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研究生(外文):chen ko tang
論文名稱(外文):The establishment of a uniaxial creep constitutive model for a hot mixed esphalt concrete
指導教授(外文):chao chen ping
外文關鍵詞:static creep testdynamic uniaxial testcreep modeldamage model
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As know, asphalt concrete is an visco-elastic-plastic material. The mechanical behavior is guite compicated and easily influenced by outside environment. Therefore, it become difficult, if one try to find out the relationship between stress and strain under such condition. A creep test is done first under the consideration of different temperature, gradation, aged condition and size effect. For high temperature, open graded situation, the creep is increased apparently, on the contrary, the creep is decreased under aged condition, size effect is also occurred in the present study.
Creep compliance is the basic material property for asphalt concrete. This property is affected by not only time but also the internal damage. A creep compliance is established by considering three parameters, which are initial strain, slope of second stage and the power of creep compliance curve. Bared on the creep compliance, one can establish a constitutive model for an uniaxial test for asphalt concrete. After the comparison with the experiment data, one found a good correlation between model and experiment. This result encourage us to establish a more advanced durability model to predict the life of asphalt concrete in the future study.
ㄧ、前言 8
1-1前言 8
1-2研究動機 9
1-3研究目的 9
二、文獻回顧 10
2-1潛變試驗 10
2-1.1潛變柔度與鬆弛模數間之轉換 13
2-1.2近似轉換法 14
2-2黏性、連續損傷組合律模式 16
2-3疲勞裂縫 18
2-3.1 間接張力試驗試驗 19
2-3.2 動態力學分析(dynamic mechanical analysis , DMA ) 20
2-3.3 典型控制應變疲勞試驗 22
2-3.4 應力鬆弛試驗 22
2-3.5 控制扭轉應變週期試驗 23
2-3.6 動態頻率消散試驗 25
2-3.7 應變率單軸拉伸試驗 28
2-3.8破裂能門檻值(fracture energy threshold ) 30
2-4瀝青混凝土溫度、載重、頻率、間歇期與道路壽命之相關性 31
2-4.1溫度對瀝青混凝土之影響 31
2-4.2載重對瀝青混凝土之影響 31
2-4.3加載頻率對瀝青混凝土之影響 31
2-4.4間歇期對瀝青混凝土之影響 32
三、研究計畫 33
3-1研究方法 33
3-2研究流程 34
3-3試驗材料 35
3-3.1試體尺寸 36
3-3.2試體老化處理 36
3-3.3潛變試驗 38
3-3.4單軸試驗 38
四、研究成果 40
4-1潛變試驗 40
4-1.1粒料級配 40
4-1.2 溫度 44
4-1.3老化 48
4-1.4尺寸 54
4-2 瀝青單軸試驗 57
4-2.1 級配 58
4-2.2溫度 60
4-2.3尺寸 61
4-2.4老化 62
4-3間歇單軸試驗 65
五、模式建構 67
5-1潛變模式 67
5-2 單軸模式 71
六、結論 75
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