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研究生(外文):HSU MAN LIN
論文名稱(外文):Balanced scorecard application for the nursing staff's working pressure
指導教授(外文):Ben-Chang Shia
外文關鍵詞:Balanced scorecard
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一、護理人員工作壓力量表之信度:整體量表Cronbach’ α 值達到0.94。
二、工作壓力研究資料中的KMO值為0.95(大於0.5以上) ,因此是適合做因素分析的,P-value小於0.05,先採用主成份抽出因素,再以最大變方法作直交轉軸,結果特徵值大於1的因素共有7個,累積解釋變異量達42.40741%。
三、利用因素分析的結果,進行工作壓力及社會支持的集群分析,工作壓力分為3個集群(即高、中、低三個壓力群) 。 社會支持需求亦分為高支持群、中支持群、低支持群三個支持群。分析工作壓力群及社會支持群發現,在高壓力群中社會支持需求是最不滿足的。
四、以工作壓力反應的因素分數(factor score)進行集群分析後,進行判別分析,結果正確區別率高達96.65%,而社會支持分群進行判別分析正確區別率達95.86%,可見各群的內部同質性頗高。
二、內部流程構面: 作業流程資訊化及標準化、 提供高品質高效率之護理服務流程。
三、學習與成長構面: 強化專業能力及規劃辦理員工心理健康講座、學習緩解壓力放鬆技巧。
四、社會支持構面: 善用社會資源(社會服務室) 、成立院內員工關懷協助小組、結合社會資源協助弱勢族群就醫及照護、成立壓力門診。
The purpose of this research is to discuss the working pressure of nursing staffs at the medical center and regional teaching hospitals in northern Taiwan, and base on balance scorecard to establish ways to improve working pressure of nursing staffs.
Source data are collected from the in-service nursing staffs at the nursing departments of one medical center and one regional teaching hospital in North. Total 1,350 questionnaires were issued, with effective return of 1,257 questionnaires and return rate 93.1%. It shows from research result:
1. Reliability of nursing staff’s working pressure scale: Cronbach’ α of the entire scale reaches to 0.94.
2. KMO in the research data of working pressure is 0.95 (higher than 0.5), thus it is suitable for factor analysis. P-value<0.05. Adopts principal component factor first, and then use varimax for orthogonal rotation, and there are 7 factors with eigenvalue > 1, and the total variance explained reached to 42.40741%.
3. Applying the result of factor analysis to undertake cluster analysis of working pressure and social support, in which the working pressure is divided to three clusters (i.e., high, medium and low pressure clusters). The need of social support also divides to three support groups, namely, high support group, medium support group and low support group. It is discovered from the analysis of working pressure group and social support group that the need of social support in high pressure cluster is the most unsatisfied.
4. After the cluster analysis by the factor score of working pressure reaction, the discriminant analysis is applied, and the results show the correct discriminate ratio reaches to 96.65%, and the correct discriminate ratio of the discriminant analysis in social support cluster reaches to 95.86%, thus the inner homogeneous in each cluster is quite high.
5. From typical correlation research, it shows when the working pressure is higher, the need of social support is higher; when the working pressure is higher, the desire to leave office is higher, and with positive correlation in statistics.
6. It shows from analysis that high pressure group is the nursing staffs work in medical center, aged under 25, married with one child, seniority 1 to 2 years, serve at departments of critical care and outpatient services, and with the post as nurse.
The author attempts to use the framework of balanced scoreboard to establish the countermeasure to improve the working pressure of nursing staffs, including:
1. Customer perspective: Enhancing the communication and coordination ability with inner customers, establish communication and coordination channel, improving the communication and coordination ability with patients and their families , learning communication skill and maintaining good physician-patient relationship.
2. Internal process perspective: E-operation process and standardization, providing high quality and efficiency nursing service process.
3. Learning and growth perspective: Enhancing specialty ability and plan for psychological health seminar for staffs, learning the skill to release pressure and relax.
4. Social support perspective: Making good use of social source (Social service office), establishing caring and assistance team for staffs in the hospital, combing social resources to assist disadvantaged minority for medical care, and establishing pressure outpatient services.
This research applies the idea and framework of balanced scoreboard to establish was to improve the working pressure of nursing staffs in order to improve their working pressure and develop caring service to the maximum extent. It is also expect to provide the research results as reference and application for follow up researches and management practices.
目 錄
表次 III
圖次 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 名詞界定 5
第四節 論文架構 6
第五節 研究流程 8
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 護理人員工作壓力 8
第二節 平衡計分卡 11
第三節 平衡計分卡導入步驟與導入成功的關鍵因素 16
第四節 平衡計分卡在醫療體系的運用實例 21
第三章 研究方法 25
第一節 研究架構 25
第二節 研究假設 29
第三節 研究設計與樣本 29
第四章 資料分析 30
第一節 在職護士的基本資料分析 31
第二節 護理人員工作壓力分析 35
第三節 社會支持需求分析 56
第四節 典型相關分析 61
第五章 結論與建議 70
第一節 護理人員個人特性與工作壓力之關係 70
第二節 護理人員的工作壓力程度之描述 70
第三節 以平衡計分卡之觀點建議改善對策 72
參考文獻 76
附錄 83

表 次
表2-2- 1 平衡計分卡建立程序步驟 15
表4-1- 1 醫院別分佈表 31
表4-1- 2 在職護士性別分配表 32
表4-1- 3 在職護士年齡分配表 32
表4-1- 4 在職護士婚姻狀況分配表 32
表4-1- 5 在職護士家中子女數 33
表4-1- 6 在職護士教育程度分配表 33
表4-1- 7 在職進修情形分配表 33
表4-1- 8 工作年資分配表 34
表4-1- 9 目前工作單位性質分配表 34
表4-1- 10 目前職稱分配表 34
表4-1- 11 目前薪資所得分配表 35
表4-2- 1 護理人員工作壓力來源次數分配表 36
表4-2- 2 KMO and Bartlett's Test 37
表4-2- 3 護士壓力來源因素分析結果 37
表4-2- 4 護士壓力來源因素分析結果 38
表4-2- 5 護士壓力來源因素內容 39
表4-2- 6 護士壓力來源因素1之問項內容 40
表4-2- 7 護士壓力來源因素2內容 41
表4-2- 8 護士壓力來源因素3內容 41
表4-3- 1 KMO and Bartlett's Test 41
表4-3- 2 壓力反應因素分析之結果 42
表4-3- 3 壓力反應因素分析結果 42
表4-3- 4 護士工作壓力反應因素內容 43
表4-3- 5 護士壓力反應因素1之內容 44
表4-3- 6 護士壓力反應因素2之內容 45
表4-3- 7 護士壓力反應因素3之內容 45
表4-3- 8 護士壓力反應因素4之內容 45
表4-3- 9 護士壓力反應因素5之內容 46
表4-3- 10 護士壓力反應因素6之內容 46
表4-3- 11 護士壓力反應因素7之內容 47
表4-4-1 各因子的因素分數 47
表4-4-2 壓力反應集群樣本分配比例 48
表4-4-3 區隔群在七項反應因素之平均數及命名 49
表4-4-4 護理人員工作壓力反應平均分數--壓力反應區隔群 51
表4-4-5 工作壓力基本資料分群 52
表4-4-6 工作壓力基本資料分群 53
表4-5- 1 各集群的判別函數 54
表4-5- 2 工作壓力反應分群之混淆表 55
表4-6- 1 KMO and Bartlett's Test 56
表4-6- 2 社會支持因素分析之結果 56
表4-6- 3 社會支持因素內容 56
表4-6- 4 社會支持因素分析之特徵值及解釋變異量 57
表4-6- 5 社會支持因素分析一內容 57
表4-6- 6 社會支持因素分析二內容 57
表4-7- 1 社會支持需求集群樣本分配比例 58
表4-7- 2 各因子的因素分數 58
表4-7- 3 社會支持區隔群在二項反應因素之平均數及命名 58
表4-8- 1 社會支持需求分群之混淆表 59
表4-9- 1 第一典型相關變數 61
表4-9- 2 典型相關係數 62
表4-9- 3 典型相關係數 64
表4-9- 4 Canonical Analysis Summary 66
表4-9- 5 工作壓力與離職意願典型相關係數 67
表4-9- 6 典型相關變數 67
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