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論文名稱(外文):A Study of IT power transfer when M&A activity occurred
外文關鍵詞:M&APower transfer
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Global enterprises M&A activities grow in intensity, the amount of money is larger and larger, after the sensational news, reformation and transformation organizing, it is the question that CEO needs to pay close attention to most whether to produce the vertical result which is greater than two of one plus one.
While facing the change in the organization, the information department, as the important support centre of modernized enterprises, the trend of the information system is also the key factor influencing enterprises to merge the success or failure. So this research does the deep discussion to this question, help to face the information department's executive of this drastic change, find effectively on organize because of in conformity with strategy, lead department to be safe to spend the violent change fast, climb another peak.
According to the result of this research, there is time sequence nature in the transfer of information power in the course of merging, this research also develops one procedure model to explain information power transfer the factor.
In addition, quite limited that the power to department's level is influenced that we have also found the politics of organizing. CIO should not be with the appearance worried and future department power of meeting trouble halfway, should think from the basic side, grasp the importance to company of information department instead, understand the cause that enterprises merge further, assess the situation of rival's company, it think not it is merge to most can accord with by enterprising information of principle combine scheme is exactly and executives of company will certainly have lasted weak tendency, lead in the corporate culture in vogue in the open, strength, the executive mastering the state most quickly has advantages.
This research shows, when organize large size change of change, look over the static power of the department again formally (the centre, unsubstitutability and ability to deal with uncertainty) Excellent for opportunity,it is improve key element not basic of power not static of by a wide margin this the good opportunities not to if can take advantage of, will contribute to department's power of information and do the improvement by a large margin on the basic side, improve the competitiveness of enterprises with stronger information strength.
表次 viii
圖次 x
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 5
第三節 研究目的 6
第四節 研究流程 8
第貳章 文獻探討 9
第一節 企業併購類別 9
第二節 企業併購動機探討 12
第三節 企業併購步驟 14
第四節 企業併購後之整合機制 17
第五節 企業合併策略及併購後對IT的衝擊 22
第六節 組織權力理論 26
第七節 資訊部門權力探討 35
第參章 研究方法 39
第一節 研究模型 39
第二節 研究命題發展 42
第三節 操作性定義 43
第四節 問卷設計 46
第五節 研究案例 48
第六節 研究設計 52
第肆章 個案研究與發現 55
第一節 某跨國科技公司的個案研究與發現 55
第二節 某跨國家品公司的個案研究與發現 69
第三節 分析與討論 84
第伍章 結論 89
第一節 研究結論 89
第二節 研究貢獻 91
第三節 研究限制 92
參考文獻 95
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