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論文名稱(外文):Zhuang -Zi's Wandering in the World
外文關鍵詞:meditationGuo Shangplayspiritual cruisingforgetting
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The main purpose of Zhuang -zi's philosophy is to interpret the waiting and
persistence of life and also to let an enclosed heart and soul to evolve within the chamber of life。 Firstly the background of The Warring States Period and the biography of Zhuang - zi should be analyzed in order to make more of his sense when interpreting the theories of him。
Starting from inferring the meanings of "play",the word "playing" and explaining from the angles such as no waiting,no doing,gaming and freedom,the living attitude of Zhuang zi could be investigated。Examples given are materials and use。
First of all the spiritual cruising above substances and the beginning of spiritual crusing within substances could be explained according to the different levels of the theory of spiritual cruising。 Then projecting from the nucleus of aeriality and「Chi」going through the transformation and accomplishment of wills such as forgetting,meditation and spiritual sublimation,combining with the idea of cruising and interpreting the evolvement of the heart and soul through time so that the materialism and addiction to senses could be banished。 Hence the stage of spiritual crusing in life could be reached.
We could take the spiritual cruising of Zhuang- zi and other theories forinstance "fairies cruising", "wine cruising" and "landscape cruising" developed by his successors such as Ji Kang and Ruan Ji as a persuasion and experience of personal liberty。 They have established an unconfined "liberal spiritual world" that is free from commitments within the human society。 They travel in nature, voyage fairies, besot in the ocean of wine and float their spirit above realism in order to get rid of all means of temptation and lures, hence achieving emancipation。
Guo Shang has played a major role in inheriting the past and ushering the future along the history of the Zhuang,He has summarized the various studies in the Wei and Chin dynasties, developed the Zhuang's resumption into a infamous study and proposed his own understandings towards this particular study along the thoughts of metaphysics. Examples such as personalization without expectation,broadening one's inner-self, suitable self-awareness,going with the nature and freedom are established, giving the posterity an illustration of the Zhuang's theory。
Lastly the world faced by the modern generation is combined with the siritual cruising to depict the uniqueness and possibility in carrying out the Zhuang's theory。 Modern connotation is also given in order to present the endless beauty born by the heart and soul。
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
章節按排 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究意義 2
第三節 研究範圍 3
第二章 莊子時代背景及性格分析 7
第一節 時代背景 8
第二節 生平及性格分析 10
第三節 小結 16
第三章 「遊」字歧意的分析 19
第一節 定義 19
第二節 遊的本質 31
第三節 遊的顯現 37
第四節 遊即無待 44
第五節 遊與道 46
第六節 遊與無為 51
第七節 遊與遊戲 53
第八節 遊與自由 59
第九節 小結 64
第四章 遊世觀及修養工夫 66
第一節、處世歧意分析 66
第二節 遊世之道 76
第三節 遊世功夫 87
第五章「遊心」的時空觀念 113
第一節 乘物以遊心 116
第二節 遊心於淡 117
第三節 遊心於物之初 118
第四節 遊於無有 119
第五節 遊心與無待 121
第六節 遊與天樂 124
第六章 莊子與魏晉玄學 128
第一節 阮籍、嵇康 129
第二節 郭象 144
第三節 小結 167
第七章 結論 173
參考文獻 181
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