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研究生(外文):Lai Yu-Chi
論文名稱(外文):The influence of store environment and brand awareness on cognitive trust, affective trust and customer loyalty
指導教授(外文):Lin Miao-Que
外文關鍵詞:store environmentbrand awarenesscognitive trustaffective trustcustomer loyalty
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分析結果如下:(1) 實體環境對於消費者認知信任與情感信任皆有顯著影響,且認知信任與情感信任是實體環境與顧客忠誠之間的完全中介。(2)服務人員僅對情感信任有影響,可能因為服務人員的專業性、制服儀表等影響認知之因素都被消費者視為基本要求,故反而服務人員的人緣與態度等因素,對於顧客信任的建立是較為重要的,而且情感信任也為服務人員與忠誠度之間的完全中介(3) 品牌知名度對於消費者的認知信任與情感信任皆有顯著影響,但品牌可以直接影響顧客忠誠度,信任僅為部份中介。(4)認知信任與情感信任皆會正面影響顧客忠誠度的形成,且認知信任會影響情感信任。
Recently, experiential marketing and relationship marketing is very popular. However, people have both rational and affective sides. Experiential marketing emphasizes too much on customer emotion to ignore customer cognitive side. Besides, trust is the key of relationship marketing, the basis of long-term relationships. It is also an important factor to customer loyalty.
Prior research of experiential marketing always ignores the importance of cognition and trust. Relationship research also did not divide trust into cognition-based and affect-based trust. This study take Starbucks as an example, further examine that how customers are influenced by environment design, service providers and brand awareness, then induces cognitive trust and affective trust, and in turn customer loyalty.
To examine the hypotheses, this study conducts LISREL to analyze questionnaires collected from customers in Starbucks. The result shows that store environment and brand awareness have positive effects on customer cognitive trust and affective trust, while service providers only have effect on affective trust. Cognitive trust and affective trust would directly influence customer loyalty. Cognitive trust would also influence affective trust. Trust not only mediates between store environment and customer loyalty, but also mediates between brand awareness and customer loyalty.
Therefore, companies are suggested to make effort to establish customer cognitive trust and affective trust. In doing so, companies could easily deliver stories and messages of environment and brand to their customers, owing to the mediation of trust, and then successfully build long-term relationship with customers.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究範圍與對象 5
第四節 研究流程 6

第貳章 文獻探討 7
第一節 消費者購買行為理論 7
第二節 信任之定義與內涵 17
第三節 顧客忠誠度之意義與內涵 28
第四節 商店環境之意義與內涵 31
第五節 實體環境與消費者信任及忠誠度之關係 37
第六節 服務人員與消費者信任及忠誠度之關係 39
第七節 品牌知名度與消費者信任及忠誠度之關係 42

第參章 研究方法 47
第一節 研究架構 47
第二節 研究假設 49
第三節 衡量變數與操作性定義 57
第四節 抽樣對象與抽樣方法 69
第五節 資料分析方法 70

第肆章 實證結果 75
第一節 效度、信度分析與衡量模式之驗證 75
第二節 敍述性統計 82
第三節 線性結構模型分析 91

第伍章 結論與建議 103
第一節 研究結果討論 103
第二節 學術貢獻 110
第三節 管理意涵 111
第四節 研究限制與後續研究建議 113

參考文獻 117
附錄一、問卷 133
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