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論文名稱(外文):On parallel machine scheduling with common due windows
外文關鍵詞:schedulingparallel machinedue windowjust in time
  • 被引用被引用:3
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Production scheduling is concerned with the problem of scheduling available machines to process jobs effectively. Due to the popularity of the just-in-time philosophy, in-time delivery of jobs has become one of the crucial factors for customer satisfaction. Scheduling plays an important role in achieving this goal. About the just-in-time issue, most of the prior researches were to deal with the problem of minimizing total earliness-tardiness penalty. In this paper, we study the scheduling problem of minimizing the number of early and tardy jobs (or maximizing the number of in-time jobs). Specifically, we consider the problem with a set of independent jobs to be processed on several identical parallel machines. All jobs have a common due window. We first develop some theorems about this performance measure. Then we propose an efficient solution algorithm for the problem according to those theorems. Finally, we use the simulated data to test the effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithm. Our computational experiments show that the algorithm we propose can get optimal solution in very short time. Further, we find that CPU time is independent of , , and m. It is dependent of n. On the other hand, maximizing the number of in-time jobs are independent of and . It is dependent of , m and n.
目 錄
第 壹 章 緒論--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第 一 節 問題背景與研究動機------------------------------------------ 1
第 二 節 研究範圍與限制------------------------------------------------ 2
第 三 節 研究目的--------------------------------------------------------- 4
第 四 節 研究流程--------------------------------------------------------- 4
第 五 節 論文架構--------------------------------------------------------- 6

第 貳 章 文獻探討------------------------------------------------------------ 7
第 一 節 平行機排程問題------------------------------------------------ 7
第 二 節 及時化排程問題------------------------------------------------ 9
第 三 節 時窗限制問題--------------------------------------------------13

第 參 章 | [ , ]| 問題---------------------------14
第 一 節 問題描述--------------------------------------------------------14
第 二 節 定理發展--------------------------------------------------------15
第 三 節 發展演算法-----------------------------------------------------17
第 四 節 釋例--------------------------------------------------------------18

第 肆 章 資料測試----------------------------------------------------21
第 一 節 資料建立--------------------------------------------------------21
第 二 節 資料測試結果與分析-----------------------------------------22

第 伍 章 結論與建議-----------------------------------------------------------26
第 一 節 結論--------------------------------------------------------------26
第 二 節 建議--------------------------------------------------------------28

表 目 錄

表 3-4-1 | [ , ]| 釋例資料-----------------------18
表 4-1-1 資料測試型式------------------------------------------------------------22
表 4-2-1 ~U[1, 30]的資料測試結果------------------------------------------22
表 4-2-2 ~U[1, 100]的資料測試結果----------------------------------------23
表 4-2-3 資料分析結果------------------------------------------------------------26

圖 目 錄

圖 1-4-1 研究流程圖---------------------------------------------------------------- 5
圖 4-2-1 總工件數與電腦平均運算時間關係圖-----------------------------24
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