳頻寬,傳送視訊frame至其它的client,充份利用所有的資源,藉此來降低網路監視器的負載。我們分別模擬此兩種架構,分析其負載情況,並比較和其它的方法之優缺點。
Because of the continued improvement of the digital software and hardware technologies, it has become popular to replace the traditional video tape surveillance systems by digital system. Most of the digital surveillance systems send the video streams from network camera to monitor stations directly. If there are many monitor stations connecting to the same network camera and trying to receive the video stream, if does not only cause heavy workload in network camera, but also complicate the management of the network camera in a large-scale surveillance system.
In this paper, we proposed both server-based and P2P-like surveillance system architectures to resolve the problem described above. The video streams were transmitted to the monitoring server, while significantly decreased the network camera’s workload and provided dynamic adaptation. In P2P-like architecture, the monitoring station transmitted the video stream to other stations using its free network bandwidth. In this way, both the workload and bandwidth consumption at the network camera would be much reduced. We ran simulations for different architectures to analyze the performance of the proposed architecture.
目 錄

第一章 緒論 ............................................... 1
1.1 背景與研究動機 .................................... 1
1.2 系統描述 .......................................... 6
1.3 論文架構 ......................................... 10
第二章 相關研究 .......................................... 12
第三章 Server-Based之監控系統 ........................... 16
3.1 系統架構及運作流程 ............................... 18
3.2 系統連線分配機制 ................................. 22
3.2.1 加入新的網路監視器 .......................... 24
3.2.2 轉介至其它台伺服器 .......................... 26
3.2.3 移動連線至其它伺服器 ........................ 28
3.2.4 斷線發生後的處理 ............................ 29
3.3 系統備援機制 ..................................... 31
第四章 仿P2P架構之監控系統 .............................. 32
4.1 系統架構 ......................................... 32
4.2 系統運作流程 ..................................... 33
4.2.1 加入新的監控主機 ............................ 34
4.2.2 連線遭到拒絕之處理 .......................... 35
4.3 Peer Selection Algorithm ........................... 36
第五章 效能評估 .......................................... 38
5.1 實驗架構與假設 ................................... 38
5.2 伺服器架構之實驗結果 ............................. 39
5.2.1 網路監視器之負載 ............................ 39
5.2.2 配置不同數量伺服器之負載情形 ................ 41
5.3 仿P2P架構之實驗結果 .............................. 43
第六章 結論及未來方向 .................................... 46
6.1 結論 ............................................. 46
6.2 未來方向 ......................................... 47
參考文獻 ................................................. 49

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