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研究生(外文):Ho Yen Sheng
論文名稱(外文):The Strategic Decision Problem Study’s Cognative Strategy
指導教授(外文):Zhou Zong Ying
外文關鍵詞:strategy conceptdecision-making processcognitive strategieslearning disabilitiesbusiness education
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Since the Harvard open enterprise policy, it has been for the final integration of management education courses. The characteristics of curriculum integration needs of the enterprise policy level decision-making problems related to too broad, and they tangle each other, so that learners feel different from other courses of learning difficulties. In order to further improve the efficiency of the case teaching method, many of its well-known Harvard University took the initiative to cooperation; Institute of Management, Fu Jen Catholic University, not only from the 94 school year begin to use Harvard cases, the way in teaching the use of problem-based learning method. Form of corporate boards and through the analog network as a learning platform for applications, not only for the cases provided for students to make strategic decision-making context of learning activities, through the audio, video and website statements, etc., this means leaving behind a rich primary teaching information to enable the management of this research have the opportunity to explore the strategic decision-making education learners issues which may exist with learning disabilities.
To explore the strategic decision on the issue of learners may have learning disabilities, this study imitation of basic education in mathematics, science, cognitive strategies to establish the way to observe learning disabilities, in addition to re-examine the concept of policy theory to find a common strategy for learners conceptual shortcomings, this study applied the decision-making process to solve problems in the process of observation of learners that may exist with learning disabilities. At the strategic concept, this study found that learners learn when making strategic decision-making can not simultaneously interested, value creation process, the concept of competitive strategy and the environment, so that learners can not last always a solution for the case. At the strategic decision-making, this study also found that learners unskilled or overlook the importance of decision-making process, making the lack of communication between learners and easy to develop a strategy for immature decision-making program. Proverb says: "I know a chance to improve", for we have never realized the problem, we do not force on direction. In this study, strategies for decision-making issues facing management education learners has important significance.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目標與研究問題 5
第四節 研究架構 7
第五節 研究限制 7
第貳章 文獻探討 11
第一節 策略理論的文獻探討 12
1.1 策略問題的目的與範圍 13
1.2 三個重要的策略概念 15
1.2.1利害關係人 16
1.2.2價值創造流程 20
1.2.3競爭與環境 29
第二節 決策理論的文獻探討 34
2.1有限理性 35
2.2決策程序及其認知觀點 36
第三節 學習與認知理論相關文獻探討 41
3.1學習理論中的認知學派 41
3.2認知架構 42
第四節 本研究對策略決策問題學習架構的看法 43
4.1策略決策問題解題所需的陳述性知識 44
4.2策略決策問題所需的程序性知識 44
4.3 思考策略決策問題的捷徑 45
4.4研究架構 46
第參章 研究方法 47
第一節 研究命題 47
第二節 研究設計 50
第三節 研究變數與操作性定義 53
第四節 內容分析法 61
信度檢驗 61
第五節 討論內容記錄與分析範例 64
第肆章 實證分析與結果 68
第一節 樣本結構與分析工具 68
第二節 敘述統計與質化分析 70
第三節 量化分析 76
第伍章 結論與後續研究建議 83
參考文獻 87
中文部分 87
英文部分 92
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