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研究生(外文):Cheng-Chang Li
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of underwater laser drilling for brittle substrates
指導教授(外文):Chwan-Huei Tsai
外文關鍵詞:LCD glassAlumina substratesSilicon waferLaser drillingUnderwater drilling
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本文旨在探討脆性基板的雷射鑽孔技術,以水冷卻輔助方式來改善雷射鑽孔時所產生的缺點。本文所使用之雷射為CO2雷射和Nd:YAG雷射,實驗之材料為LCD玻璃、氧化鋁陶瓷及矽晶圓。水輔助冷卻係將試片完全浸於水下1mm處進行鑽孔。本文比較不同功率、頻率所獲得的鑽孔品質,發現 LCD玻璃基板和陶瓷基板在水下鑽孔,可以得到較好的鑽孔品質,並可改善無水輔助時所產生的裂紋、熔渣、再凝固等現象;矽晶圓在水下鑽孔雖然可以改善熔渣現象,但卻造成孔洞周圍會有明顯氣泡衝擊現象。本文並探討雷射循圓鑽孔和多孔鑽孔,發現有水輔助下LCD玻璃基板和陶瓷基板,可以成功加載循圓鑽孔和多孔鑽孔,並縮小多孔間距。本文同時以有限元素軟體ANSYS來進行雷射鑽孔的溫度場與應力場分析,包含有水輔助和無水輔助之比較,以瞭解其鑽孔品質改善之原因。
The aimed of this paper is to study the laser drilling technique with the water cooling-assistance for brittle substrates. The method can reduce the generation of the defects in the drilling hole relative to that of the conventional laser drilling in air. The lasers used were CO2 Laser and Nd:YAG Laser. The experimental materials were LCD Glass, alumina substrates, and silicon wafers. The substrates were immersed under water with a distance of 1mm. The quality of laser drilling for the laser parameters of power and frequency was studied. It can be found that the drilling quality of LCD glass and alumina substrate under water is much better than that from the conventional laser drilling. Underwater drilling could improve the phenomena created by non-water auxiliary technique, such as: micro-cracks and heat-affect-zone. Silicon wafer under water drilling could reduce the generation of molten slag; however, it triggered the bubble collapses around the hole. The under water drilling was applied to the trepanning single-hole drilling and matrix-hole drilling successfully. The minimum distance between the two neighbour holes that can be obtained is much shorter than that of drilling in air. The SEM photographs of the holes were obtained to analyze the drilling quality. Finally, the finite element software ANSYS was employed to calculate the temperature and stress distributions for the cases of laser drilling in air and under water.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
表錄 VII
圖錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 傳統雷射鑽孔技術 2
1.2.1 印刷電路板鑽孔 2
1.2.2 陶瓷鑽孔 3
1.2.3 玻璃鑽孔 3
1.3 水對雷射鑽孔的影響 5
1.4 本文目的 7
第二章 雷射鑽孔系統與量測方法 13
2.1 雷射鑽孔系統 13
2.1.1 CO2雷射系統 13
2.1.2 Nd:YAG雷射系統 14
2.1.3 雙軸定位平台 14
2.2 量測設備與方法 14
2.2.1 工具顯微鏡:孔形量測 15
2.2.2 掃描式電子顯微鏡:缺陷檢測 15
2.2.3 聲波放射感測器:鑽孔時間量測 15
2.3 冷卻系統 16
第三章 水下雷射鑽孔原理 22
3.1 試片材料 22
3.1.1 LCD玻璃基板 22
3.1.2 陶瓷基板 22
3.1.3 矽晶圓 23
3.2 傳統雷射鑽孔原理 23
3.2.1 衝擊鑽孔(percussion) 23
3.2.2 循圓式鑽孔(trepanning) 24
3.3 水下雷射鑽孔原理 24
3.3.1 水與雷射互動 24
3.3.2 水造成的冷卻效果 26
3.3.3 水排除熔渣之效果 26
第四章 LCD玻璃之雷射鑽孔實驗 35
4.1 雷射單孔鑽孔 35
4.1.1 鑽孔孔徑 35
4.1.2 鑽孔孔形 37
4.1.3 鑽孔錐度 38
4.2 雷射多孔鑽孔 40
4.3 循圓鑽孔 41
第五章 陶瓷基板之雷射鑽孔實驗 61
5.1 雷射單孔鑽孔 61
5.1.1 鑽孔孔徑 61
5.1.2 鑽孔孔形 63
5.1.3 鑽孔錐度 65
5.2 雷射多孔鑽孔 66
5.3 循圓鑽孔 67
第六章 矽晶圓之雷射鑽孔實驗 80
6.1 雷射單孔鑽孔 80
6.1.1 鑽孔孔徑 80
6.1.2 鑽孔孔形 82
6.1.3 鑽孔錐度 83
6.2 雷射多孔鑽孔 84
第七章 雷射鑽孔之有限元素分析 100
7.1 基本假設 100
7.2 LCD玻璃無水鑽孔孔徑分析 101
7.3 LCD玻璃水下鑽孔孔徑分析 101
7.4 LCD玻璃雙孔分析 102
第八章 結論 107
8.1 本文重要成果 107
8.2 未來研究方向 108
參考文獻 110
簡歷 113
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