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研究生(外文):Liu Nai-wen
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study of the Cooperation between the Life Insurance Company and the Insurance Broker─The Viewpoints of Sociological Exchange Theory and Transaction Cost Theory
指導教授(外文):Tyson Jung
外文關鍵詞:Transaction Cost TheorySociological Exchange TheoryCooperative IntentionLife Insurance CompanyInsurance Broker
  • 被引用被引用:9
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研究結果如下:1. 資產特殊性愈低,合作意願愈高。2. 壽險公司彈性愈高,合作意願愈高。3. 壽險公司適應性愈高,合作意願愈高。4. 與壽險公司關係愈好,合作意願愈高。5. 壽險公司承諾度愈高,合作意願愈高。6. 壽險公司權力大小,與合作意願無關。7. 壽險公司聲譽愈好,合作意願愈高。8. 資產特殊性對合作意願之影響,會依承諾高低而異。9. 適應性對合作意願之影響,會依關係好壞而變。
In recent years, most of the life insurance industry in Taiwan relies on their sales to market. They spend a lot of money to recruit and develop their own marketing place. But since 2000 the sales could be protected by law, it makes the labor cost of their own maketing place raise. The condition makes them develop multi-marketing place. In developed countries, like America or Europe, insurance companies use the insurance broker as their maketing place to cost down the expense of maketing.
In Taiwan, the cost of managing marketing place is getting higher and the competition is getting worse. They develop a lot of multi-marketing places. But look up lots of the research of the marketing place of insurance industry, I find just a little bit researches about it and almost no research about the cooperative factors of them. So the research just wants to find out the factors that why the insurance broker chooses the life insurance company. And the result can suggest the life insurance company how to use the less money to manage the insurance broker.
The nature of this study is exploratory and three in-depth cases were selected. The important constructs and research finding are inductive from in-depth interviews. And adopt the in-depth interviews to understand the main factors of their cooperation based the result to build the initial theory structure.
The results of study are as the following:
1. The more cost of the asset specificity, the less cooperative intention.
2. The more flexibility, the more cooperative intention.
3. The more adaptation, the more cooperative intention.
4. The more quanxi, the more cooperative intention.
5. The more commitment, the more cooperative intention.
6. There is no meaning between the power and the cooperative intention.
7. The more reputation, the more cooperative intention.
8. Considering the effect of the asset specificity and commitment to the cooperative intention, the commitment is the main factor.
9. Considering the effect of the adaptation and quanxi to the cooperative intention, the quanxi is the main factor.
Discussion of factors of the cooperative intention could be focused in future research to find a more complete framework. And in the future can adopt the quantification method to analysis the relationship of the factors.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景輿動機 1
笫二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究範圍 4
第四節 研究流程 5

第貳章 文獻探討 7
第一節 台灣地區人壽保險產業經營環境發展現況 7
第二節 台灣地區人壽保險產業經營之特性 12
第三節 人壽保險業之行銷通路 23
第四節 保險經紀人的經營模式 32
第五節 社會交換理論 44
第六節 交易成本理論 51

第參章 研究方法 61
第一節 研究架構 61
第二節 研究設計 62
第三節 變數衡量與訪談大綱 63
第四節 抽樣設計 66
第五節 分析設計 67
第六節 個案研究的品質─信度與效度 68

第肆章 受訪者公司分析 71
第一節 A個案公司 71
第二節 B個案公司 82
第三節 C個案公司 92
第四節 交互效果之影響 104

第伍章 建議與結論 107
第一節 綜合分析與發現 107
第二節 研究建議 116
第三節 研究限制 119
第四節 未來研究方向 120

參考文獻 121
附錄、訪談大綱 127

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