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Author (Eng.):Hsin-Sin Yang
Title (Eng.):Using Heterogeneous Catalytic Oxidation Processes for the Treatment of Landfill Leachate
Advisor:范煥榮范煥榮 author reflink
advisor (eng):Huan-Jung Fan
Narrow Field:工程學門
Detailed Field:環境工程學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:130
keyword (chi):掩埋場滲出水催化劑等溫吸附活性碳
keyword (eng):LandfillLeachateCatalystAdsorption isothermGAC
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  • Cited Cited :5
  • HitsHits:294
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摘 要
本研究分析台灣北部某垃圾掩埋場滲出水水質變化特性,並探討利用異相催化氧化法(FeGAC/H2O2、Nano Fe/H2O2與FeGAC/O3)處理垃圾掩埋場滲出水可行性。
滲出水水質分析內容包括COD、BOD、SS、TS、VSS、揮發性有機物(VOC)、有機物官能基、毒性試驗 (Microtox acute tests)與金屬(Pb、Ca、Cd、Hg、Cr、Cu、Fe、K、Mg、Mn、Na、Ni與Zn)等項目。分析結果顯示COD、BOD與SS平均值與範圍分別為8884 (3962-17670)、2435 (948-3663)與396 (88-717) mg/L。滲出水水質受季節影響甚大,其中以秋季時之有機物質濃度(COD與BOD)為最高。滲出水廠各單元滲出水之毒性甚高,未來應進一步加以探討。
實驗結果顯示,異相催化氧化程序對滲出水處理效率較單純使用GAC高約三倍。例如FeGAC/H2O2、Nano Fe/H2O2、FeGAC/O3與GAC之處理效率依序為74%、47%、61% 與22%。Intra-particle diffusion model可用來描述FeGAC/H2O2與FeGAC/O3處理程序。三種異相催化氧化法中以FeGAC/H2O2程序對實廠滲出水處理效率最佳,具發展潛力。

The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of a northern Taiwan’s landfill leachate and the feasibility of applying heterogeneous catalytic oxidation processes (FeGAC/H2O2, Nano Fe/H2O2 and FeGAC/O3) for the treatment of the leachate.
Parameters investigated in this research included contents of COD, BOD, SS, TS, VSS, VOC, functional groups, Microtox acute tests and metals (Pb, Ca, Cd, Hg, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni and Zn). The experimental results showed that average and range of COD, BOD and SS of landfill leachate were 8884 (3962-17670), 2435 (948-3663) and 396 (88-717) mg/L, respectively. Fall season had the highly organic contents (COD and BOD). The toxicities were relatively high in landfill leachate.
The experimental results indicated that the removal efficiency of heterogeneous catalytic oxidation processes is more efficient than using GAC alone. For example FeGAC/H2O2, Nano Fe/H2O2, FeGAC/O3 and GAC removal efficiencies were 74, 47, 61 and 22 %, respectively. The kinetic reaction data of FeGAC/H2O2 and FeGAC/O3 processes can fit well with Intra-particle diffusion model. The removal efficiency of FeGAC/H2O2 process is better than those of FeGAC/O3 and Nano Fe/H2O2 processes.

Keywords:Landfill, Leachate, Catalyst, Adsorption isotherm, GAC
目 錄
誌 謝.....................................................I
第一章 序論...............................................1
1-1 研究背景..............................................1
1-2 研究目的..............................................2
第二章 文獻回顧...........................................3
2-1 台灣地區垃圾處理方式..................................3
2-2 衛生掩埋場分佈........................................3
2-2-1 垃圾滲滲出水來源....................................8
2-2-2 垃圾滲出水的性質....................................8
2-2-3 影響垃圾滲出水性質因子.............................12
2-3 垃圾滲出水處理技術...................................13
2-3-1 生物程序...........................................13
2-3-2 物化程序...........................................15
2-3-3 高級氧化法.........................................16
2-4 異相催化氧化法.......................................19
2-4-1 異相催化氧化法反應機制.............................20
2-5 等溫吸附模式.........................................21
2-5-1 Freundlich Equation................................21
2-5-2 Langmuir Equation..................................22
2-5-3 Sips Equation......................................22
2-6 反應動力模式.........................................23
2-6-1 Generalized first order equation...................23
2-6-2 Pseudo-first-order equation........................24
2-6-3 Pseudo-second-order equation.......................24
2-6-4 Intra-particle diffusion model.....................25
2-6-5 Two box model......................................25
2-6-6 Sum of error squares (SSE).........................25
第三章 實驗設備與方法....................................27
3-2-2 測試廢水配製.......................................32
3-2-3 粒狀活性碳(GAC)....................................32
3-2-5奈米鐵配製(Nano Fe).................................32
3-3 實驗藥品.............................................34
3-3-1 覆膜氧化鐵觸媒藥品.................................34
3-3-2 奈米鐵配製藥品.....................................34
3-3-3 測試廢水藥品.......................................34
3-3-4 臭氧分析藥品.......................................34
3-3-5 總有機碳(Total organic carbon)分析儀藥品...........35
3-3-6 離子層析儀(Ion chromatography)分析儀藥品...........35
3-3-7 元素分析儀(Element analyzer)分析藥品...............35
3-3-8 傅立葉紅外線光譜儀(FT-IR spectrophotometer analyzer)分析藥品.................................................35
3-4 儀器分析方法.........................................36
3-4-1 分光光度計/UV spectrophotometer analyzer...........36
3-4-2 總有機碳分析儀/Total organic carbon analyzer.......36
3-4-3 酸鹼度計/pH meter analyzer.........................38
3-4-4離子層析儀/Ion chromatography analyzer..............38
3-4-5元素分析儀/Element analyzer.........................39
3-4-6氣相層析質譜儀/Gas chromatography/Mass analyzer.....40
3-4-7傅立葉紅外光譜儀/FT-IR spectrophotometer analyzer...41
3-4-8毒性分析儀/SDI M500 analyzer........................42
3-5-1 FeGAC/H2O2與Nano Fe/H2O2去除效率實驗(Removal efficiency)..............................................45
3-5-2 FeGAC/O3管柱實驗...................................45
3-5-3等溫吸附(Isotherm adsorption).......................49
第四章 結果與討論........................................50
4-1 滲出水廠處理效率.....................................50
4-1-1 滲出水廠水質特性分析...............................52
4-1-3 滲出水毒性試驗.....................................59
4-1-5 掩埋場滲出水水質特性分析...........................63
4-1-6 掩埋場滲出水元素分析...............................66
4-1-7 滲出水廠揮發性有機物成分...........................68
4-2 異相催化氧化法.......................................70
4-2-1 催化劑配製.........................................70
4-2-2 FeGAC/H2O2處理程序.................................73
4-2-3 Nano Fe/H2O2處理程序...............................78
4-2-4 FeGAC/O3處理程序...................................83
4-3-1 FeGAC/H2O2程序.....................................87
4-3-2 Nano Fe/H2O2程序...................................90
4-3-3 FeGAC/O3程序.......................................92
4-6-1 FeGAC/H2O2........................................106
4-6-2 FeGAC/O3..........................................112
4-6-3 Nano Fe/H2O2......................................117
第五章 結論與建議.......................................120
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