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研究生(外文):Ying-Chieh Wu
論文名稱(外文):Discovering the Online Game Customer Behavior and Customer Values Using Markov Chain Modeling and Association Rules
指導教授(外文):Chun-Te Chen
中文關鍵詞:線上遊戲玩家型態RFM Model馬可夫鏈關聯式法則
外文關鍵詞:Online-game、RFM Model、Markov Chain、Association Rules
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網際網路產業市場多變,為增加對顧客的喜好瞭解並與顧客建立良好關係,以提高顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度,企業須投入大量資源與有效的運用顧客關係管理,去找出並維持住對企業最有價值的顧客。對線上遊戲廠商,最重要的是透過顧客(玩家)價值分析,找出如何使玩家對所提供的遊戲內容持續消費,並針對其消費行為改變,做出即時且適當的回應,以滿足線上遊戲玩家的需求。為立即反應玩家行為的變化,本研究透過資料探勘中之關連法則 (Association Rule),建立以關卡難度為主的分群法則。將線上遊戲玩家依玩家在每一特徵集合,分為生手、半熟手和熟手等八個玩家操作行為的反應階段分群法;對這些玩家操作行為階段轉變,表示成馬可夫鏈模式,當玩家在進入到遊戲世界中,系統便快速判斷玩家應屬類型。透過玩家使用行為分群,結合過去玩家購買狀態記錄,完成每個玩家RFM模型定義與玩家行為移轉價值模型。經由本研究提出的方法,遊戲業者能更快速更掌握玩家動態、可能購買潛力與喜好,調整經營策略;或以線上遊戲玩家價值高低區隔顧客,將大部分資源放在照顧高價值的顧客上,有助於吸引更多高價值的客戶成為忠實顧客,增加顧客忠誠度以獲取更大利益;玩家也可利用本研究結果,獲得更適切遊戲內容推薦服務。
The internet business is changed too fast to understand the interesting change of the customer. The customer relationship management is adopted in the enterprise to provide not only the intimate service to seize the hearts of customers, but also the core competition to satisfy customers’ needs. To raise customer satisfaction and customer royalty, many enterprises are investing many resources to increase in understanding the interesting change of customers and to establish a good relationship with customers. They also attempt to find the higher value customers by the Customer Value Analysis. The player of the on-line game industry is concerning or addressing on the continuous consuming of the user to determine the value of online game firms. Therefore, it must be to understand the consumer behavior. That is the fundamental of issue for finding the value of the game and the value of the customer, making a proper response in time, or satisfying the customer demand. Hence, this paper is proposed to discovery the customer behavior and the customer value from the online game’s log file. It is constructed based on the Markov chain modeling and the association rule mining by using the survival duration time of the customer, the execution time in each game level and the number of login times. The effectiveness of customer segmentation depends on the behavior and the execute time when he/she pass through the some outpost inside the game, such as the major outpost, the minor outpost, or the normal outpost. With these association rules, it can divide the customer behavior into the eight behavior segments. In each segment, the customer is partition into three actors, such as tyro, senior and master dependent on the number of the login times and the execution time. With the operation record of the customer, the behavior transition model is generated by utilizing the Markov chain model. Combined with the RFM model of the customer purchasing history data, the customer value of the customer transition probability matrix is obtained. With these transition matrixes, the probability of behavior changed in each segment and customer migration pathways can be used to estimate the customer value. With the proposed customer behavior model and the customer value, the enterprise of the on-line game industries can monitor the customer state change clearly to gain more benefit and to enhance the customer loyalty for continuous consuming.
誌謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 IV
圖錄 VII
表錄 IX
ㄧ、序論 - 1 -
1.1 研究背景 - 1 -
1.2 研究目的 - 5 -
1.3 研究架構 - 5 -
二、文獻探討 - 8 -
2.1 線上遊戲的定義 - 8 -
2.1.1 發展現況 - 12 -
2.1.2 經營模式 - 15 -
2.1.3 線上行銷的需求 - 16 -
2.2 顧客關係管理的行銷 - 18 -
2.2.1 市場區隔 - 18 -
2.2.2 玩家生命週期區隔 - 20 -
2.2.3 玩家類型區隔 - 20 -
2.2.4 玩家滿意度 - 21 -
2.3 線上資料探勘的技術 - 26 -
2.3.1 馬可夫鏈時間序列分析 - 26 -
2.4 顧客價值RFM分析模式 - 36 -
三、研究方法 - 39 -
3.1前置資料處理 - 40 -
3.2 行為的分析 - 41 -
3.3 建立玩家分群模式 - 43 -
3.4 動態調整玩家類型 - 45 -
3.4.1 HMM訓練模式 - 45 -
3.4.2 隱藏層下玩家行為的探勘 - 47 -
3.4.3 分辨玩家類型 - 48 -
3.4.4 推測玩家未來類型 - 49 -
3.4.5 玩家價值 - 50 -
四、實驗與分析 - 51 -
4.1 資料來源 - 51 -
4.2關聯法則探勘 - 54 -
4.3隱藏馬可夫訓練 - 61 -
4.4 價值分析 - 65 -
五、 結論 - 68 -
5.1 結論 - 68 -
5.2 未來研究方向 - 69 -
六、參考文獻 - 71 -
作者簡介 - 79 -
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