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研究生(外文):Shin-Ling Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Moderating Effects of Situational Factors on Purchase Decisions - Referring to Digital Music Product as the Example
指導教授(外文):Kuang-Jung Tseng
外文關鍵詞:Product KnowledgeConsumption ValuesSituational FactorsDigital MusicConsumer Behavior
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在研究對象選取方面,以實體通路(一般唱片行)和虛擬通路(網路商店)皆可購得的數位音樂軟體商品之消費者為研究對象,而研究之商品選取方面以市面上主流的數位音樂軟體商品為主,有(1)CD音樂 (2)SACD音樂 (3)DVD音樂 (4)MP3音樂這四種數位音樂軟體商品,(其中XRCD音樂與HDCD音樂皆屬於CD音樂之相關產品故列為CD音樂),因考慮實體通路(一般唱片行)無法購得MP3音樂商品,所以本研究對象鎖定為購買自虛擬通路(網路商店)的消費者。本研究採網路通訊問卷調查法,透過不同的統計分析方法來探究各變數之間的關聯性與研究假設。

Ever since the invention of computer, the digitalization of information became an inevitable trend for the entire human civilization in the 20th Century. Digitalization influences deep into every layer of our lives. In the music industry, the products most often seen as a result of digitalization are CD (Compact Disc), SACD (Super Audio CD), DVD-Audio, and MP3, all of which differs from the analog storing method of information (music) in the conventional cassette and phonograph records. According to statistic reports done by the IDC, the global market demand for MP3 players reached twenty-five million units in the year 2004, and its compound annual growth rate is estimated to be 20% from 2004 to 2008, which comparatively surpassing that of the SACD, CD, and DVDA player markets. Hence, based on that information, this research seeks to analyze the domestic digital-music product market, and discover the possible factors that may affect customers’ selection decision.

This research has two purposes: the first one tries to analyze the consumer and the background of the digital-music product they chose/purchased with examining the variables of product knowledge, consumer value, situational factors, and basic demographics. The second purpose is to analyze the moderating effects of situational consideration on the purchase decisions, and makes it become a controllable factor. In addition, it is hoped that these findings will assist any sales-force in influencing customers’ behavior directly.
The research targets of this study were the customers who frequently purchase digital music software products in physical channel (brick-and-mortar) and the more recent virtual channel (online shops). The product choices for this research were the 4 mainstream digital music software: 1) CD music (includes XRCD and HDCD music) (2) SACD music 3) DVD music and 4) MP3 music. The fact that MP3 music product cannot be purchased in the physical channel (typical record stores) has been taken into consideration; hence this research was targeted at consumers who purchase from the virtual channel (online shops). Data were collected by using a questionnaire method of online survey, then various statistical tools were used to test the hypothesis and discover other relationships between these factors,

The research indicates that the accumulation of typical product knowledge is not influenced by background factors; the formation of specific product knowledge, however, is related to background factors. It has also been found that the formation of consumption value is affected by consumer’s product knowledge as well as situational influences, but excludes background factors. The final choice of digital music software selection for these customers is determined by the combined influence of product knowledge, consumption value, and situational factors. Situational factors, in particular, have a direct affect on purchase decision, and it also has moderating effects on consumption value and product knowledge during choice selection.





第一章 緒論--------------------------------------------------------------
第一節 研究背景與動機--------------------------------------------------------
第二節 研究目的----------------------------------------------------------------
第三節 研究流程----------------------------------------------------------------
第四節 研究範圍與限制-------------------------------------------------------
第五節 名詞解釋----------------------------------------------------------------
第二章 文獻探討--------------------------------------------------------
第一節 消費者行為------------------------------------------------------------- 17
第二節 消費者產品知識------------------------------------------------------- 19
第三節 消費價值觀------------------------------------------------------------- 26
第四節 情境因素---------------------------------------------------------------- 37
第三章 研究設計與實施-----------------------------------------------
第一節 研究架構---------------------------------------------------------------- 45
第二節 研究假設---------------------------------------------------------------- 46
第三節 變數之操作性定義與衡量------------------------------------------- 49
第四節 研究對象---------------------------------------------------------------- 56
第五節 研究工具---------------------------------------------------------------- 57
第六節 調查實施---------------------------------------------------------------- 60
第七節 資料處理---------------------------------------------------------------- 61
第四章 資料分析--------------------------------------------------------
第一節 問卷回收與樣本特性------------------------------------------------- 72
第二節 購買決策之卡方檢定------------------------------------------------- 74
第三節 產品知識形成之迴歸分析------------------------------------------- 79
第四節 購買決策之要因分析------------------------------------------------- 92
第五章 結論與建議-----------------------------------------------------
第一節 結論---------------------------------------------------------------------- 118
第二節 管理與實務之意涵---------------------------------------------------- 121
第三節 後續研究方向---------------------------------------------------------- 124

附錄一 前測問卷--------------------------------------------------------
附錄二 正式問卷--------------------------------------------------------
附錄三 研究變數之相關分析表--------------------------------------


表1-5-1 MP3音質表-------------------------------------------------------------- 8
表2-2-1 專家與新手之訊息處理模式比較表-------------------------------- 24
表3-3-1 消費者的基本屬性表-------------------------------------------------- 50
表3-3-2 消費者產品知識衡量構面與題項表-------------------------------- 51
表3-3-3 消費價值觀構面題項表----------------------------------------------- 54
表3-3-4 消費者情境因素構面題項表----------------------------------------- 56
表3-4-1 各款音樂商品樣本回收情形----------------------------------------- 57
表3-5-1 問卷發放和回收方式-------------------------------------------------- 57
表3-5-2 網路問卷調查法之優缺點-------------------------------------------- 58
表3-6-1 抽樣樣本數參考表----------------------------------------------------- 60
表3-7-1 消費價值觀重視因素主成份分析轉軸後之成份矩陣----------- 62
表3-7-2 消費價值觀重視因素主成份分析之結果-------------------------- 63
表3-7-3 消費價值觀量表之信度分析----------------------------------------- 64
表3-7-4 情境重視因素主成份分析轉軸後之成份矩陣-------------------- 66
表3-7-5 情境重視因素主成份分析之結果----------------------------------- 66
表3-7-6 情境因素量表之信效度分析----------------------------------------- 67
表3-7-7 試題鑑別力評鑑標準表----------------------------------------------- 69
表3-7-8 消費者產品知識鑑別度及難易度分析表-------------------------- 69
表3-7-9 消費者產品知識庫李信度分析表----------------------------------- 71
表4-1-1 樣本結構----------------------------------------------------------------- 72
表4-2-1 購買決策-CD音樂商品與人口統計變項之卡方檢定定------ 75
表4-2-2 購買決策-SACD音樂商品與人口統計變項之卡方檢定------ 76
表4-2-3 購買決策-DVD音樂商品與人口統計變項之卡方檢定------- 77
表4-2-4 購買決策-MP3音樂商品與人口統計變項之卡方檢定-------- 78
表4-3-1 背景變項對消費者產品知識累積之複迴歸分析

表4-3-2 消費者產品知識及情境因素對消費價值觀之複迴歸分析(一)(標準化迴歸係數)------------------------------------------------

表4-3-3 消費者產品知識及情境因素對消費價值觀之複迴歸分析(二)(標準化迴歸係數)------------------------------------------------

表4-3-4 消費者產品知識及情境因素對消費價值觀之複迴歸分析(三)(標準化迴歸係數)------------------------------------------------

表4-3-5 消費者產品知識及情境因素對消費價值觀之複迴歸分析(四)(標準化迴歸係數)------------------------------------------------

表4-4-1 購買決策-CD音樂商品之主效果邏輯迴歸分析--------------- 96
表4-4-2 購買決策-CD音樂商品之調節效果邏輯迴歸分析------------ 97
表4-4-3 購買決策-SACD音樂商品之主效果邏輯迴歸分析----------- 102
表4-4-4 購買決策-SACD音樂商品之調節效果邏輯迴歸分析-------- 103
表4-4-5 購買決策-DVD音樂商品之主效果邏輯迴歸分析------------- 108
表4-4-6 購買決策-DVD音樂商品之調節效果邏輯迴歸分析---------- 109
表4-4-7 購買決策-MP3音樂商品之主效果邏輯迴歸分析-------------- 114
表4-4-8 購買決策-MP3音樂商品之調節效果邏輯迴歸分析----------- 115
表5-1-1 研究假設驗證結果----------------------------------------------------- 118


圖1-3-1 研究流程圖--------------------------------------------------------------- 4
圖1-5-1 Belk的情境模型--------------------------------------------------------- 14
圖1-5-2 主觀認知說之情境模型------------------------------------------------ 15
圖1-5-3 Assael情境模式--------------------------------------------------------- 15
圖2-1-1 Kotler消費者行為模式------------------------------------------------- 19
圖3-1-1 研究架構圖--------------------------------------------------------------- 45
圖4-4-1 CD音樂商品購買決策架構圖---------------------------------------- 99
圖4-4-2 SACD音樂商品購買決策架構圖------------------------------------ 105
圖4-4-3 DVD音樂商品購買決策架構圖-------------------------------------- 111
圖4-4-4 MP3音樂商品購買決策架構圖-------------------------------------- 117

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