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研究生(外文):Ko- Yuan Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Competitiveness of the Cotton and Wool Spinning A A Study of the Competitiveness of the Cotton and Wool Spinning Industries
指導教授(外文):Yie- Fang Kao
外文關鍵詞:Tangible assetsIntangible assetsCapabilitiesBusiness relatedBenchmarkingMobilityImitabilityKnowledge property rightsEmbeddednessCompetitive advantageSustainableUnique、SubstantialBusiness modelSynergyCore rigidityMass customizationFocus strategy
  • 被引用被引用:9
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近幾年來棉毛紡織業、受到大陸及東南亞國家強烈競爭,國內環境變化使勞力密集產業以技術提升、創新產品競爭力根留台灣或部分外移及全部外移模式尋求企業利潤永續經營等,為探討此三種企業經營理念方式為何?本研究以個案研究法抽樣方式(1)完全未外移棉毛紡織業二家(2) 完全外移棉毛紡織業二家(3) 部分外移棉毛紡織業四家,探討各家企業經營方式,並歸納產業面、公司面種種經營運作模式。
Recently couple years, cotton and wool spinning industries have been affected by the competition from china and South-Eastern Asia local environment changes so that labor intensive industries are looking for by business benefits And everlasting operation by technical enhancing, product Competition creating (foundation on Taiwan) partial moving to overseas. For study the business methods of these three types, this thesis used individual case study and Selected (1) 2 local foundation cotton and wool spinning factors (2) 2 aboard completely cotton and wool spinning factors (3) 4 partial aboard cotton and wool spinning factors to study each body operational methods, then induced in industrial, enterprise business operational modules. This thesis dedicated completely and constitutional methods of cotton and wool spinning company for study especially on the field of value、 resource and dependent. Company policy. Business strategy are very important parts for business activities of an enterprise 、which are hard to learn. The reasons are: (1)Policy management belongs to 「Enterprise Owners Knowledge」.it has to face complex scenarios and make decision fast. This intuitive reaction is an ability form many years experiences、intellectual、knowledge that very hard to copy or describe.(2) the scholastic development of policy management is not fast and abundance as marketing、 fancily Human resource. Since the knowledge does not compose to be a system and logic that is hard to learn. The critical points of this thesis are focus competitive construction methods of cotton and wool spinning. for the studies of (1) enterprise does nor move overseas completely (2) enterprise moved overseas completely. (3) enterprise partially moved to overseas, Before to understand the structural methods of enterprise compatibility and clarify the direction of development. We have to start the topic from value viewpoint: consumers cognizant、manufacturers value relevant topics. These are causes of this thesis. When a enterprise is planning the policies. These are two method logic has to be considered (1) external to internal configuration is used to suit the changing trend of external environment for correcting the business field of the enterprise itself (2) internal to external configuration is used to continuously construct and operate enterprise itself business condition to meet external environmental changes. If the situation of enterprise does not have the developing potential to market or the enterprise does not have competition. It has to correct the policies earlier. To avoid more series losing, Strength and weakness of competition for a enterprise is based on the core competition of a enterprise is built or not. Lower cost and faster reaction than the competitor, continuation developing new products cannot attention the product only and neglect core resources of the organization. For the studies of (1) enterprise does not move overseas completely (2) enterprise moved overseas completely (3) enterprise partially moved the overseas, from resource operation and keeping the relation are the second cause of this thesis.
Policy is a subjective activity of enterprise body. Via operational field and core resource corrective, Enterprise can find an appropriate living niche. and to change business rules. All business activities in actuality environment、Neither any enterprise can provide all necessary resource by internal company organization, Nor against external environmental change by itself. Therefore. Internal enterprise. Profession and profit、Can execute professional work dividing naturally and depend with each other and co-development to achieve a cooperation body that there is a dependent. Complex relation. For the studies of (1) enterprise does not move overseas completely (2) enterprise moved overseas completely (3) enterprise partially moved to overseas. from dependent viewpoint to the different of enterprise dependent degrees establishing methods and cooperation policy. The operation and interrelation are the third cause of this thesis.
The conclusion of this thesis: to infer
I. The relationship between environmental change degree、business module of textile industry and business management.
II. The relationship between environmental change degree、business module of textile industry and business management enterprise technology.
III. The relationship between environmental change degree、business module of textile industry and business management enterprise marketing.
IV. The relationship between external resource、business module of textile industry and business management.
V. The relationship between external resource、business module of textile industry and business management enterprise technology.
VI. The relationship between external resource、business module of textile industry and business management enterprise marketing.
VII. The relationship between management、technology、management procedures.
In management concept: to infer
I. For the enterprise, which does not move overseas, the major tasks shall be new products creation and quality enhancement.
II. For the enterprise, which moved overseas, the major tasks shall be product efficient/cost down and quality enhancement.
III. For the enterprise, which partially moved overseas, the major tasks shall be product creation、 quality、 enhancement、creation、velocity、service.
第一章 緒論----------------------------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ---------------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的與問題----------------------------------------------------------4
第三節 研究範圍與流程----------------------------------------------------------5
第四節 研究限制--------------------------------------------------------------------7
第二章 文獻探討--------------------------------------------------------------------8
第一節 競爭優勢一般性基石構面---------------------------------------------8
第二節 競爭優勢的基礎資源--------------------------------------------------13
第三節 競爭優勢的本質與影響因素----------------------------------------17
第四節 產業競爭強度-----------------------------------------------------------21
第五節 超競爭環境的優勢-----------------------------------------------------23
第六節 經營模式、策略定位與競爭優勢------------------------------------27
第三章 研究方法 -----------------------------------------------------------------30
第二節 質性研究方法 ----------------------------------------------------------30
第二節 個案研究設計 ----------------------------------------------------------33
第四章 個案分析 -----------------------------------------------------------------39
第一節 訪談企業對象選定 ---------------------------------------------------39
第二節 個案彙總 -----------------------------------------------------------------40
第三節 個案研究與分析 -------------------------------------------------------41
第五章 個案比較分析------------------------------------------------------------88
第一節 訪談個案公司整理比較-----------------------------88
貳、從廠商不同外移程度的組織資源概況 -------------------------98
第二節 分析與討論--------------------------------------------------------------108
壹、產業環境分析 ----------------------------------------------------------108
貳、全球化之因素 ----------------------------------------------------------110
參、組織知識分析 ----------------------------------------------------------114
肆、企業競爭力分析 ------------------------------------------------------118
伍、棉毛紡織業競爭力分析 --------------------------------------------128
第六章 結論與建議 ------------------------------------------------------------134
第一節 研究結論 --------------------------------------------------------------135
第二節 管理意函與建議 ----------------------------------------------------142
第三節研究限制 ---------------------------------------------------------------148
第四節 未來研究方向建議---------------------------------------------------149
參考文獻 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------196
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