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研究生(外文):Fang-Chu Liu
論文名稱(外文):The influence of humor on negotiations
指導教授(外文):Chun-Chi Yang
  • 被引用被引用:5
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Negotiated skills are needed for everyone. But people probably don’t know using humor well in the negotiated situation could make the result better. This research is an exploratory research and using experiment method to create a situation to observe how the real customer interacts with the real car sales. The negotiation process is divided into two processes. Our purposes are to discover the types of humor and the social functions of humor used by negotiators and the influence of humor on negotiations in the different negotiation process.
Finally we get five important results. First, the influences of the types of humor and the social functions of humor on negotiators’ performance are slightly; second, the influence of social functions of humor on negotiators’ performance is much more than the influence of types of humor; third, gender difference could affect the influence of the types of humor and the social functions of humor on negotiators’ performance; fourth, the role difference of negotiators impacted the influence of types of humor and social functions of humor on negotiators little; the last, negotiators should choose different types of humor and social functions of humor to be a negotiated strategy in the different negotiate process.
第壹章 緒論-------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景-------------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機與目的----------------------------------------------------2
第三節 研究流程-------------------------------------------------------------4

第貳章 文獻探討-------------------------------------------------------------------7
第一節 幽默的定義與分類-------------------------------------------------7
第二節 幽默功能-------------------------------------------------------------9
第三節 談判理論------------------------------------------------------------11
第四節 幽默類型、功能與談判績效------------------------------------16

第參章 研究方法------------------------------------------------------------------19
第一節 研究架構------------------------------------------------------------19
第二節 研究設計------------------------------------------------------------21
第三節 變數衡量------------------------------------------------------------25
第四節 分析方法------------------------------------------------------------32

第肆章 實證結果與分析---------------------------------------------------------33
第一節 談判前置階段的幽默類型、功能與績效之關係-----------33
第二節 談判全程的幽默類型、功能與績效之關係-----------------41

第伍章 結論與建議--------------------------------------------------------------57
第一節 研究結論-----------------------------------------------------------57
第二節 管理意涵-----------------------------------------------------------63
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向--------------------------------------65

附錄一 買方須知-----------------------------------------------------------------75
附錄二 賣方須知-----------------------------------------------------------------79
附錄三 談判滿意度問卷--------------------------------------------------------85
附錄四 幽默事件編碼資料-----------------------------------------------------89

表2-1-1 幽默定義整理表-------------------------------------------------------8
表3-3-1 幽默類型類目表-------------------------------------------------------26
表3-3-2 幽默類型次數分配表-------------------------------------------------27
表3-3-3 幽默功能類目表-------------------------------------------------------28
表3-3-4 幽默功能次數分配表-------------------------------------------------29
表3-3-5 幽默類型與幽默功能編碼之相互同意度與信度表-------------30
表4-1-2 談判前置階段的幽默類型、功能與績效之相關分析表(個人層次)
表4-1-5 談判前置階段的幽默類型、功能與績效相關表(賣方個人層次)
表4-2-1 談判全程的幽默類型與幽默功能之相關分析表(幽默事件層次)
表4-2-2 談判全程的幽默類型與幽默功能之相關分析表(個人層次)
表4-2-3 談判全程的幽默類型與幽默功能之相關分析表(對偶層次)
表4-2-4 談判全程的幽默類型、功能在性別與角色之差異分析表-----47
表4-2-5 談判全程幽默類型、幽默功能與績效之相關分析表-----------48
表4-2-6 談判全程的幽默類型與共同客觀績效之迴歸分析表(對偶層次)
表4-2-7 談判全程的幽默功能與共同客觀績效之迴歸分析表(對偶層次)
表4-2-8 談判全程的幽默類型與個人客觀績效之迴歸分析表(個人層次)
表4-2-9 談判全程的幽默功能與個人客觀績效之迴歸分析表(個人層次)
表4-2-10 談判全程的幽默類型與談判滿意度之迴歸分析表(個人層次)
表4-2-11 談判全程的幽默功能與談判滿意度之迴歸分析表(個人層次)

圖1-3-1 研究流程圖-------------------------------------------------------------5
圖3-1-1 觀念性研究架構圖---------------------------------------------------20
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