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研究生(外文):Chin-Ming Chang
論文名稱(外文):Containment on physical response for those taken invasive treatment premature infant research
指導教授(外文):Juei-Chao Chen
外文關鍵詞:Premature InfantContainmentInvasive Treatment
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本研究的目的在探討寧握護理於早產兒接受侵入性治療後,對體重,心跳,呼吸次數,血氧濃度變化影響。採類實驗性設計,以北部某區域教學醫院新生兒加護病房之早產兒為研究對象,立意取樣符合收案條件者。將研究對象分為控制組與實驗組。控制組15位,依加護病房常規護理照護模式提供照護,實驗組16位,除提供常規性照護外,並於每次接受侵入性治療後,給予寧握護理措施。所得資料以描述性統計,平均數,95%信賴區間,卡方檢定,t檢定,Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test、repeated measures進行統計分析。
The purpose of this research is to study Containment affect on those taken Invasive Treatment premature infant, the affects including baby weight, heart beat, frequency of taking breath, SpaO2. The experiment was taken premature infant of one local hospital in the north of Taiwan. The experimental cases were been set in two groups one was called Control group the other one called Experimental group. Control group has 15 people and follow the regular procedure of nursing, The experimental group has 16 people beside the regular nursing procedure taking, but also, taking Invasive Treatment like suction, heel stick,Percutaneous Central Venous Catheter(PCV),on-nasogastric tube etc. All data were analyzed using: Descriptive Statistics, Mean, 95% confidence interval, chi-square, t-tes, Wilcoxon signed-ranks test,repeated measures statistics analysis。
The research results indicate : 1.Body Weight:at beginning of data collect the body weight of premature infant of control group compare to experiment group was heavier around 239g in average, however, the experiment group at 5th day their weight show steady increase rate ,but the control group show steady increase rate after 8th day, more interesting data show on 18th day the experimental group their slew rate of average weight curve is higher than control group.2.Nursing activities count: The most often nursing activities taken is suction, coming next is heel stick, and then on-nasogastric tube installed, coming last is PCVC.3.Heart beat: (1) No matter what suction,heel stick,on-nasogastric tube installed or PCVC, they all will increase the heart beat pulse rate. Among that PCVC and heel stick are mostly affect, and then on-nasogastric tube installed and suction.(2) After taking suction treatment, the experimental group their heart beat pulse change rate is small than control group.(3) for the data of heel stick affect on heart beat the experimental group their average heart beat pulse get in stable at 9th minutes, but control group get in stable till 16th minutes, so that, with containment treatment experimental group they get stable more quickly. 4.Breath taking times : (1)On-nasogastric tube installed, heel stick, PCVC and suction relation to breath taking times, they all meet the statistically significant difference.(2) Invasive treatment taken like PCVC, heel stick and suction they all caused breath taking times slow down, but On-nasogastric tube installed will increase the rate of breath taking。(3) with containment experimental group after taking the heel stick their breath taking time figure are meet statistically significant. 5. SpaO2:(1)After taking invasive treatment ,the SpaO2 will drop obviously, their are ranking from suction, PCVC, heel stick then on-nasogastric tube.(2) during taking the suction no matter what control group or experimental group their blood oxygen rate will drop but control group is lower than experimental group, with bigger difference vs. time scale their difference was significant.(3) heel stick, experimental group its average blood oxygen value is higher than control group, with containment treatment heel stick experimental group, their heel oxygen come back to before punched level at 8th minutes ,but control group come back to original level after 16th minutes .(4)For PCVC with containment its blood oxygen does not much change in experimental group, But control group its blood oxygen drop down to 88%, After execute PCVC invasive treatment till 11th minutes its blood oxygen come back stable, indicate control group and experimental group cross reacted to meet statistically significant.
In general to say, containment taken can help to reach stable physical reaction, especially on blood oxygen. In the mean time, containment provide a simple way, without doctor instruction, nurses can taking their own to execute the invasive treatment or nursing, not only devote nursing unique function but also provide nursing quality and keep physiology stable at the condition of premature infant at intensive care unique in unstable condition.
目 錄
目 錄----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I
表 次----------------------------------------------------------------------------IV
圖 次---------------------------------------------------------------------------VII
摘 要------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII

第壹章 緒論---------------------------------------------------------- 01
第一節 研究動機與重要性------------------------------------------ 01
第二節 研究目的------------------------------------------------------ 03
第三節 研究問題------------------------------------------------------ 04
第四節 研究流程------------------------------------------------------ 04
第五節 研究假設------------------------------------------------------ 04
第六節 名詞界定------------------------------------------------------ 05

第貳章 文獻探討---------------------------------------------------- 08
第一節 Apgar scoring評分系統-------------------------------------08
第二節 早產兒生理與病理-------------------------------------------09
第三節 侵入性治療對早產兒影響相關研究----------------------12
第四節 寧握護理之應用----------------------------------------------13

第叁章 研究方法-----------------------------------------------------17
第一節 概念架構-------------------------------------------------------17
第二節 研究設計-------------------------------------------------------18
第三節 研究對象及場所----------------------------------------------18
第四節 研究工具-------------------------------------------------------19
第五節 研究步驟-------------------------------------------------------20
第六節 資料分析-------------------------------------------------------21
第七節 研究倫理考量-------------------------------------------------21

第肆章 研究結果-----------------------------------------------------23
第一節 研究對象基本資料屬性-------------------------------------23
第二節 研究期間一般狀況分析-------------------------------------26
第三節 早產兒接受侵入性治療生理反應-------------------------27
第四節 寧握護理措施介入對早產兒接受侵入性治療後體重,
第五節 不同侵入性治療對早產兒其生理性心跳次數,呼吸

第伍章 討論-----------------------------------------------------------64
第一節 寧握護理措施的介入對早產兒接受侵入性治療體重
第二節 寧握護理措施的介入對早產兒奶量攝取之影響--------65
第三節 寧握護理措施的介入對早產兒接受侵入性治療心跳次 數之影響--------------------------------------------------------65
第四節 寧握護理措施的介入對早產兒接受侵入性治療呼吸次 數之影響--------------------------------------------------------67
第五節 寧握護理措施的介入對早產兒接受侵入性治療血氧濃度之影響--------------------------------------------------------67

第陸章 結論與建議--------------------------------------------------69
第一節 結論-------------------------------------------------------------69
第二節 護理上運用----------------------------------------------------70
第三節 研究限制及建議----------------------------------------------71

一、 早產兒抽痰技術作業標準
二、 腳跟血抽血作業標準
三、 早產兒裝置鼻胃管作業標準
四、 早產兒寧握護理操作標準
五、 早產兒侵入性治療後寧握護理措施紀錄量表
六、 早產兒測量體重操作標準
七、 研究計劃同意書

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