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研究生(外文):Fu-Hsung Hsi
論文名稱(外文):Applying Simulated Annealing Approach for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems
指導教授:林 詩 偉
指導教授(外文):Shih-Wei Lin
外文關鍵詞:Simulated AnnealingVehicle Routing ProblemLocal SearchCombinatorial Problem
  • 被引用被引用:19
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載重車輛途程問題(Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem, VRP)是一個在供應鍊管理中相當重要的問題。CVRP問題目的是以最小的成本,且在顧客的需求已知的狀態下分送貨物到每位客戶手中,車輛最終必須回到出發的場站。
The capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) is one of the elemental problems in supply chain management. The objective of CVRP is to deliver a set of customers with known demands on minimum-cost vehicle routes originating and terminating at a delivery depot.
CVRP is a difficult combinatorial problem, since it contains both the bin packing problem and the traveling salesperson problem as special cases. Besides considering the construction of the path, one also needs to consider different limitations such as the loading capacity of the vehicle and maximum allow traveling distance. A simulated annealing (SA) combining local search approach is developed in this research to solve the capacitated vehicle routing problems with different distribution and number of customers.
In order to verify the proposed SA approach, Christofides’ 14 small problems and Golden’s 8 large problems are used. The small problems have the number of customers range from 50 to 199 while the large problems have the number of customers range from 240 to 440. In the small problems, the proposed approach obtained six solutions which equal to the best solution found so far using the reasonable computational time. For both small and large problem sets, the solutions obtained have the smaller average relative deviation percentage (RDP) when compared with the best solution found so far in the literature. Therefore, the developed approach can perform well in different problem settings.
致謝......................... . I
摘要.......................... . Ⅱ
英文摘要........................ . Ⅲ
目錄........................... Ⅳ
表錄........................... VI
圖錄............................ VII
1.1 研究背景與動機.....................1
1.2 研究目的........................2
1.3 研究範圍........................3
1.4 研究流程........................3
二、文獻探討.................... ... 5
2.1 車輛途程問題的種類.................5
2.2 CVRP問題之求解方法分類............. 8
2.3 傳統啟發式演算法..................9
2.4 萬用啟發式演算法..................13
三、問題定義和研究方法.................. 19
3.1 CVRP問題定義與假設................19
3.2 所發展的演算法...................21
3.2.1 參數設定...................21
3.2.2 建構初始解..................22
3.2.3 區域搜索法..................24
3.2.4 模擬退火法執行步驟..............27
41 實驗測試例題與目前最佳解.............. 29
4.2 SA-CVRP參數測試分析............... 31
4.2.1 初始溫度...................32
4.2.2 停止溫度...................33
4.2.3 冷卻率....................33
4.2.4 迭代次數...................34
4.3 結果分析與比較...................35
4.3.1小型例題結果分析與比較............ 35
4.3.2大型例題結果分析與比較............ 39
五、結論與後續研究.................... 41
參考文獻......................... 41
附錄........................... 43
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