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研究生(外文):Ming-Leng Ho
論文名稱(外文):Ontology based user modeling and object plan for personalization of the e-learning services
指導教授(外文):Chun-Te Chen
外文關鍵詞:adaptive learningBayesian networkontology
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This researches as future digit teaching material population changes into springboard, Settle digit teaching material category and quantity huge, Results in hard to effective study problem for aim, Brings up a accord with individual study extent requirement's adaptability melt teaching material recommend machine-made. So, This research and development a as substantialism is basic user study mode, Reaches personalize digit teaching material service, Permeate will teaching material substantialism melt, Make student at first search for knowledge domain sum fix book aim time, Can use semantic style course search for find relative to course data, And as knowledge map apply to at adaptability melt study, Takes advantage of to concept with right heavy analysis in knowledge map, Recognitions student study shi de concept lack of, As accords with individual requisite teaching material content, Ases personalize study path; Meantime, According to user since book study aim sum pass system stored sample, Uses shellfish surname network analysis forecast user proper teaching material extent, Agains recommendation accord student require teaching material. Establishes such personalize digit teaching material machine-made can ameliorate tradition be entranced with think conceptual study diagnose means, As effective field proceed study feedback, And combines pass user experience recommendation, As promotes pupillary study effect, Reaches personalize study aim.
一、 序論 12
1.1 研究背景 12
1.2研究動機 12
1.3研究目的 14
二、 文獻探討 16
2.1 SCORM數位學習環境的標準 16
2.2 本體論教材管理 17
2.2.1 本體論(Ontology) 17
2.2.2 本體化(Ontologization) 19
2.3 個人化學習機制 23
2.3.1 適性化教學 23
2.3.2 知識地圖 26
2.3.3 個人化路徑推薦 30
三、 研究方法 38
3.1 研究架構 38
3.2 學習目標搜尋 40
3.2.1 課程本體化 40
3.2.2 課程語意查尋 46
3.3 課程教材規劃 47
3.3.1 學生概念缺乏度分析 47
3.3.2 學生教材相似度矩陣 51
3.4 學習路徑推薦 52
四、 系統實作與分析 56
4.1 學習目標 56
4.2 教材本體論 57
4.3 個人化學習路徑 60
4.4 系統分析 62
五、 結論與未來展望 65
5.1 結論 65
5.2 研究限制 65
5.3 未來展望 66
參考文獻 66
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