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研究生(外文):Hsiao Fu-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):An exploration of the relationship during extra-stakeholders’ informal interpersonal interaction for small and medium sized enterprises, social capital and business development.
指導教授(外文):Chun-Chi Yang
外文關鍵詞:small and medium sized enterprisesinformal interpersonal interactionsocial capitalbusiness development
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研究生:蕭富誠 指導老師:楊君琦 論文頁數:130
那麼,社會資本要從何處建構及累積呢?檢視企業間的各項活動:產、 銷、人、發、財及知識管理之外,企業與企業間也常從事一些非正式的人際互動;正式的人際互動指的是面對面透過正式會議的溝通,但有時候非正式的人際互動往往更加助益於人際關係上的拓展及從中獲取更多重要的資源;而這些關係與資源就是社會資本核心的內涵。

Title of Thesis: An exploration of the relationship during extra-stakeholders’ informal interpersonal interaction for small and medium sized enterprises, social capital and business development.
Name of Institute: Graduate Institute of Management Fu Jen Catholic University
Name of Student: Fu-Cheng Hsiao Advisor: Dr. Chun-Chi Yang
Total Page: 130
In the white paper of small and medium sized enterprises issued in 2005 according to Economic Department of Republic of China, speak of it that there is over 1.16 million companies in 2004, shares 97.8% of total; employed population amounts to more than 7,550,000 people, 77.2% of the all. So, we can say that the small and medium sized enterprises of Taiwan are one of the important creators of the economic miracle of Taiwan in recent years, at the same time it is the main motive force of lasting economic development in the future of Taiwan too. However, in the specialties of small and medium sized enterprises, generally lacking funds, family firm style, uneconomical scale were demonstrated; In order to balance it in physical capital, human capital insufficiency, small and medium sized enterprises will often seek the helping of the social capital, for the development of management of its enterprise.
Then, where does social capital come from to create and accumulate? Inspect every activity among enterprises: producing, marketing, HR, R&D, financial and KM, excepts, the enterprise and enterprises are often engaged in some informal interpersonal interaction; The formal one means that passes the communication in the formal meeting by face to face, but sometimes the informal interpersonal interaction that often benefits on the interpersonal relationships further and obtaining more important resources from it; And these relations and resources are the central intension of social capital.
After case interview of this research, understand that there are a lot of informal interpersonal interaction ways, such as meal chatting, sporting, traveling, entertainment, gambling, benefits intelligence and others etc., among them it is most frequently happened by meal chatting and sporting; And the sporting is being the highest appraisal generally to create and accumulate the social capital, by the way, golf game is the most popular and the best way at present in the sports events especially for the electric and electronic industries. In a word, engages the proper informal interpersonal interaction with all kinds of extra stakeholders can create the useful social capital to help the development of business and enterprise.

Keywords: small and medium sized enterprises, informal interpersonal interaction, social capital, business development.
目 錄
第 壹 章 緒論 --------------------------------------------- 1
第 一 節 研究背景與問題 ------------------------------------ 1
第 二 節 研究動機與目的 ------------------------------------ 6
第 三 節 研究程序與論文結構 --------------------------------- 9

第 貳 章 文獻探討 ----------------------------------------- 11
第 一 節 社會資本 ----------------------------------------- 11
第 二 節 企業間非正式人際互動 ------------------------------- 18
第 三 節 企業間非正式人際互動與企業經營發展的關係 ------------- 21

第 參 章 研究方法 ----------------------------------------- 23
第 一 節 研究架構 ----------------------------------------- 23
第 二 節 研究對象 ----------------------------------------- 23
第 三 節 個案背景資料介紹 ---------------------------------- 25
第 四 節 質化研究 ----------------------------------------- 26

第 肆 章 訪談分析、命題發展與修正後之研究架構 ----------------- 27
第 一 節 訪談分析 --------------------------------------- 27
第 二 節 研究發現 --------------------------------------- 31
第 三 節 修正後之研究架構 -------------------------------- 44

第 伍 章 結論與建議 ----------------------------------------- 45
第 一 節 研究結論與討論 ---------------------------------- 45
第 二 節 實務與管理意涵 ---------------------------------- 49
第 三 節 研究限制 --------------------------------------- 51
第 四 節 後續研究建議 ------------------------------------ 52

參考文獻 --------------------------------------------------- 53
附錄一、中小企業的定義及中小企業的認定 ------------------------- 60
附錄二、初步訪談大綱 ----------------------------------------- 61
附錄三、深度訪談大綱 ----------------------------------------- 62
附錄四、最終訪談大綱 ----------------------------------------- 63
附錄五、訪談摘要(個案一至個案十五) ---------------------------- 64

表 目 錄
表 3-3-1個案背景之資料介紹 ----------------------------------- 25
表 4-1-1訪談分析之非正式人際互動內容與類別 --------------------- 27
表 4-1-2訪談分析之非正式人際互動建構的社會資本內容 -------------- 28
表 4-1-3訪談分析之非正式人際互動與其社會資本建構的關係 ----------- 29
表 4-1-4訪談分析之社會資本與企業經營發展的關係 ------------------ 30
表 4-2-1 發現彙整表 ----------------------------------------- 43

圖 目 錄
圖1-2-1 觀念架構 --------------------------------------------- 9
圖1-3-1 研究程序 --------------------------------------------- 10
圖2-1-1 社會資本創造智慧資本模型 ------------------------------- 15
圖3-1-1 研究架構 --------------------------------------------- 23
圖4-3-1 修正後之研究架構 -------------------------------------- 44
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