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研究生(外文):Chien-Hung Lin
論文名稱(外文):Research on the Relevance between Negative Word-of-Mouth and Consumer Switching Intention
指導教授(外文):Tai-Sheng Jung
外文關鍵詞:negative word-of-mouthBrand attitudeconsumer satisfactionpersonal involvement
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研究生:林建宏 指導教授:榮泰生 博士 論文頁數:77

Title of Thesis: Research on the relevance between negative word-of-mouth and consumer switching intention
Name of Institute: Graduate Institute of Management Fu Jen Catholic University
Name of Student: Chien-Hung Lin Advisor: Dr. Tai-Sheng Jung
Total Page: 77
In today’s market where competition is increasingly fierce, the consumer switching behavior has become highly significant to businesses. For market newcomers, the task at hand is to initiate a switching intention among the consumers of the incumbent businesses and to further switch consumer behavior to gain a share of the market. As for the incumbent, preventing consumer switching behavior is certainly a top priority. Therefore, identifying the factors that could possibly lead to consumer switching intention is of utmost importance. It is evident that there are various elements that may cause switching intention. This study, however, focuses on the so-called “negative word-of-mouth.” Negative word-of-mouth refers to consumers’ complaints over their dissatisfaction with certain negative shopping experiences, products or services. Negative word-of-mouth comes into play when consumers share their experience of dissatisfaction with their friends and relatives, telling them not to purchase certain products and services.
This study discusses the intensity of negative messages and the professionalism and intensity of relationship of the “message sender” on consumer switching intention. Brand attitude, consumer satisfaction and personal involvement are included to serve as moderating variables. The aim is to see whether or not these three variables moderate the negative effect created by negative word-of-mouth.
The result of the study shows that both the intensity of negative messages and the intensity of relationship result in consumer switching intention and behavior. The level of professionalism of the message sender, however, does not play a significant role. In terms of variables, personal involvement moderates the negative effect of negative word-of-mouth while brand attitude and customer satisfaction have a negative influence on consumer switching intention.

Keywords:negative word-of-mouth、Brand attitude、consumer satisfaction、personal involvement
目 錄

第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第四節 研究範圍 5
第貳章 文獻探討 7
第一節 自變數 7
第二節 干擾變數 12
第三節 依變數 15
第叁章 研究方法 17
第一節 研究架構 17
第二節 研究假設 18
第三節 變數衡量與問卷設計 21
第四節 研究設計 26
第肆章 資料分析與驗證 29
第一節 前測階段 29
第二節 樣本結構與信效度分析 33
第三節 研究假設檢定 35
第四節 模型修飾 49
第伍章 結論與建議 53
第一節 研究結論 53
第二節 管理意涵與實務建議 57
第三節 研究限制 59
第四節 後續研究方向 60
參考文獻 61
附錄一 網路問卷 69
附錄二 問卷 74

表 目 錄
表 2-5-1 轉換行為分類表 11
表 3-3-1 問卷題項定義參考學者表 20
表 3-3-2 問卷題項設計彙總表 21
表 4-1-1 量表前測信度分析表 25
表 4-1-2 量表前測效度分析表 27
表 4-2-1 性別分佈狀況表 29
表 4-2-2 所在地位置分佈狀況表 30
表 4-2-3 潛在變項信效度表 30
表 4-3-1 LISREL分析的八種矩陣概念列表 33
表 4-3-2 各種契合度指標的比較 35
表 4-3-3 外衍變項CFA檢定結果 36
表 4-3-4 內衍變項CFA檢定結果 36
表 4-3-5 整體模型檢定結果 37
表 4-3-6 LISREL整體假設驗證結果 38
表 4-3-7 PA-LV路徑分析各項結果分解說明part1 43
表 4-3-8 PA-LV路徑分析各項結果分解說明part2 45
表 4-4-1 各項變數間MI變化量的統整表part1 47
表 4-4-2 各項變數間MI變化量的統整表part2 48
表 4-4-3 模型修飾前後契合度的改變一覽表 49
表 5-1-1 假設驗證結果彙總表 51

圖 目 錄
圖 1-3-1 研究流程圖 4
圖 3-1-1 研究架構圖 15
圖 4-3-1 完整LISREL模型矩陣的概念圖 34
圖 4-3-2 PA-LV路徑分析的標準化終解路徑圖 39
圖 4-3-3 莖葉圖 41
圖 4-3-4 標準化殘差散佈圖 42
圖 4-4-1 LISREL建議修飾的路徑圖 46

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