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研究生(外文):Wei Liang Sun
論文名稱(外文):Effects of operating conditions on the performance in each single cell and stack of PEM fuel cell
指導教授(外文):Wei-Mon Yan
外文關鍵詞:operating conditionsPEM fuel celleach single cell
  • 被引用被引用:1
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In the experiment of PEM fuel cell, there are four key operating conditions which would affect the cell performance. They are gas humidify temperature, cell temperature, torsion, and gas flow rate. Accordingly, the main focus is to examine the effects of these four operation conditions on the performance in each single cell and stack of PEM fuel cell. In this thesis, a 5-cells stack was used to measure the each single cell’s voltage and current. The experiment results reveal that the each single cell’s voltage and performance near the center part of stack is relatively lower than that of the two side part of stack. As for the effects of anode humidify temperature, the experiment results indicate that the the stack’s performance increases with the increase in the anode humidification temperature, especially for the each single cell’s performance near the center part of stack. As for the effects of cathode humidifification temperature, the measured data clearly show that the stack’s performance and the each single cell’s performance are the same trend as the effects of anode humidification temperature. As for the effects of cell temperature, the experiment results reveal that the stack’s performance increases with the increase in the cell temperature, but the performance between each single cell becomes more and more unbalance. This is due to the fact that the membrane will dry out and cause the internal resistance if the cell temperature is above 70℃. Therefore, the cell temperature must be controlled at the suitable range. As for the effects of anode gas stoich ratio, the measured results disclose that the stack’s and each single cell’s performance do not change with the increase in the anode gas stoich ratio apparently. As for the the effects of cathode gas stoich ratio, the experiment results reveal that both of the stack’s and each single cell’s performance increase with an increase in the cathode stoich ratio. Finally, the experiment results reveal that the whole stack’s performance increase with the increase in the torsion.
摘要 I
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XI
符號說明 XII
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 單電池電壓的量測 3
2.2 電池堆的測試 7
2.3 材料的使用與電池的設計 10
第三章 各操作參數對燃料電池之影響 17
3.1 溫度效應 17
3.1.1 陽極氣體加濕溫度 18
3.1.2 陰極氣體加濕溫度 18
3.1.3 電池溫度 19
3.2 化學劑量 19
3.2.1 陽極氣體化學劑量數 20
3.2.2 陰極氣體化學劑量 21
3.2.3 冷卻流道流量 21
第四章 實驗設備與方法 23
4.1 燃料電池材料與規格 23
4.1.1 端板 23
4.1.2 集電板 23
4.1.3 極板 24
4.1.4 氣密墊片 24
4.1.5 膜電極組 24
4.2 實驗設備 25
4.2.1 溫度控制系統 26
4.2.2 溼度控制系統 26
4.2.3 氣體供應系統 26
4.2.4 電子負載 27
4.2.5 流量控制系統 27
4.3 實驗步驟與關機程序 28
4.3.1 開機前檢查步驟 28
第五章 結果與討論 37
5.1 不同操作參數對燃料電池性能之影響 37
5.1.1 各單電池電壓分佈之情況 38
5.1.2 陽極加溼溫度 38
5.1.3 陰極加溼溫度 39
5.1.4 電池溫度之影響 40
5.1.5 陽極氣體化學劑量 41
5.1.6 陰極氣體化學劑量 42
5.1.7 扭力 43
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